Top 10 Hilarious Bloopers from Serious Movies

#10: Michael Rooker’s Snooze
“Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017)
As anyone who has ever worked on a movie will tell you, doing so requires working long days and lots of hours. It’s only natural that people get tired. Well, often when you’re tired and lie down, you fall asleep, which is what happened to actor Michael Rooker during Yondu’s funeral scene at the end of “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.” Now, since the camera wasn’t primarily focused on Rooker, him being asleep might not have been a problem, except for the fact that he also started snoring as Chris Pratt was attempting to deliver an emotional, heartfelt eulogy. As funny as that is, we’re a little perplexed as to how no one on the set broke out laughing.
#9: Funny Monster
“Van Helsing” (2004)
Do you remember that hysterical scene in “Van Helsing” when Hugh Jackman is fighting that funny monster? Of course not. The film’s monsters were meant to be scary and intimidating. But as this blooper shows, not all of them started out that way. And although Jackman is the one who breaks character in the scene, we can’t blame him. We’re not sure whose idea those noises were, but could you keep a straight face if that monster started making those silly sounds? We know we couldn’t.
#8: Uranus
“Passengers” (2016)
They say that nothing is certain except for death and taxes. Well, we would like to add one more certainty to that short list…. The word Uranus is always funny. Sure, we all remember studying the planets in school and the giggles that would break out when the 7th planet from the sun would be mentioned. Well, as much as we pretend it’s just funny to immature kids, it isn’t. Uranus is funny to everyone young and old, especially when mentioned in a serious setting, as is the case with this Laurence Fishburne speech in the 2016 film, “Passengers.” Although Jennifer Lawrence is the one that breaks, you can tell that they were all thinking it and she just happened to crack first.
#7: Chair Malfunction
“Total Recall” (2012)
The 2012 remake of the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger hit takes place on earth at the end of the 21st century. It’s a dystopian future with advanced technology, police robots, flying cars, and a gravity elevator that takes 17 minutes to travel through the earth’s core. However, in this funny outtake from the film, Colin Farrell is forced to go full Flintstones when the futuristic moving chair he is in malfunctions and stops moving. Now that’s what we call thinking on your feet. Or should we say thinking with your feet?
#6: R2-D2 Fall
“Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace” (1999)
While “Episode I” received mixed reviews, one thing that was almost universally hated about the film was the introduction of Jar Jar Binks. And although we would never condone violence, there were no doubt many “Star Wars” fans who would have loved to have knocked Jar Jar around a little. And by the looks of this outtake, maybe R2-D2 felt the same way. The truth is, actor Kenny Baker, who was the man inside the droid probably just couldn't see where he was going. But we won’t completely dismiss the possibility that it was the “force” warning George Lucas about the future feelings towards his new character.
#5: Counting Is Hard
“The Martian” (2015)
180, 181, 182… Can you figure out what comes next in this sequence? If you said 183, you’re right! If you said 184, then you’re Matt Damon in this very funny blooper from his 2015 film, “The Martian.” You’d think that it would be a very easy scene to film. All he has to do is draw a few rectangles and write a few numbers in said rectangles. And it’s not like he hasn’t written numbers on camera before. Remember this is the guy who solved crazy difficult math problems in “Good Will Hunting.”
#4: “The” vs. “Our”
“Iron Man 3” (2013)
Actors have a lot of lines to remember and even the greats mess up sometimes, forgetting a line or even just switching one word for another. And while one word here or there might not sound like that big a deal, sometimes one little word can make a really big difference. As is the case with this hysterical blooper from “Iron Man 3.” When Robert Downey Jr. replaces an “our” with a “the,” the scene goes from superhero action seriousness to everyone laughing and let’s go ahead and try that again.
#3: “I Love Your Body”
“X-Men: Apocalypse” (2016)
Near the end of 2016’s “X-Men: Apocalypse,” after the School for Gifted Youngsters has been rebuilt, Charles Xavier asks his one-time best friend, Magneto, if he could convince him to stay and help him teach. Magneto doesn’t take him up on his offer and the scene ends with friendly goodbyes and good lucks between old friends. However, in a take that obviously wasn’t going to make it into the movie, Magneto actor Michael Fassbender throws in an “I love your body” as he leaves, which leads James McAvoy, as Charles Xavier, to say...
#2: Cheap Hammer
“Thor: The Dark World” (2013)
Just as Captain America has his shield and Wonder Woman has her lasso, Thor has his hammer. The hammer only he, or someone worthy, can lift. The hammer of a god! But while all the talk is about how the person holding the hammer must be worthy, what about the hammer itself? Because in this outtake from “Thor: The Dark World,” the hammer doesn’t look to be worth much more than a couple bucks when the head goes flying off the handle mid-fight. Maybe it means that Chris Hemsworth isn’t worthy? Although, we sure don’t believe that.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Talking Dead, “Inglourious Basterds” (2009)
It Looks Like Dead Men DO Talk
Spock Ooops, “Star Trek” (2009)
Live Long & Try to Remember Your Lines
Keep Trying, “The Usual Suspects” (1995)
It’s Not Easy When the Actors Off-Screen Are Messing with You
#1: The Gloves
“The Silence of the Lambs” (1991)
If we’re talking serious movies, there’s no film on this list more serious than “The Silence of the Lambs.” And yet, the film produced three of the funniest bloopers we’ve seen in a long time. Two of which feature stars Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins, each of whom won Academy Awards for their performances in the film. First up we find Foster demanding the “Hokey Pokey.” Next, we have an amazing Sylvester Stallone impression from Anthony Hopkins. And finally, we have this wonderfully lengthy outtake starring a pair of latex gloves. See if you can keep a straight face as long as this actor does.