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Top 10 Common Allergies

Top 10 Common Allergies
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script written by Nathan Sharp

Break out the tissues. Or the EpiPenm, for more serious cases. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 common allergies.
For this list, we're looking at those allergies that seem most troubling around the world, whether it innocently makes you sniffle or proves to be potentially life threatening.

Special thanks to our users Giancarlo Leo, Kevin Lemenager and meekez01 for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
Script written by Nathan Sharp

#10: Shellfish / Seafood

We hate to say that those of you allergic to seafood are missing out, but... A shellfish allergy stems from the body’s adverse reaction to various proteins found in a mixture of seafaring animals, including crabs, shrimps, oysters, and scallops. Although they’re certainly delicious, they can prove mildly irritating to some, with symptoms including nasal congestion or dizziness, among others. More severe indicators can include airway constriction and loss of consciousness. Severity varies from person to person, and some may be allergic to certain types of shellfish and not others. The body is weird.

#9: Bee / Insect Stings

You know how your skin puffs up and gets itchy after a bee sting? Yes, that’s technically an allergic reaction coming from the bee venom, and it can be extremely dangerous to some. Reactions typically remain at the site of the sting, and many people experience annoyances like swelling, redness, pain, or itching. While most of us will just wait it out, others are not so lucky. Some experience a swollen tongue, intense vomiting, and even anaphylaxis, which could lead to death. Count yourself lucky the next time you’re simply itching an annoying bite.

#8: Penicillin

Penicillin is a group of antibiotics derived from a type of fungus used to treat various bacterial infections, including scarlet fever and pneumonia. While most of the world benefits from this amazing discovery, roughly 0.03% of the world’s population experiences severe reactions to the drug. When the body overreacts to the antibiotics, common mild symptoms include rashes, hives, and itchy eyes, but can go as extreme as an anaphylactic reaction or blue skin. This is typically treated with an epinephrine shot, or even antihistamines inserted directly into the body via an IV.

#7: Eggs

Whether you try them fried, scrambled, or even raw like Rocky, sometimes there’s no escaping the annoying egg allergy. Egg allergiesusually stem from the body’s adverse reaction to the significant amounts of protein found in egg whites and yolks. It is one of the mostcommon food allergies, with as many as 2% of children in America suffering from it. Fortunately, most will outgrow the allergy by the time they’re 16. The majority will simply have mild symptoms like a rash or stomach pain. Some may experience anaphylactic shock, but this is much less common.

#6: Wheat

A wheat allergy is a tricky thing, as wheat is found in so many different types of foods and beverages, including bread, beer, and even soy sauce and some brands of ketchup. While a wheat allergy is often confused with celiac disease, they are not the same. Those with the disease suffer from an intolerance to a specific protein in wheat called gluten, while allergic reactions stem from the different types of proteins. It is one of the top eight food allergies in the United States, and symptoms range from a headache to difficulty breathing.

#5: Cats / Animal Dander

While most of the world continues to argue about cats vs. dogs, some are unlucky enough that they can never even consider getting either due to allergies. Some estimate that 10% of people in the United States suffer from some form of animal allergy, and cats are twice as likely to be the culprits than dogs. Cat allergies come from a protein in the cat’s saliva, urine, and flakes of skin, otherwise known as dander. Most allergic reactions are harmless, like itchy eyes and sneezing, but it’s nevertheless annoying, especially when you find the critters so darn cute.

#4: Dust Mites

Most of us will cough or sneeze while dusting, but that is not the same as a dust mite allergy, which is actually much more disgusting than it sounds. Dust mites are tiny little creatures, similar to ticks, which live in common household dust. They eat the skin cells shed by humans and proceed to...lay waste in the dust. Those allergic to dust mites are actually allergic to their poo. While most will simply be bothered by a runny nose and sneezing, severe symptoms can resemble asthma, including nasal congestion and wheezing. Better break out the Swiffer.

#3: Dairy Products

A large variety of foods and beverages fall into the category of dairy products, including cheese and milk. Among infants and young children, a milk allergy is the most common food allergy, affecting about 2.5% of children under three. A dairy allergy differs from lactose intolerance. An intolerance doesn’t include the immune system like an allergy does. In addition, lactose intolerance may include simple bloating and gas, but a dairy allergy may cause much more severe symptoms, including vomiting and anaphylaxis. This allergy is made even more difficult due to the presence of dairy products in seemingly innocent products like store-bought caramel or protein powders.

#2: Pollen

Pollen is a word that most of us fear, especially come early spring when the flowers begin to bloom. For those, spring doesn’t mean sunshine and green grass, but tissues and sneezing. A fine powder originating from trees, grass, and flowers, pollen travels through the air. When we inhale this annoying substance, the symptoms break out, including the aforementioned sneezing as well as watery eyes, and itchy throat. This is by far one of the most common allergies, with over 17 million adult Americans and more than 6 million children being treated for hay fever in 2012.

Before we get to our most annoying allergy, here are a few honorable mentions.


#1: Nuts / Tree Nuts / Peanuts

By far one of the most common and dangerous allergies around the world, nuts can be a delicious snack to some but a deadly food choice for others. Many schools today are now “nut free,” meaning that no traces of nuts are allowed anywhere on school grounds. We must specify however that a tree nut allergy is different from a peanut allergy as they are different types of dietary substances (as tree nuts are hard-shelled fruits and peanuts are legumes). Regardless, peanuts are one of the most common foods that result in anaphylactic shock and even death. Approximately three million people are allergic to nuts and peanuts in the United States, and the number of children living with peanutallergies tripled between 1997 and 2008. So, save your PB&J for home.

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