Top 10 Frozen Theories That Might Be True - Trailer Breakdown

#10: Climate Change Will Play a Role
It seems a little on the nose, but hear us out; this wouldn’t be the first time Disney tried to present a cautionary tale through the lens of fantasy. 2008’s “WALL-E” is over a decade old, yet presents a future that seems more and more plausible, where the Earth is unfit for human inhabitants, and comfort and convenience have left the population complacent and lazy. Given that we see some figures made out of the elements in the latest “Frozen” trailer, and they look quite hostile, perhaps they’re rebelling against the humankind that seems to take them for granted. It’d be quite the switch-up to cast our heroes - and even us - in the villain role, as those who don’t do enough to care for the world around us.
#9: Connections to Rapunzel
Now this one is partly us wanting all Disney movies to be connected, but here are the facts: Rapunzel and Eugene made a small cameo before Elsa’s coronation, which means that Arendelle and Corona are at least friendly. Also, both worlds have magical elements where our heroines are born with abilities. Perhaps Elsa’s understanding of where her powers come from leads her to consult her relatives - maybe, like, a cousin from a neighboring kingdom? There’s also the very popular theory that Elsa and Anna’s parents were on their way to Raps and Eugene’s wedding when they met their unfortunate fate, but didn’t in fact die, instead landing on shore with a newborn son who turned out to be the king of the jungle. Yeah, okay, Tarzan’s probably not Anna and Elsa’s little brother, but we can dream.
#8: The Trolls Are Villains
Call us skeptics, but there’s something those trolls aren’t telling us. At the outset, we see that the trolls have incredible power and are able to manipulate/alter people’s minds; not to mention the fact that we’re pretty sure they kidnapped Kristoff and Sven. Should we not be questioning whether they altered other characters’ minds? Reddit user gmarquezp brought up that perhaps Hans, the big bad of 2013’s “Frozen,” might not have been acting of his own accord. During “Fixer Upper,” the trolls decide that Kristoff and Anna should be together, so they opt to “get the fiance out of the way.” Uh… But think about it; Hans seemed quite taken with Anna after their first meeting when he had no one around he needed to “fool,” and was pretty heroic until… after “Fixer Upper.”
#7: Prince Hans’ Return
Speaking of the Prince of the Southern Isles, Santino Fontana is confirmed to be back to lend his voice in the sequel, so we’ll be seeing Hans again. It would be awfully disappointing to either bring Hans back for a short scene, or to see him back to his old ways since we’ve seen that before. It’d be quite the shift for Disney to give a villain a redemption arc, especially because of their dependence on surprise villains as of late. Maybe on their quest North, Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, Olaf, and Sven have to take a detour to Hans’ kingdom, and he ends up helping them? You know what? Just give Santino another song and we’ll be happy.
#6: A Wedding
Even though Hans turned out to not be Anna’s happily ever after, she and Kristoff have been going strong every time we’ve seen them since 2013. Maybe a nice way to cap off the second film would be a big wedding for the two of them. Just think of the dress! The last animated Disney wedding we got was Rapunzel and Eugene’s, so it’s high time we got another one! With Sven as Best Man, or Reindeer, and Elsa as Maid of Honor, and Olaf as officiant - because of COURSE he would be - it would be the stuff of dreams.
#5: Spring Sister
“Frozen” was devoted to Elsa’s journey of self-acceptance, so it’s time our girl Anna got her day in the sun. We’ve learned not to assume anything in a Disney movie, and that means we shouldn’t rule out the possibility that both sisters have elemental abilities. Anna’s color palette has always been warmer than her sister’s, and the theme of her thawing at the first film’s climax makes us think Anna could have spring abilities that haven’t been discovered yet. Some theorize that “Frozen” will turn into a quadrilogy, with each film covering a season. With the 2019 follow-up looking to be “fall,” maybe it will end on the cliffhanger that Anna can control spring. But let’s be honest: if there’s one character who CLEARLY embodies summer, it’s Olaf.
#4: The Identity of the Girl in the Teaser Trailer
Just because she didn’t make an appearance in the June trailer, doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten about her! The Internet has been clamoring for Elsa to get a girlfriend, and the second this girl appeared on screen, many thought she could be her love interest. She does seem quite young, though, so theories suggest it’s either a flashback sequence of Anna and Elsa’s parents, with the possibility of their mother having wind abilities, or that it’s Anna and Kristoff’s daughter and son in the future. Perhaps, however, she’s not a blood relation of our characters at all, and is instead the new villain. Imagine a faceoff of wind/fall and ice/winter?
#3: Anna & Elsa's Parents Are Alive
You heard Grand Pabbie - now we have to question everything. In the official trailer, Elsa and Anna’s mother is staring at the Aurora Borealis. Both her and young Elsa are wearing the same ensembles they did at the beginning of the first film, and with the “sky being awake,” this looks like the night of the accident with Anna. There’s still a lot we don’t know about the King and Queen of Arendelle - especially Anna and Elsa’s mother - so the sequel could be a good opportunity to delve into their backstories. Did Elsa inherit her powers from her? While flashbacks could work, Elsa being on a mission to cross the ocean has prompted many to think she’s trying to rescue her parents, who may not have perished in a shipwreck after all.
#2: Taking a Page from Norse Myth
The world of “Frozen” is heavily based on Norway, and it looks as though we may want to brush up on our Norse folklore before heading to the theatre this November. The new trailer featured some beautifully animated elemental creatures such as a water horse, which according to Redditor KittyCatOmaniac, could be inspired by the Neck, a legendary spirit that changes form. There was also a giant rock monster, which could take the lead of the Norse Jötunn, believed by some to be the fjords come to life, or one of the Titans from “Hercules.” Okay, maybe not that last one, but we love a good crossover! Barring the idea that there’s a person who can control each element, there may be a spirit representing them. A fire spirit is bouncing around wreaking havoc, while Elsa seems to have made friends with a snow spirit?
#1: The Runes
Olaf himself, Josh Gad, was very vocal about telling us to take a closer look at the teaser poster, which shows a snowflake-like design and four symbols. The rune shapes are back in this trailer; Elsa seems to be the one who created the ice diamonds Anna saw at her balcony. Right near the end of the trailer, the gang comes up to stone pillars with those very shapes yet again. “Brave” vibes, anyone? Theorists extraordinaire SuperCarlinBrothers also zeroed in on these shapes, and concluded the four runes aren’t elements or seasons as many believed, but the runes of isolation, ice, balance or sacrifice - these sound familiar, don’t they? - and rune of giants, coming from a Norse book of magic, which may be the one the King had handy in the first movie. It looks like we’re in for an origin story filled with magic and self-discovery, and we can’t wait!