Top 10 Games with Amazing Third Person Melee Combat

#10: “Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor” (2014) & “Middle-earth: Shadow of War” (2017)
Reminiscent of the combat from the "Batman: Arkham" games, Monolith's "Middle-earth" series is a reflex-based hack and slash title with a big focus on countering. As Uruk enemies with different strengths and weaknesses are around every corner, our hero, Talion, has to make full use of his ranger skills and the powers afforded to him by the Elven Lord Celebrimbor. And thanks to the Nemesis system, these fights often feel very personal. "Shadow of War" fine-tunes "Shadow of Mordor's" already satisfying combat with a heavier focus on RPG elements such as unlockable skill trees, allowing for a more versatile experience. Once Talion gets an attack chain going, Monolith's titles really begin to shine.
#9: “Devil May Cry” franchise (2001-)
Arguably the definitive character action franchise (at its best, that is), this Capcom series is nearly untouchable when it comes to melee combat. Building on the solid foundations of the original game, "Devil May Cry 3" injected further depth to the stylish gameplay through the inclusion of different combat styles; later entries would even allow weapons to be cycled mid-chain for some truly insane combos. "Devil May Cry 5" features three playable characters who control completely differently but are uniformly great. Dante in particular, however, has evolved into one of the most complete characters in gaming when it comes to melee combat.
#8: “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015)
Although overshadowed by the fantastic storytelling, "The Witcher 3's" combat can be incredibly satisfying once it is mastered. Blending magic, multiple weapon types, and an adrenaline system that rewards a quality performance with buffs to stats; Geralt strikes, rolls, and moves through battles with finesse and practicality. More than anything, "The Witcher 3" adds a ton of personality to its combat system, as it is designed to reflect Geralt's style as a seasoned witcher. The combat is especially wonderful on harder difficulties, as enemies force Geralt to use all of the tools at his disposal.
#7: “Yakuza” franchise (2005-)
Putting aside some growing pains, Sega's gloriously badass beat 'em up series has blossomed into a beautiful work of art. An excellent entry point into the franchise is "Yakuza 0," which not only has an engrossing narrative but also a deceptively deep combat system. Although simplistic at first, "Yakuza's" combat opens up considerably once the main characters unlock some different fighting styles and a few explosive moves. Whether Kiryu is hitting Yakuza members with furniture or Majima is dancing his way to victory, "Yakuza" makes sure that every kick or wrestling move feels suitably impactful.
#6: “Spider-Man” (2018)
Cliched though it might be to say, the best thing about Insomniac Games' combat system is that it allows players to genuinely feel like they are Spider-Man. As the hero is far from a tank, Marvel's Web-head utilizes his agility, spider-sense, powers, gadgets, and the environments to craft a mesmerizing ballet of controlled mayhem. Spider-Man is a joy to control, and executing a perfect dodge can be just as gratifying as trapping a host of thugs using a Web Bomb or performing a finisher. The game could benefit from some greater enemy variety, but the combat itself is undeniably awesome.
#5: “Monster Hunter: World” (2018)
Combat does not have to be flashy to be satisfying. "Monster Hunter: World's" gameplay is easy to grasp but hard to master, especially since there are fourteen weapon types that are all unique. As the focus is squarely on the enemies, "World's" combat is somewhat reactionary; the satisfaction lies in figuring out a monster's attack patterns and exploiting its weaknesses. Battles are a test of attrition, but few victories in gaming are anywhere near as fulfilling as finally striking down a monster after a grueling struggle for supremacy. The more time you put into the game, the more satisfaction you’ll get out of it.
#4: “Soulsborne” series (2009-)
Beginning with 2009's "Demon's Souls," FromSoftware has consistently gotten combat right. In a series where the smallest mistake can lead to death, the "Soulsborne" games inject combat with a tremendous sense of weight. Whether taking on a boss or a Hollow, there is always an all too real sense of danger and every victory or defeat is earned. Compared to the more methodical "Souls" series, "Bloodborne'' ramped up the speed to force players to assume a more aggressive fighting style, a change that produced amazing results. Even if one were to neglect mechanics like parries or backstabs, the strong fundamentals and weapon variety of the "Soulsborne" games ensure that fun will still be had.
#3: “Ghost of Tsushima” (2020)
As fun as it is to play ninja and stealthily lower the game's Mongol population, "Ghost of Tsushima" shines the brightest when Jin saunters into an enemy camp, unsheathes his sword, and gets to work. With four stances designed around different enemy types, situational defensive options that require quick thinking and decisive action, and a respectable selection of unlockable skills, "Ghost of Tsushima's" combat has depth to spare. And yet it somehow never feels overwhelming either. While the game's visuals might be breathtaking and beautiful, battles in "Ghost of Tsushima" are ugly and gory affairs, which is a good thing.
#2: “Batman: Arkham” franchise (2009-15)
Although a few other games have tried to replicate its formula, the "Batman: Arkham" series remains the king of Freeflow combat. Batman is overpowered in all of the games, but that is the point. Batman is, well, Batman, so victory is more or less guaranteed, but satisfaction lies in delivering swift justice to a score of Gotham's worst while taking no hits and throwing out the occasional gadget for an added bit of flare. Many feel that the combat was already impeccable in "Arkham Asylum," but each subsequent entry has added new elements to Batman's arsenal that better equip the Dark Knight to make short work of different types of goons.
#1: “God of War” (2018)
For 2018's entry in this long-running franchise, Santa Monica Studio moved the camera behind Kratos' back and gave the Spartan an ax. "God of War's" combat is intimate and puts Kratos into close-quarter encounters that almost feel like duels. With ruthless enemies and a Kratos who is formidable but not unbeatable, fights are a symphony of vicious combos, well-placed ranged strikes, powerful magical attacks, and timely interventions by Atreus. The game's combat takes a few hours to peak, but it becomes something worthy of the God of War after Kratos unlocks a few stances and retrieves an old friend from back in the day. In short, it’s a masterpiece of third person melee combat.