Top 10 Craziest Challenges MrBeast Has Done

#10: I Bought Everything In a Store
This is the type of video that made MrBeast so famous. Spending thousands of dollars? Check. Giving to charity? Yep. Confusing the employees of a random store? You betcha. And buying literally everything from said store? Of course! The location is Save A Lot Food Stores, and the gang winds their way through every aisle grabbing everything and anything they can. They buy food for families in need, pet food for animal shelters, and they even approach random strangers and pay for their items. In the end, the shelves were left completely barren, and MrBeast received a massive paper bill that stretched dozens of feet and totalled just under $70,000.
#9: I Put 10 Million Legos in Friend’s House
For this video, Jimmy showed up at Bailey and Jake’s house with boxes upon boxes of Lego. As he explains in the opening, the dozens of boxes each contain about 100,000 pieces of Lego. And what does he do with all these Legos? He puts them inside the house, of course. But it’s not just Lego. Various rooms were also filled with sticky notes, plastic ball pit balls, balloons, and box fans. The work that went into this video is extraordinary, and while it’s not like they were swimming in Lego, the sight of the floor littered with colorful blocks is both visually pleasing and utterly hilarious. Still, we wouldn’t want to clean that up.
#8: Spending 24 Hours Straight Under Water Challenge
It’s not all goofing around with friends and giving away food. Sometimes, MrBeast goes full “Jackass” and does something really stupid and dangerous. In this video, Jimmy attempted to sit underwater for a full 24 hours. He sat at the bottom of a backyard pool with some type of bucket contraption that allowed him to breathe. Unfortunately, things proved a little too dangerous. Jimmy went into the water around 11:30 AM and was forced to emerge about 12 hours later upon feeling extremely seasick. As a pained Jimmy succinctly puts it at the end of the video, “This was a horrible idea”. Yeah, but then again, all the best physical challenges are!
#7: Going Through the Same Drive-Thru 1,000 Times
MrBeast is unrivaled when it comes to creativity and devotion. It’s what makes the channel so popular. In this bizarre video, Jimmy, Chandler, and Chris go through the same Hardee’s drive thru 1,000 times. That includes ordering from the same people, buying a bunch of different items and racking up a substantial bill, and endlessly driving in circles. Chris was showing hesitation after just three go-rounds, and by 230 Chandler’s hand began to go numb. Everyone was over it by 900, including the employees. Luckily, the gang proved victorious in a brilliant bit of perseverance and dedication.
#6: Playing Battleship With Real Ships
The video description reads “This is 100% the best thing we have ever done”. It’s certainly up there, thrillingly showing off the type of wild, childhood imagination that only MrBeast can pull off. As the title depicts, the video sees Ethan and Bailey facing off in a real game of Battleship. The two men play with standard Battleship boards while miniature boats sit in a nearby pond. When someone lands a hit, the boat explodes in a concussive burst of smoke and flying debris. It’s a great bit of fun, mixing a classic game with explosions. You can’t go wrong with that combination.
#5: Would You Sit In Snakes for $10,000?
Despite the title of the video, this one contains far more than sitting in a pit of snakes. For the titular challenge, Jimmy asks various people to sit in a bathtub full of live, slithering snakes for a chance to win their mothers $10,000. Chandler immediately bails, but Chris manages to pull it off. The rest of the video serves as a mini barrage of silly challenges. They include grabbing cash covered in cockroaches, laying with a tarantula for thirty seconds, and doing as many push-ups as possible. It’s like a greatest hits of creative ideas, each fun enough to fill a couple of minutes but not deep enough to warrant its own video.
#4: I Filled My Brother’s House With Slime & Bought Him a New One
This is exactly like the Lego video, only taken to ridiculous extremes. For this one, Jimmy fills his brother’s house with elephant’s toothpaste, a type of rapidly expanding foam made from hydrogen peroxide, soap, yeast, and warm water. They filled the house with barrels upon barrels of elephant’s toothpaste with the help of Mark Rober, resulting in a scene straight out of a disaster movie. The foam fills entire rooms and shoots out of any opening it can find - including the chimney! It’s one of the funniest outcomes in a MrBeast video, and one we would have loved to see in person.
#3: World’s Largest Bowl of Cereal
It makes for a great thumbnail and an even better video. That, of course, is the world’s largest bowl of cereal. Jimmy and the crew fill a 2,000 gallon bowl with powdered milk and expired cereal and proceed to launch a challenge. Chris, Chandler, Jake, and Jimmy all pick random people to sit inside the bowl of cereal, and the last person to leave wins $10,000. They are provided essentials like food and water, but they are not allowed to leave the bowl for any reason. All the predictable problems arise, like exhaustion, boredom, and having to go to the bathroom inside the bowl of cereal. The winner, Scotch, ended up spending 20 hours inside the bowl.
#2: I Spent 50 Hours Buried Alive
The underwater challenge was probably the dumbest and most dangerous thing that MrBeast has ever done. Until this. For this video, Jimmy was buried inside a glass coffin and attempted to spend 50 hours under hundreds of pounds of dirt. He was provided some essentials to make the challenge just a little bit easier and more comfortable, including a mattress, snacks and water, and bottles for urination. Despite the cozy amenities, the challenge proved a little too daunting. While Jimmy was successful, it came at the expense of his physical and mental comfort. When he finally emerged amid tears of gratitude he had a horrible headache, was starving, and reportedly smelled terrible.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
I Survived 24 Hours Straight in Ice
A Classic Challenge in the Vein of David Blaine
Surprising My Girlfriend With 100,000 Roses for Valentine’s Day
A Sweet Video That Combines MrBeast’s Childish Extravagance with Heartfelt Love
I Ate $100,000 Golden Ice Cream
The Crew Eat Expensive Food, Including $5,000 Mac and Cheese & a $50,000 Steak
Last to Leave Roller Coaster Wins $20,000
A Sickening Challenge That Horrifically Captures the Nausea
#1: I Put 100 Million Orbeez in My Friend’s Backyard
These types of videos are always great for a laugh, and this is the greatest and most entertaining one of them all. In fact, this currently stands as MrBeast’s most popular video, with nearly 135 million views as of August 2021. Jimmy and the crew bring one hundred boxes of Orbeez to his friend’s house, filling the entire backyard with 100 million balls. The results are both colorful and wickedly satisfying, as both the pool and the ground are absolutely covered, resulting in a smooth plane of eye-popping Orbeez. It’s pure fun, embodying a glorious sense of childish imagination that can only be brought to life with lots and lots of money.