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Top 10 Full House Jokes You Didn't Get as a Kid

Top 10 Full House Jokes You Didn't Get as a Kid
VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton WRITTEN BY: Mandy Anne Lutman
These are the "Full House" jokes you didn't get as a kid. Our countdown includes Jackson Fuller's volcano, getting surprised, a subtle burn, and more! When did YOU pick up on these "Full House" jokes?

#10: Caesars Palace
“Back to School Blues”

Season 3 of “Full House” brings us an interesting look into DJ slowly becoming a teenager and testing her boundaries, including the school dress code. She and Kimmy enter junior high and want to upgrade their style to an older look. So, of course, they go way overboard with their clothing choices. So much so that DJ’s dad Danny drops a very inappropriate line, saying it looks like they’re going to Caesars Palace, not high school. Since Caesars Palace reportedly once had staff that offered special services - if you know what we mean - this joke definitely went over our heads when we were kiddos. Hopefully.

#9: Bacon & Breezes
“Mom Interference”

If you thought that Bob Saget joke was inappropriate, just you wait. “Fuller House” is just as full of innuendos as “Full House,” if not even more! Remember Fernando’s pink robe? According to him, he likes a fresh breeze in the morning. On top of that, he’s parading around in the super short robe and pretty much shows what’s below his belt to his whole family. And speaking of that area, he says that no one can resist his bacon. Sure, he could mean actual bacon. But considering the context, this may be just one of those jokes adults laughed at much much harder than the kids did.

#8: Jackson Fuller’s Volcano
“The Not-So-Great Escape”

Speaking of “Fuller House,” even the kids have several lines with very different meanings for the adults watching the show. For example, Jackson’s seemingly innocent line about erupting his volcano may not be that innocent after all. Steph is right: that’s TMI. Or maybe the kid is just excited about his volcano and can’t get enough of watching the eruptions over and over again. Many parents have actually pointed out just how inappropriate “Fuller House” is with these types of jokes! Let’s just hope actor Michael Campion wasn’t told that his lines have double meanings because his delivery is always far too convincing.

#7: Mr. Egghead’s Taxes
“Mr. Egghead”

Walter is one of those “Full House” characters you either love or hate. And Jesse is definitely on the hate side. So when Joey gets a gig on the kiddie show “Mr. Egghead” to replace the original character, Jesse gets the job of his sidekick. And as we know, every class has a kid that asks way too many questions - Mr. Egghead’s class is no different. Walter wants to know what happened to the OG Mr. Egghead and when he doesn’t get a satisfactory reply, he then claims that he didn’t pay his taxes. Jesse follows up with the comeback that he’s on his so-called vacation for up to five years, which pretty much means that Mr. Egghead went to prison.

#6: D.J. Tanner-Fuller's Wedding Night
“New Kids in the House”

We all know DJ’s catchphrase - the good old “oh, my lanta.” She says it whenever she’s shocked, excited, or basically feeling almost any emotion whatsoever. But in “Fuller House,” Stephanie reveals that DJ says this phrase in other contexts too… as in, on her wedding night when, you know, she probably got a little bit overexcited. In fact, according to Steph, DJ was, erm, sent over the edge on her wedding night more than once. A triple my lanta, if you will. The Tanner sisters definitely got a lot more attitude in “Fuller House,” didn’t they?

#5: Kimmy Gibbler's Health Issue
“DJ and Kimmy’s High School Reunion”

High school reunions are the worst. But it’s even worse when you embarrass yourself during your reunion and end up trending online. So, when Kimmy accidentally lets everyone hear the voicemail from her doctor, it’s our worst nightmare. And hers, too! Her doc explains what she needs to do flush out her system - you know, the one down there. But then adds that it should clear up, so she’ll be back in action in no time. And we all can guess what he means by ‘back in action’. To make things worse, Kimmy manages to rip her dress during a dance with DJ! Yep, worst high school reunion ever.

#4: A 976 Number
“Silence Is Not Golden”

Remember when you were a kid and didn’t realize that phone calls cost money? Well, Michelle also didn’t get that memo before she calls a phone line that tells her a lot of jokes. Danny is shocked at all the random charges he sees when he looks at the phone bill. Joey immediately goes into the defense mode and says he’s never called a 976 number in his life. And by that number... he’s implying calling someone to have a naughty time over the phone. He later admits he did try it once, but got put off when his Aunt Frieda answered. Sounds like Aunt Frieda might be a saucy one, huh?

#3: Getting Surprised
“Up On the Roof”

Don’t mess with Aunt Becky, guys. She and Jesse are full of flirty innuendos! When Jesse tries to have a playful go at Aunt Becky and claims she can’t cook, she reminds him of her Sunday Surprise casserole. Danny replies that they call it their Monday Surprise, because, er, it comes out the other end later. But then Jesse says that he was still getting surprised on Tuesdays. However, Becky makes it very clear that Jesse won’t be getting any surprises that night. Of course, she’s not talking about her casserole anymore. Or maybe she is, but her casserole has a bit of an innuendo.

#2: A Subtle Burn
“Breaking Away”

Kimmy Gibbler isn’t the only one that gets a lot of insults on “Full House.” Stephanie’s friend Gia also constantly gets picked on for not being the brightest bulb in the box - especially by, surprise surprise, the queen of bad attitude aka Michelle Tanner. When Gia asks Michelle if she’s ready for her first day of third grade, she’s not ready for what’s going to come out of this sassy diva’s mouth. Poor Gia, give her a break! Although, to be honest, what she says to Gia is a pretty good burn for someone Michelle’s age.

#1: Doing Their Taxes
“Stephanie Plays the Field”

Okay guys, are you ready for the cutest “Full House” moment ever? Michelle loves uncle Jesse as much as we do. But when she asks him to play with her for what seems like the billionth time that day to him, he’s over it. Because he wants to be alone with Aunt Becky, he locks Michelle out. Of course, she’s not happy and complains to Joey, who’s doing his taxes. But when Michelle asks why Jesse wants to be alone with Aunt Becky, Joey explains that they’re also doing, erm, so-called taxes. And that they’ll be doing them every night. Ah, the good old “taxies” honeymoon phase.
