Top 10 Darkest Inventions Rick Has Ever Made

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the most disturbing and awful inventions devised by Rick Sanchez on “Rick and Morty.” Naturally, since some of these creations are plot-important, there will be spoilers ahead! Is there a grisly Rick device that was erased from our memories? Remind us in the comments, Stone Cold Steve Austin!
#10: Beth’s Toys
“The ABC's of Beth”
Rick is a pretty terrible person, as most of these inventions can attest. And some of it has to be genetic, with Beth being the prime example. While arguing over Rick’s failures as a parent in the garage, Rick shows his daughter a box full of “toys” that she asked him to create for her. Nearly all of them are either weapons or tools to facilitate violent or criminal acts. Although the idea that Beth wanted these things is disturbing enough, the fact that Rick thought it was okay to make them for her is even more unsettling!
#9: Heistotron
“One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty”
Rick despises heist movies, yet to get back at a “heisting expert”, he creates a robot named Heistotron. However, predictably, Heistotron double crosses him. The heisting robot goes on to heist entire planets, including extracting their cores - resulting in billions of deaths and undelivered pizzas. As if that wasn’t upsetting enough, it’s eventually revealed that Rick devised Heistotron to get Morty to give up on his dreams of writing a heist script to spend more time with him. Rick essentially built a machine to commit mass destruction by proxy in the name of manipulating his grandson!
#8: Memory Eraser
Rick can basically do anything with technology, so it should come as no surprise that he’s made a device that can erase memories from someone’s mind. He most frequently uses this device on Morty. While sometimes this is at Morty’s request, when the trauma of their bizarre adventures gets to be too much, it’s just as often done by Rick to manipulate Morty or to erase a mistake on his part from his grandson’s memory. It’s disturbing that Rick regularly and routinely controls what his family does and does not remember, even if it’s sometimes for their own good.
#7: Decoy Families
Despite how screwed up he is, Rick does care about his family. Enough to put in place a failsafe to protect them. To that end, he creates a decoy family to divert threats away from them. Unfortunately, his decoy family has the same idea - as does the decoy’s decoys, and so on and so on! Even more distressingly, many of these decoys decide to go on a killing spree, and are willing to kill as many of their fellow decoys as they can, regardless of the collateral damage to everyone around them. Even when Rick tries to protect his family, the result is a global disaster!
#6: Space Cruiser A.I.
Rick’s space cruiser car is loaded with deadly weapons. As dangerous as it is on its own, the in-built artificial intelligence is arguably its most vicious feature. Rick’s car is capable of some truly twisted and deplorable acts of violence. There are many incidents to choose from, but possibly the most infamous is the “keep Summer safe” incident. When charged with protecting Summer, the car dices would-be intruders into pieces and removes their ability to walk. But most haunting of all is when the car reanimates a soldier’s child temporarily to warn him away. Bruce Chutback said it best:
#5: Love Potion & “Cure”
“Rick Potion #9”
To win over his crush Jessica, Morty begs Rick to make him a love potion. The fact that it doesn’t take much convincing for Rick to create what is essentially a roofie for Morty is greatly concerning, though not nearly as much as its effects. As it turns out, Jessica has the flu, which causes her to spread its effects to her classmates, and eventually to the rest of the planet. Rick’s attempts at a cure are even worse though. First, he transforms the victims into hideous mantis creatures - who still want Morty. Take two is even more horrific, as Earth’s population, minus Morty’s blood relations, become terrifying monsters nicknamed Cronenbergs. Both Rick’s mistaken creation and his solutions to it cause apocalyptic level events!
#4: Place-Saving Device
“The Vat of Acid Episode”
Speaking of Morty convincing Rick to invent things, after rejecting his stupid Vat of Acid scheme, Morty negs Rick into creating a save point device, like from a video game. Rather than listen to the science behind it, Morty sets about using the device as a seemingly infinite do-over, to essentially do whatever he wants. He eventually learns that everything has consequences - but it turns out to be more than he knows. Rick reveals that the device merely shifts Morty into new realities, killing the Morty of that dimension. While Rick manages to finagle it so that none of the Mortys actually die permanently, it’s still a grisly thing for him to do - and for such a petty reason!
#3: Microverse Battery
“The Ricks Must Be Crazy”
The fact that Rick has created a miniature universe is impressive. What he’s done with it after that is more horrifying though. After a planet with intelligent life on it develops within it, Rick gave the people their technology which would power their world, but also his car. In fact, mostly his car. As Morty points out, it’s basically slavery with extra steps. Trouble arises for Rick when scientists both on that world, and in the miniverse within the microverse create similar technologies. And rather than Rick learning a lesson, he mostly threatens his enslaved creations with death unless they continue supplying power to him. Yikes!
#2: The Omega Device
A version of Rick, Rick Prime, killed our Rick’s wife, Diane. Except, he didn’t kill just our Rick’s Diane - he killed them all! He did so across every universe, using a device most Ricks call the Omega Device. Rick Prime has created multiple versions of the superweapon, with the second version killing all of Rick’s avuncular friend, Slow Mobius. While Rick and Evil Morty are able to stop Rick Prime from using it on anyone else, the latter now has the schematics to build another one. So…the show’s most effective villain has one of the most heinous fictional weapons ever conceived! Surely, that won’t come up again!
#1: Dimensional Time Loop
As we said, the death of Rick’s wife really made him distraught. When he’s forced to return to his home dimension, we see just how much. Although his creation of an A.I. with her voice meant to haunt him is dark enough, it’s what he did to the rest of his dimension that takes the cake. As one of his neighbors reveals, Rick trapped his world, and possibly his whole dimension, in a time loop on the day of his wife’s death. Rick forced countless people to relive the day of his trauma, all while aging naturally, and making his neighbor and many others yearn for it all to end! There’s cruel and unusual, and then there’s this!