Top 10 Best Howard & Bernadette Moments on The Big Bang Theory

#10: Getting Competitive
“The Donation Oscillation”
After Raj and Anu cancel their wedding, the guys decide to repackage their bachelor party plans into a guys’ weekend. But when Leonard and Sheldon pull out, Raj asks Anu, leading Bernadette to demand an invitation too. Howard knows that flying around in zero gravity isn’t exactly Bernie’s spinning cup of tea. However, he also knows just how stubborn she is and how far she’ll go to be right. This turns into a hysterical argument where Howard tries to goad her into admitting how well he knows her. But she’s so adamant about proving him wrong she goes through with it anyway. At least it was worth it?
#9: Howard Sings for Forgiveness
“The Vengeance Formulation”
As you probably recall, Howard and Bernadette got engaged in season four. But did you remember that this wasn’t the first time Howard got down on one knee? A season earlier, he freaks out when Bernadette asks where their relationship is going and basically ghosts her. Understandably she’s upset. So what’s the obvious solution? Yeah, not that. If anything, he just makes matters worse. However, later on, he makes a comeback with a personalized rewrite of The Four Tops’ “Bernadette.” And if there’s one thing we know about Howard Wolowitz is that he’s a skilled serenader. Still, if Bernie found that romantic, it really must’ve been love!
#8: Their First Date
“The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary”
To say that it was love at first sight, would be, well, it would be an outright lie. Leonard asks Penny to find Howard a date after he invokes an old pact. However, as soon as they meet, it’s clear that they have very little in common and next to no chemistry. Yet Howard persists, and the results are as funny as they are painful. Howard’s mom inadvertently ends up playing cupid for the couple. After she calls, the pair compares their overbearing mothers, and suddenly, the sparks start flying. Did we think they were endgame? Probably not yet. But there was clearly something special between them.
#7: Moving in Together... Finally!
“The Habitation Configuration”
Speaking of Howard’s mother, she was very much the third wheel in this relationship. In fact, Howard often found himself torn between his loyalties to her and to Bernadette. He couldn’t even escape when he was hundreds of miles away at the space station. We have to commend Bernie on her patience, but eventually, she’s had enough, and we totally get it. In this episode, she insists that Howard grows up and moves out of his childhood bedroom. After a lot of persuading, pleading, and some input from Penny, he agrees. And just as we think they’ve entered a new relationship phase, he guilts Bernie into a change of heart.
#6: Bernadette Supports Howard During Space Training
“The Werewolf Transformation”
Despite her initial reservations, Bernadette was whole-heartedly behind Howard as he embarked on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She comforts him during the lowest moments of his astronaut training and encourages him with her love and pride. However, she set the relationship bar high when she dropped everything and flew to Texas to be with him— even if she wasn’t the only one. She also stood by him when he went stir-crazy. And she’s the one who brings him down to earth when his head gets too big for his space helmet. Let’s not forget how she looks out for his well-being when Howard debates his return trip invitation. Her devotion is out of this world!
#5: Their Wedding
“The Countdown Reflection”
Something about the idea of being launched hundreds up miles upward into the stratosphere seemingly unlocks Howard’s romantic side. And his gift to Bernadette is surprisingly thoughtful. It also gets her thinking that they should move up their wedding. They go down to City Hall, but they’re too late. Luckily it’s Raj’s knack for party planning to the rescue. Their rooftop wedding is perfect, and the vows they share are so adorable we can’t help but shed a few tears. Having their friends marry them is a nice touch. And getting their big day immortalized on Google Maps is just the icing on the wedding cake.
#4: Becoming Parents
“The Positive Negative Reaction”
Howard and Bernadette’s road to parenthood was certainly a rocky one. In season five, Bernadette makes it very clear that kids aren’t part of her plan. However, in season nine, she becomes pregnant. Watching Howard spiral from elation into panic is equally hilarious and relatable. And soon enough, they're both freaking out. But Howard and Bernadette share a strong and loving relationship that had already endured its fair share of road bumps, so we were positive they would make great parents. Still, after Hallie's born, they learn that parenthood is no picnic. So when Howard tells Bernie just how proud of her he is, our hearts are ready to burst.
#3: Howard Gives Bernadette a Break
“The Grant Allocation Derivation”
Yes, Howard and Bernadette make a great team, but thanks to Howard’s upbringing and over-doting mother, Bernie often feels like she has an extra child in the house. And as you can imagine spending all day in a demanding job and coming home to a needy husband and two small kids is not the one. So, she finds a secret spot to get some alone time. Howard reveals to Raj that he knows about her hideout but appreciates that she needs some time to herself, so he doesn’t say anything. Okay, so he’s also hoping to use it against her one day, but the first part is pretty cute.
#2: Bernadette Made Howard a Better Man
“The Stag Convergence”
Howard made some pretty creepy and sleazy choices before Bernadette entered his life. Much of his sordid past is rehashed during Raj’s drunken best man speech at his bachelor party. Wil Wheaton films it and puts it online, and guess who sees it? Bernadette’s horrified to uncover this side of Howard and considers calling off the wedding. She won’t even talk to him when he tries to apologize, so he asks Penny to pass the message along. His apology shows real personal growth and demonstrates how much of a positive influence Bernadette has had on his life. Like Penny, we found his speech both unexpected and incredibly touching.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Bernadette Becomes Howard’s Pageant Wife, “The VCR Illumination”
We Have to Admit, Howard’s Performance Is Pretty... Magical, Credit to Bernadette!
Handling Lost Luggage, “The Earworm Reverberation”
We Don’t Condone Her Methods, but That’s Some Strong Wifely Dedication Right There
When Howard Met Bernadette, “The Hesitation Ramification”
We’ll Have What She’s Having
Bernadette Stands by Her Man, “The Parking Spot Escalation”
No Matter How Ridiculous the Fight Is, Who Wouldn’t Want Bernie in Their Corner?
Buying Howard a Rolex, “The Roommate Transmogrification”
She Just Wants Her Baby to Have Nice Stuff
#1: “If I Didn’t Have You”
“The Romance Resonance”
Howard has big plans for the anniversary of his first date with Bernadette. And even a raccoon virus accident that leaves her in quarantine won’t stop him from following through. So, he brings his keyboard and friends to the hospital and performs an incredibly catchy, adorably hilarious, and oh-so-romantic song. It makes Bernadette well up, and we’re not ashamed to admit that it left us all choked up too. She’s the Tardis to his Doctor, the dickie to one of his outfits, and the string to his string theory. And we think we can all agree that if he didn’t have Bernadette, he’d definitely still be living with his mom.