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Top 10 Pranks

Top 10 Pranks
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script written by Max Lett

Got some spare time and don't care about your reputation? Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 pranks. For this list, we're taking a look at all those classic, somewhat harmless and always hilarious practical jokes that you can use to mess with your pals.

Special thanks to our user roxy for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
Script written by Max Lett

#10: All Sewed Up

Got a needle, some thread and friends who still think it’s okay to hang out with you? Well here’s a little trick that’ll send those chumps packing. First, gather up all their coats. And, while you’re at it, don’t be shy about going through their underwear drawers, because that isn’t weird – no matter what your psychologist says. Now, pull out your trusty sewing machine and get cracking: sew the cuffs of the coats together so they can’t get their hands through the sleeves and sew up the legs of their underwear. Then sit back and watch as those bridges burn.

#9: Hairdryer Powder Keg

Do you cohabitate with someone of the female persuasion? If your time on the throne is cut short by the winds of the hairdryer here’s a surefire trick to reclaim your much needed toilet time: Just fill the hairdryer with your favorite baby powder or nasal party confetti. Set it gently in its usual resting spot and wait for your soon-to-be-ex to get out of the shower. Suddenly the bathroom is a wall-to-wall powder mess and your victim is scrambling blindly for murderous vengeance. If she has a car, fill her defroster vents with powder too, while you’re at it.

#8: Urine Trouble

Nothing makes a sleepover quite as fun and memorable as someone wetting themselves. Just dip your former friend’s hand in some water – room temperature, naturally – wait a few hours and watch as traumatizing flashbacks of childhood inadequacy render them a gibbering mess. It doesn’t have to be at a slumber party; maybe you have a roommate who ate your cheese or a family member who called you fat. The ol’ “make them wet the bed” trick can be done anywhere, at any time and the fun doesn’t stop there: you’ll have hours of entertainment watching them drag their soaking, useless mattress to the curb.

#7: Rude Awakening

This next prank isn’t exactly destructive, but it’s still a kicker when done right. Wait till some poor punk falls asleep near you, spray some shaving cream into their hand – gently so as not to disturb them and incur their sleep wrath. Then, tickle their nose ever so slightly. Watch and laugh as they slap themselves with a palm full of frothy cream. For those of you who don’t find it funny unless someone is in pain or something’s on fire, squeeze a little lemon juice into that glob of shaving cream; that’ll teach those fools to sleep comfortably in your presence.

#6: TP Tinsel

This one is an oldie but a goodie. All you need is a bunch of toilet paper rolls, someone’s house and a couple of friends. You probably don’t have any friends though because you do this kind of stuff and no one likes you. That’s okay; it’ll just take a little longer. Now let fly and festoon the victim’s house with ribbon after ribbon of beautiful white toilet paper. If they aren’t home and you have a few hours to kill make sure there isn’t one square inch that isn’t absolutely covered with the stuff.

#5: Sweet (& Salty) Satisfaction

You know how eating with family or friends is so boring? Don’t you just wish something would happen to liven up the festivities? Well wish no more: all you need is right there in the kitchen. Some salt, some sugar and the secret? Just switch ‘em up. Now be careful not to add any of these things to your own food because that would be really lame. But you’re not lame. You know who is? Your friends. Watch as they cover their fries with sweet sugary goodness. For added effect, go ahead and unscrew the shaker so it all comes pouring out.

#4: Golden Showers

If you’ve done any of these pranks right, then your loved ones know it isn’t safe to sleep, eat or leave their houses unattended. But maybe those suckers thought it was okay to go to the bathroom. Wrong. You can find the tools for this caper in your kitchen. Just stretch some clear plastic wrap over the toilet. The next time anyone uses the bathroom they’re going to find themselves in a smelly yellow downpour of their own making. The great part about this prank is the cleanup afterwards because if you did it right, their clothes will be soaked and so will the bathroom.

#3: The Flaming Bag

What to do with all those unsightly dog turds lying all over the place? Well, the answer is right here. Scoop that bad boy up and put it in a paper bag. Not a plastic bag! We can’t stress this enough. Now find someone you don’t like or even better, a friend, and set your package down on their doorstep. Light that baby on fire; ring the doorbell and watch as they ruin perfectly good shoes in an effort to prevent a swirling inferno. Make sure you’ve run away before they answer the door or it could lead to some awkward questions.

#2: Whoopeeeeeee! Cushion

You’re a respectable person with a finely honed sense of humor and you know that the height of comedy is and will always be the sound of someone farting. The only problem is you aren’t always gassy enough to produce said comedic tune. Well this problem was solved long ago. With the whoopee cushion, you can not only fill the room with those hilarious trumpet sounds but you can also humiliate your friends by making it appear as though they’ve passed gas. Just set a cushion down wherever someone might sit and wait for them to become the butt of a classic prank.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Can’t Catch This
- Short Sheet the Bed
- Change Glued to the Ground

#1: Prank Calls

Well, you’re back home after a tiring day of pulling pranks and losing friends. What can you do from the comfort of your own bed that would really annoy someone? Grab your phone, friend, because you’re about to ruin someone’s night. Pick a random number out of the phone book, or block your own number and call a friend. You now have as many options as you have wacky voices. Pretend to be an angry ex-lover, a perverted weirdo or say you’re the police and there’s been a horrible accident involving your victim’s loved ones. Whatever you choose, the outcome will definitely be entertaining.

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