Top 10 Funniest Jim Parsons Bloopers on The Big Bang Theory

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Jim Parsons The Big Bang Theory Bloopers. For this list, we’ll be looking at gaffes, breaks, and hilarious outtakes featuring the likes of Jim Parsons, AKA Sheldon Cooper. What’s your favorite “The Big Bang Theory” blooper? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Can't Open the Door
"The Spock Resonance"
Sheldon is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Adam Nimoy. Practically vibrating at the thought of being in a documentary about the man behind Mr. Spock, Sheldon jumps to answer the door. Normally, when you respond to a knock at the door, you just… open the door. But during one of the takes for this scene, Jim Parsons jumps up, rushes over to answer, grabs the handle to open it and his fingers slip right off. The literal slip-up brings laughter to the audience, his co-stars and even Parsons himself. Sometimes, it’s the accidental comedy that’s the most entertaining.
#9: Trivia Laughing
"The Bat Jar Conjecture"
It was all the way back in season one when the boys formed a team to participate in a physics competition. With so much intellectualism being thrown around, Penny feels a bit left out and opts to test Leonard and Sheldon in another field of study: pop culture. The boys fail spectacularly as she quizzes them on Van Halen, Sean Penn and more. Upon posing a question about Britney Spears, Sheldon’s face twitches out of control in confusion. In the blooper, the twitch turns to a smile and Kaley Cuoco bursts out laughing. We love how even so early on in the show’s run they could be seen having so much fun.
#8: He Wants To Get the Words Right!
"The Locomotion Interruption"
We all wondered what happened to Sheldon when Leonard and Penny left him at the train station during season seven’s finale. When he finally returns, he offers to show off photos from his cross country trek. As fascinating as pictures of bathroom stalls and train seats are, it’s the blooper in this scene we enjoyed more. Parsons stops mid-scene to ask if the word he’s supposed to be saying is “photos” or “pictures”. It’s there we hear him exclaim “They work hard on these words. I want to get them right.” Of course, it triggers a big roar of laughter from the audience. Props to Parsons for his commitment to the written word.
#7: Restrain Yourself
"The Barbarian Sublimation"
Penny’s having a rough time and accidentally becomes addicted to online gaming. It’s so bad that she’s now calling Sheldon at work looking for advice on her latest quest. Frustrated by her incessant inquiries, Sheldon returns home to scold Leonard for saying hello to Penny the day she moved into the building. That alone was funny enough, but watching the blooper dials it up. Parsons fumbles his line and exclaims “Oh God!” as he turns to do the scene again. It’s his exasperation at his own mistake that makes this blooper so memorable and provides the best laughs.
#6: Tossed Paper
"The Boyfriend Complexity"
Now, here’s one we can appreciate for both the sheer randomness of it as well as Parsons’ ability to stand impressively still. After tossing his new roommate agreement into the air, Sheldon stands there as a single page lands, and sticks to the side of his head. Unable to maintain his composure, Parsons smiles, Johnny Galecki following soon after. What makes this even better is that the real scene includes the random sheet of paper on Sheldon’s head. We smile even more at the thought of just how unlikely this was, coupled with the presumption that Parsons probably had to stand there motionless to deliver the line again, just to keep the paper in place.
#5: His Pet
"The Vacation Solution"
In "The Vacation Solution", audiences learned just how much Sheldon hates vacation. So, to busy himself during his forced time off, he opts to help Amy at her lab. The only problem is, in typical Sheldon fashion, he’s a little overambitious despite having zero experience in biology. Amy points out as much and, to prove her wrong, Sheldon shows her a tamagotchi he’s kept alive since 1998. During the outtake, Parsons fumbles to get the toy out of his pocket, triggering adorable laughter from Mayim Bialik. His joking reprimands only keep her giggling, and us along with the two!
#4: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock
"The Lizard-Spock Expansion"
It’s hard enough for an actor to remember all their lines, never mind when it’s some of the obscure, fast-rambling dialogue heard in “The Big Bang Theory”. When Sheldon has to explain the rules of “Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock” to Raj, we can’t help but wonder how many takes it took to get that right. Judging by the bloopers and Parsons’ mounting frustration, we’re gonna guess it’s too many to count. One of the takes even sees the actor hilariously responding to the director’s comment about it being simple.
#3: Snoring with the Giggles
"The Cohabitation Experimentation"
Watching Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik work together is a perfect example of two actors who have incredible onscreen chemistry. As seen in this list, many of Parsons’ best bloopers come from scenes he’s had with her. Season 10 opened the door for these two to share scenes where their characters were now learning the nuances of one other while sharing an apartment. One memorable moment is Amy trying to share a bed with her partner. It takes a hilarious turn when Parsons lets out quite possibly the bizarrest sleep noise known to man, and can’t even take himself seriously! We love seeing these two make each other laugh both onscreen and off.
#2: Bongos Are Funny
"The Werewolf Transformation"
This time around, Sheldon’s life has taken a left turn as he learns not getting his hair cut didn’t bring the world to a crashing halt. This gives fans what is possibly one of the best moments in the show as Leonard wakes up to hearing Sheldon playing bongos in their living room at three in the morning. The whole moment is so perfectly characteristic of a Sheldon who’s utterly beside himself. He ultimately shows up at Amy’s house, and blissfully falls to sleep on the couch. It’s when Leonard & Penny show up that we get a great laugh. Not only is Leonard’s bongo wakeup call funny to watch, it’s even better when we see Parsons “wake up”, a gentle grin on his face.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Broken 3D Chess, "The Grant Allocation Derivation"
It Was a Checkmate That Literally Broke the Game
“Are You Regular?”, "The Luminous Fish Effect"
Getting Tongue-Tied Will Never Not Be Funny
“Oh Man!”, “The Grasshopper Experiment"
Parsons Throws in the Towel Entirely on This One
“Balls,” Various
It’s Definitely a Good Alternative to Swearing!
Kathy Bates, "The Consummation Deviation"
Jim Parsons Laughs It Up with a Legend
#1: Spanking
"The Fish Guts Displacement"
This episode birthed not one, but two of the show’s most infamous bloopers. Watching Mayim Bialik wink and flirt with Jim as he rubs vapor rub on her chest is funny enough. But the entire spanking fiasco goes above and beyond anything else on this list. After Sheldon finds out that Amy pretended to be sick for longer than she was, the two come to an agreement. Originally intended to be off camera, audiences get an eyeful as Sheldon “disciplines” Amy for her deception. The outtakes show multiple takes of these two trying to get through such a funny scene. The laughs come from both the awkwardness of it all, and their struggle to stay in character.