Top 10 Johnny & Moira Moments On Schitt's Creek

Top 10 Johnny and Moira Moments on Schitt's Creek
Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Johnny & Moira Moments on “Schitt’s Creek.”
For this list, we’ll be looking at times the matriarch and patriarch of the Rose family made us laugh, made us cry, even made us cringe, but most of all, always made us believe in precious love. Keep in mind that we’ll be including instances from all six seasons of the show, so this is your spoiler alert!
What’s your favorite Johnny & Moira moment? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Hawaiian Night
Back in season 1, the Roses hadn’t integrated themselves with the residents of Schitt’s Creek, giving the impression they’re “above it all.” Showing up to Roland and Jocelyn’s Hawaiian-themed soiree, Johnny and Moira once again seem out of place. Seriously, who eats roasted pig in fancy white attire? However, the two fit in better than expected - thanks to a gal named Mary Jane. Here we get to see a more laid back side of Johnny and Moira, but Roland and Jocelyn as well. The two couples bond over their dreams and children, finding they actually have a fair deal in common. As funny as it is seeing Johnny and Moira step out of their comfort zone, they get a little too close for comfort running into David with Stevie back at the motel.
#9: Skinny Dipping
“Smoke Signals”
Moira becomes even more dramatic than usual when “The Crows Have Eyes III” is seemingly shelved for good. Convinced that this is the final nail in her career, Moira decides to begin a new chapter. To signify this rebirth, Moira suggests that Johnny and her “rebaptize” themselves in the creek. Johnny strips down while Moira gives her agent one last call… or so she thinks. As Moira gets some great news about the “Crows” movie, Johnny receives some bad news from an off-duty officer. Johnny thankfully avoids an arrest, but he’s caught off guard again when Moira announces her return to acting. Although Moira can be a rollercoaster of emotion, Johnny is always supportive of her, which is precisely what makes their dynamic so special.
#8: Moira’s Commercial
“Wine and Roses”
Between her soap star glory days and resurrecting her career with the “Crows” franchise, Moira takes her first step towards a comeback as the Herb Ertlinger Winery spokeswoman. There are just a few problems, though. For starters, Moira isn’t the fruit wine’s biggest fan and Johnny oversteps his boundaries on set. Although she initially sends him away, it becomes clear that Moira needs Johnny in her corner when the cameras start rolling. Flubbing several words, Moira locks herself in her trailer and only Johnny can get through to her. Being the loving husband that he is, Johnny gives Moira the confidence to complete the commercial. While Moira gets through most of the shoot, her final line doesn’t exactly go down like a glass of wine.
#7: The Cabin
“The Cabin”
Though the Roses call the motel home, it doesn’t offer much in the way of privacy. Borrowing Roland’s cabin, Johnny and Moira are forced to break in when they can’t find the key. Although Johnny curses out Roland, it turns out that the key was under the mat. They just got the wrong cabin, turning a romantic getaway into a romantic home invasion. Their alone time is interrupted when they discover the cabin’s owners, who were polite enough to quietly wait in the other room while they finished up. It’s a hilariously awkward moment that’s somehow made even more uncomfortable by Bob and Gwen’s polite demeanors. Johnny and Moira are lucky that Bob and Gwen are so casual about the whole breaking and entering thing. Weirdly, Bob seems more upset about his corkscrew than anything else.
#6: The Christmas Party
“Merry Christmas, Johnny Rose”
Johnny is Moira’s rock, but their relationship isn’t a one-way street. Wanting to make up for lost time, Johnny proposes that the Roses throw a Christmas party. Johnny is ready to give up on the idea upon unveiling a tattered Christmas tree. Seeing that Johnny and his tree need a little love, Moira pulls off a Christmas miracle for him. Johnny returns to find the motel decked out and filled with the people who matter most to him. It may not be one of the lavish events that they used to have, but the Roses finally get to celebrate Christmas as a family. It’s the best present that Moira could’ve gotten Johnny, although his gift to her is a tad last minute.
#5: Buying a Car
“New Car”
With their finances limited but their roleplaying abilities abundant, Johnny and Moira go to a car dealership and pretend to be different people. For Moira, this isn’t just an opportunity to buy a car, but also to put on a show. Johnny and the audience are completely unprepared when Moira breaks out a fake accent, which sounds like a British Katherine Hepburn. Moira also cooks up a backstory that sounds like something right out of a soap opera. That’s because it’s from “Sunrise Bay” and one of the dealers just so happens to be a fan. Even when caught, Moira stays in character until Johnny comes clean. As per usual, Catherine O'Hara steals the show with her eccentric delivery while Eugene Levy’s facial expressions say everything.
#4: Johnny Misses Moira
“The Crowening”
Moira isn’t always the easiest person to live with, but Johnny’s world feels incomplete when she’s not around. As Moira sets off to Bosnia to film “The Crowening,” Johnny sends her his love while trying to downplay his loneliness. He attempts to fill the void with work, although Moira is always on his mind. The way he eagerly lights up whenever she calls perfectly sums up his dedication as a spouse. Although a part of Johnny would love for Moira to come home early, he sees how important this movie is to her, encouraging his love to finish the shoot. It’s not often that we see sensitive male characters in popular media, but Johnny reminds audiences everywhere that it’s okay to miss your partner.
#3: Fifty Shades of Johnny Rose
“Love Letters”
Moira is Johnny’s one and only, but she begins to suspect otherwise upon finding an assortment of love letters from another woman. The fact that Moira hasn’t slept in a few days only contributes to her paranoia. Unable to take her eyes off the letters, Moira keeps telling herself that there’s a logical explanation. Well, there is an explanation, although it’s not what you might expect. It turns out that Moira wrote the letters while she was in a body cast for “Sunrise Bay.” As hilarious as this twist is, it’s also a surprisingly sweet moment. Even when hopped up on painkillers, Moira was thinking of Johnny. Likewise, Johnny couldn’t stop thinking about Moira while she was away, hence why he dug up the letters.
#2: Johnny’s Heart Attack Scare
“The Hike”
In a scene that balances comedy with panic, it looks like Johnny might be having a heart attack. While Johnny tries to remain his usual calm self, Moira becomes alarmed, frustrated, demanding, and affectionate all at once. Catherine O’Hara juggles all of these notes without skipping a beat. You can tell that Moira is out of her element, even though she did play a nurse in an episode of “M*A*S*H.” Nevertheless, Moira is there for Johnny and she would give up all the wigs in the world to save his life. Fortunately, it doesn’t come to that, since Johnny was merely suffering from heartburn. They may have hit a few rough patches, but the episode leaves Johnny and Moira on a heartwarming note.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Moira’s Rose’s Garden, “Stop Saying Lice!”
A Loving Gesture - Bad Grammar, Punctuation & Bank Information Aside
Anniversary Dinner, “Happy Anniversary”
Schitt’s Creek Has Changed the Roses for the Better
Bébé-sitting Roland Jr., “Housewarming”
Johnny & Moira Were Probably Wise to Stop at Two Children
“Danny Boy,” “Carl’s Funeral”
Moira Saves Johnny’s Eulogy With Her Singing Chops
#1: Whenever They Supported Each Other
“Schitt’s Creek” is one of the few shows that’s put a strong emphasis on healthy relationships. Johnny and Moira in particular are a testament to how much two people can love each other. Both characters support the other in their own unique ways. Johnny supports Moira with a level head and relaxed demeanor while Moira supports Johnny by thinking outside the box. Both encourage one another to follow their dreams, even if it means that they might have to make a sacrifice. When a wealthy couple loses all of their money, it’s not uncommon for the marriage to crumble. Johnny and Moira’s marriage was never built on money, however. You can take away their wealth and wigs, but you can’t take away their unbreakable bond.