Top 10 Funniest Kaley Cuoco Bloopers on The Big Bang Theory

#10: Balls!
"The Loobenfeld Decay"
From neighbors to friends to the series’ central will-they-won’t-they-couple and eventually husband and wife, Leonard and Penny have certainly been through a lot together. So, we imagine that if we assembled a word cloud of the most common words to show up on Kaley’s script, “Leonard” would come up pretty big. However, while standing up for Leonard in this scene from season one, Cuoco stumbles over his name. In her defense, these were still early days, so perhaps she just needed more time to get acquainted with it. But hey, at least she said symposium correctly, right?
#9: Breaking the Fourth Wall
"The Cohabitation Experimentation"
With Sheldon and Amy cohabiting across the hall, Leonard and Penny decide to celebrate their new Sheldon-less living arrangements. And how does one do that exactly? Dance in your underwear, of course! Penny’s unimpressed by Leonard’s suggestion. However, not as much as one audience member who makes their feelings loud and clear. Kaley’s taken by surprise and breaks soon after. Johnny Galecki has a different but still hilarious reaction to the vocal audience member. He and Cuoco put on a united front while dealing with the unexpected interruption. Well, at least we know the audience's reactions are honest.
#8: A Supportive Co-Worker, Kinda
"The Bachelor Party Corrosion"
As we just mentioned, it took Penny and Leonard some time to shake off the weird third wheel in their relationship. In this episode, Bernadette is surprised to learn that the newlyweds aren’t yet living together. It’s actually Bernadette actress Melissa Rauch who flubs the line here, but Cuoco reassures her that it’s all good. However, her affections for her colleague quickly melt away when they have to start over. Suddenly, it’s not so cute anymore. Still, we imagine audiences at the live taping got a thrill out of watching this faux drama unfold. We know we did.
#7: A Few Scavenger Hunt Hiccups
"The Scavenger Vortex"
In arguably one of the funniest “Big Bang Theory” episodes, Penny’s competitive streak takes over as she fights to prove that she’s not a “liability.” And indeed, she’s quick on her feet, both literally and figuratively. However, behind the scenes, a couple of hiccups could’ve hindered her and Sheldon’s chances. Firstly, no matter hard they try, those seatbelts just won’t budge, and it’s all about safety first, after all! Kaley also stumbles at one of the final hurdles when she seemingly forgets her lines. Damn, Penny, that blunder cost you and Sheldon valuable moments in this race!
#6: Distracted by Food
"The Spaghetti Catalyst"
In a since-deleted Instagram post, Cuoco shared that she would always skip lunch when they were filming scenes that involved food. And Scott London, the props master on the show, revealed that he would often cook the food we see on screen, although we can’t confirm he cooked this specific dish. Nevertheless, in this season three episode, Penny and Sheldon enjoy each other’s company over a plate of spaghetti with cut up hotdog. While this is Sheldon’s comfort dish, Kaley enjoys it too. So much so that she doesn’t mind when they have to retake because it just means she can keep on eating. Relatable. Hats off to the chef!
#5: The Honeymoon Period Is Over
"The Matrimonial Momentum"
Leonard and Penny’s marriage is in trouble before it even begins. That’s what kissing another woman will do to a relationship! Still, they decide to go through with their Vegas wedding. However, Penny later realizes she’s not as over Leonard’s infidelity as she thought. When they return home, the pair continue the argument as they head to their separate apartments. We can totally understand why Penny might be upset, but Leonard fires back with a low blow. In the cut that made it to air, Penny looks shocked but doesn’t respond or move, and the scene swiftly changes. Perhaps this blooper explains why….
#4: Does the WiFi Taste Good?
"The Roommate Transmogrification"
In the earlier seasons, Penny would sometimes take advantage of Leonard’s infatuation with her Sure, why would she pay for food or WiFi when she can get it so readily across the hall? Only one problem, Sheldon. In a bid to stop her freeloading ways, he changes their password. It’s savage and has more characters than we care to remember, but it doesn’t put Penny off. Although, as this outtake shows, she does get a little confused about what one typically does with a working internet connection. It’s not exactly our taste, but perhaps she’d like a side of wi-fries with that?
#3: That Pesky Soft Kitty
"The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification"
When it comes to singing “Soft Kitty,” Sheldon can be rather demanding, and boy, doesn’t Penny know it! In this scene, Shelbot asks Penny to sing him his comfort song but interrupts her when it’s not quite loud enough. She moves closer and carries on from where she left off, but of course, that’s not good enough for him. Well, in this outtake, Sheldon’s interruption seems to throw off Kaley’s flow entirely. What makes it even funnier is that Sheldon’s subsequent line works almost too perfectly with the gaffe. And she plays along, making this blooper all the more memorable.
#2: Is That How the Vulcans Salute?
"The Thespian Catalyst"
“The Big Bang Theory” often spotlighted ‘nerd culture.’ And, with all their talk about “Star Wars,” “Star Trek,” and endless Superheroes, you’d think the cast might’ve learned a thing or two along the way. So, in this episode, when Cuoco tries and fails to do the Vulcan Salute, well, it’s “highly illogical.” It’s not until the audience starts laughing and someone calls to her from off-camera that she realizes her mistake. Cuoco gets a quick refresher on the famous gesture, and the audience loves it! She good-humoredly responds to their laughter, but perhaps she would’ve preferred if Scotty had just beamed her away.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
What’s Penny’s Last Name? "The Tangible Affection Proof"
Cuoco’s Thrown off Course When Her Scene Mate Brings up the Question All BBT Fans Have Been Wondering
“Monkeys!”, "The Roommate Transmogrification"
It’s Such a Ridiculous Answer, Even She Can’t Help Cracking Up
Bringing Levity to a Serious(ish) Conversation, "The Skank Reflex Analysis"
That’s One Way to Cut the Tension
Know Your Cues, "The Justice League Recombination"
Someone’s a Little Eager!
Cuoco’s Commitment Is Really Poppin’
How Jim Parsons Doesn’t Break Sooner, We’ll Never Understand
#1: Penny Really Enjoys Raj & Howard’s Music
"The 2003 Approximation"
Sometimes a scene is just so darn funny that even after multiple takes, it’s impossible to remain poker-faced. Case in point, Howard and Raj’s concert at the comic book store in the ninth season. Everyone gathers to hear their debut song, “Thor & Dr. Jones,” which contains some interesting rhyming couplets like our personal favorite. And, as you can see in this blooper, Cuoco has a hard time keeping it together. Now, let’s go to the take shown in the episode. You can tell she’s trying not to laugh. But when her co-stars really go for it, she can no longer hold back.