Top 10 Cobra Kai Characters Who Won the Most Fights

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Cobra-Kai-Characters-Who-Won-the-Most-Fights. For this list, we looked at every onscreen bout that took place in this karate universe up to season 5’s finale to estimate which living fighters on the show defeated the most people. If multiple people team up for a fight, they’ll split credit in half. In the case of ties, we looked at loss records to settle the score. And before we hit the mat, watch out for spoilers ahead. Did any of these records surprise you? Let us know in the comments below!
#10: Demetri Alexopoulos
Seven Wins, Three Losses
Despite being reluctant to learn karate at first, Demetri’s natural talent has given him a pretty decent resume in a short period of time. He’s taken down rival Cobra Kai fighters and tournament competitors with just the Miyagi-Do style alone. And after learning some of Eagle Fang’s techniques, Demetri had enough knowledge to keep up with a much more experienced fighter. Unfortunately, he has suffered crushing losses in and out of a tournament setting. The time he got his arm broken was a particularly rough defeat to watch. However, if Demetri keeps improving, he may have much better stats by the end of the series.
#9: Tory Nichols
Nine Wins*, Two Losses
Let’s address the Silver-shaped elephant in the room right away. Since he paid off a ref so she was guaranteed to win the All-Valley, a couple of her victories are seriously questionable. That controversial refereeing brings her true win count closer to 7. But outside of that competition, Tory can own every single one of her other bouts. She’s proved to be an explosive fighter that can completely dominate a fight in an instant. Tory’s unique blend of mixed martial arts and Cobra Kai makes her difficult to face off against. To date, her biggest obstacle has been her longtime rival Sam. Maybe the day will come when Tory beats one of the toughest foes she’s ever faced fair and square.
#8: John Kreese
Nine Wins, Four Losses
While Kreese has never quite been able to destroy a foe who knows Miyagi-Do karate, everyone else should definitely fear him. Before he was even formally trained, he was a scrappy brawler who refused to stay down. Kreese’s karate training overseas only made him more of a serious threat. Since his fighting style encourages students to be merciless, he will use absolutely any dirty trick or cheap shot he can to win a battle. This philosophy and his manipulative tactics ensured that he remained a dangerous force to reckon with long after he reached his youthful prime. Although his former friend and Cobra Kai recruit Terry doesn’t have quite as many genuine onscreen wins, the tall snake might catch up one day.
#7: Samantha LaRusso
Around 11 Wins, One* Loss
If it weren’t for a crooked ref, Sam would technically be undefeated onscreen.. Although she waited until season 2 to really demonstrate her skills, she more than made up for lost time. Sam has defeated both armed and bare handed opponents in street fights. Whenever she has to stick to the rules, her dojo can also count on her to deliver a win. Sam tends to pull off her most amazing work in tournaments. What makes her victories more impressive is the fact that she often outclasses tough opponents like Devon and Tory. Sam has not taken any shortcuts on her road to become a nearly unbeatable fighter.
#6: Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz
Twelve Wins, Four Losses
It’s hard to believe that there was ever a day where someone would dare to mess with Hawk. After enrolling in “Cobra Kai”, he became known for winning one-on-one’s in the most brutal ways. At first, Hawk mainly padded his win count with less experienced opponents. His choice to play on a slightly lower difficulty setting made it harder for him to beat foes like Sam or Miguel. However, Hawk was able to pivot, pick up Miyagi-Do lessons and achieve phenomenal success. He racked up a good number of tournament wins before taking the crown of All-Valley champ. Hawk’s victory count is bound to soar even higher at the rate he’s growing.
#5: Chozen Toguchi
Around 13 Wins, Two Losses
This Miyagi-Do sensei is unquestionably one of the most hardcore fighters around. His ruthless techniques allow him to easily subdue most opponents. And since Chozen is willing to kill his enemies, anyone on the wrong side of his fists better hope he’s feeling generous that day. Like Kreese, this hardened warrior has had trouble beating Miyagi-Do masters. But it’s hard to remember that when you see him destroy six senseis at once without breaking a sweat. Even if we were to count Terry’s dishonorable sword strike as a loss, Chozen’s record is still pretty strong. And if we ever get more flashbacks into his past, we’d probably confirm even more wins. The Miyagi-Do sensei takes his battles very seriously. Well, most of the time.
#4: Miguel Diaz
Sixteen Wins, Two Losses
Whenever Miguel gears up for a fight, it’s a pretty safe bet that he’s just going to walk away happy. His first professional tournament saw him go undefeated until the moment he was named the champion. Although Miguel got a severe injury, he rebounded as an even stronger fighter. His successful blend of multiple karate styles has allowed him to continue racking up wins against whoever thinks they’re tough enough to take on the champ. But despite his rivals’ best efforts, Miguel has never lost an official match against any of the show’s toughest young fighters. He just needs to get into a few more battles if he ever hopes to claim the top spot.
#3: Robert "Robby" Keene
Around 20 Wins, Six Losses
This tough karate teen loves to rush into situations where he has one or more huge disadvantages. That strategy has led him to endure some crushing losses. But even though he often punches above his weight class or gets outnumbered, he still has an impressive amount of wins. Robby’s taken out multiple Cobra Kais in one go, dominated tournament matches and humbled bigger opponents. All in all, he’s taken twenty people down. The only thing he hasn’t achieved is an official award-winning victory. A couple of Robby’s fiercest rivals have kept him from becoming the All-Valley champ for two consecutive years in a row. However, he still has more than enough skill to come back and take the title in the future.
#2: Daniel LaRusso
Around 21 Wins, Four Losses, One Draw
One of the most endearing qualities about Daniel Larusso is that he always picks himself up after a loss. Although multiple villains have initially gotten the best of him, he’s always managed to strike back and secure wins against anyone who’s kept him down. Outside of getting satisfying payback as a younger man, Daniel’s been nearly untouchable in his adult life. He’s wrecked everyone from hockey players to thieves while outnumbered and got away relatively unscathed. The Miyagi-Do man also managed to evenly match Johnny lawrence. And after Terry Silver knocked Daniel off balance, the hero showed the villain what a Miyagi-Do master could do. By the time season 5 ended, the former karate kid could proudly say he had over 20 wins under his belt.
#1: Johnny Lawrence
Twenty-Nine Wins, Four Losses, One Draw
The sheer fact that Johnny Lawrence has won two all-valley championships off screen would probably give him enough wins to secure the top spot. However, his hands have also been rated e for everyone outside of tournaments. It doesn’t matter if you’re an old mentor, young criminal, or seasoned Karate Sensei to Johnny. Trying to take him down will usually go very badly for you. While a few adults have knocked Johnny down a peg from time to time, he’s way too stubborn to accept that one defeat is the end. After all, he did fight his longtime rival Daniel Larusso to a stalemate in an extremely close match. The Eagle Fang sensei won't back down until you remember exactly why he’s a two-time champion.