Top 10 Dumbest Decisions in Power Rangers

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the dumbest, most boneheaded choices made by the multicolored teens with attitude and their allies. If you’ve never seen these smooth-brained decisions, expect spoilers ahead. What do YOU think was the Rangers’ dumbest move? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Leaving the Team Over a Silly Secret
“Power Rangers Super Samurai” (2012)
Throughout the “Samurai” seasons, Jayden had been plagued with keeping a dark secret from his teammates -that secret being that his sister Lauren was the true Red Ranger. The minute his big secret is revealed… He decides he must leave the team. Except, no one was really bothered by this secret aside from HIM. He didn’t HAVE to keep it from them… he just chose to for reasons that aren’t exactly clear. Then he claims leaving is for the good of the team, but all it really does is ostracize his sister and hurt his friends. While you can admire the team’s loyalty to Jayden, poor Lauren was alienated from everyone all because Jayden made a big deal out of nothing.
#9: Believing Lothor
“Power Rangers Ninja Storm” (2003)
The Thunder Rangers were undeniably two of the Wind Rangers’ biggest challenges. But how did the two Rangers become servants to the evil Lothor? Normally, a Ranger has to be brainwashed to join the forces of evil, but the only reason Blake and Hunter joined Lothor was their own youthful gullibility. Lothor attacked the brothers’ school and tricked them into thinking that the Wind Rangers’ sensei killed their parents… when really, to no one’s surprise, it was Lothor all along. It’s shocking that anyone could fall for one of Lothor’s lies - ESPECIALLY after he laid waste to their school. Lothor isn’t exactly the king of subtlety, boys.
#8: Trent Lying to His Teammates
“Power Rangers Dino Thunder” (2004)
After being controlled by the White Dino Gem’s corrupted influence, Trent is finally free to fight ALONGSIDE the Rangers instead of against them. Unfortunately, even after earning their trust, he still chose to keep one major secret from them – that his adoptive father is Mesogog. On the one hand, we sympathize with the awkward position he was put in while trying to protect his father and prove himself as a Ranger. On the other hand, Trent had to jump through hoops to redeem himself to the others and didn’t trust THEM enough with this secret when they could’ve helped. Thankfully, Trent was able to make amends with the others, but it just goes to show how fragile trust can be.
#7: Destroying the Dark Energem
“Power Rangers Dino Super Charge” (2016)
In the “Dino Super Charge” season finale, the Earth is trapped, and the only way to save it is to put an end to the Dark Energem once and for all. Their plan succeeds, but it has horrific consequences – it creates a black hole that ultimately destroys the Earth. That is already infuriating to watch… but somehow it only gets dumber from here. Their solution to fix all this – travel back in time, which creates a space-time paradox that results in the dinosaurs no longer being extinct… no, we’re not kidding. We’re not surprised fans weren’t very kind to this Season finale, as the whole concept wasn’t the brightest decision on the writers’ part.
#6: Creating the Sporix
“Power Rangers Dino Fury” (2021-22)
With the Sporix on the loose, Zayto is determined to put an end to their threat. Unfortunately, this is mostly out of guilt. Millions of years ago, Zayto’s people -the Rafkonians- created the Sporix as a means of defending themselves against evil. Zayto’s closest friend, Aiyon, warned him that the Sporix were dangerous…. But Zayto didn’t listen. Instead, he allowed the Sporix to be unleashed, and they devastated Rafkon before setting their sights on Earth. While he had no part in their creation, Zayto’s poor judgment allowed a deadly menace to cause chaos across the universe -and nearly ruined one of his closest friendships. Fortunately, Zayto has a whole team behind him to help right these wrongs.
#5: Project Venjix
“Power Rangers RPM” (2009)
Having been trapped in the corrupt Alphabet Soup facility since she was young, Dr. K was desperate to escape. Her ultimate escape plan? Project Venjix – a self-aware computer virus. She only meant to use it to take down the facility, but Venjix ended up spreading across the globe, eventually enslaving the entire world. While it’s easy to blame Dr. K for creating Venjix, she wouldn’t have done any of this if Alphabet Soup hadn’t robbed her of her childhood; at least she went out of her way to try to fix her mistake. Sadly, history would repeat years later in “Beast Morphers” when Nate’s tampering evolves Venjix into Evox.
#4: Trying to Revive Zordon
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always” (2023)
Zordon sacrificed himself to save the entire universe from the forces of evil. But in the 30th anniversary special, “Once & Always,” Billy thinks he’s found a way to revive his deceased mentor. Unfortunately, his plan backfires and instead brings Rita Repulsa back from the dead, and she’s not pulling any punches this time as she effortlessly kills Trini with one insidious spell. The worst part of all this – in the end, Billy hints that he might try to revive Zordon again… even though his first attempt got one of his dearest friends murdered. While his intentions were true, sometimes you just need to know when enough is enough -especially when the risks are too high.
#3: ‘Testing’ the Rangers
“Power Rangers Wild Force” (2002)
It turns out that the Rangers’ new human friend Kite was really the ancient God-like Megazord, Animus… and he is not pleased with how humanity has been treating the Earth. He takes his anger out on the Rangers by taking their Wildzords away. Overreacting, much? Actually, it turns out this was all a test to prove the Rangers’ devotion to protecting the Earth. Except, the Rangers have shown time and time again how dedicated they were to the cause - so really… Animus threw this fake temper tantrum and inconvenienced our heroes for no reason other than to show what an almighty jerk he truly is?! Some lessons really aren’t worth learning.
#2: Taking Antonio’s Morpher Away
“Power Rangers Samurai” (2011)
Even though he wasn’t born into the Samurai lifestyle like the other Rangers, Antonio was passionate about joining them as the Gold Ranger. And yet, at first, Mentor Ji just callously says Antonio isn’t ready and takes his morpher away. And what’s Ji’s so-called wisdom for why Antonio can’t join them? …because he wasn’t formally trained as a Samurai. Never mind that he trained himself as a warrior, programmed his own morpher, and wiped the floor with a Nighlok on his very first day on the job. He’s totally a liability… except, no he’s not. Thankfully, Antonio’s welcomed on the team in the end, but is it any wonder Ji’s considered one of the worst mentors?
#1: Taking Magic for Granted
“Power Rangers Mystic Force” (2006)
While the Mystic Force Rangers have gotten better at using their magic, they’ve become lazy and overly dependent on it to the point that they’d rather use magical shortcuts than actually fight. Unfortunately, this over-reliance backfires in a major way when one of their shortcuts allows the Morlocks to turn the world into a colorless nightmare. Darkness rules all, the good magic is wiped out, but the Rangers retain their memories of before the dark wish. In a twisted way, it’s a fitting punishment seeing as this wouldn’t have happened if the Rangers didn’t take their magic for granted. That’s arugably worse than losing a fight – living with the knowledge that your own laziness cost you everything you held dear.