Top 10 Rose Family Moments on Schitt's Creek

#10: Intimate Moment
“The Cabin”
It’s everyone’s worst nightmare to see their parents in bed together, and in the confines of two adjoined motel rooms, that was always going to happen sooner rather than later. Midway through Season One, David walks in on Johnny and Moira having what Johnny calls an “intimate moment” at eight o’clock in the morning. He runs out of the room in horror and the situation is made far more excruciating by Moira and Johnny trying to explain that they’re not going to be shamed by their embarrassed children. It’s so dire they need to leave for the night to get some alone time, while David and Alexis try to forget about the morning’s events.
#9: Escape Room
“The Bachelor Party”
It turns out that Patrick loves escape rooms and that’s the only thing he wants for his bachelor party, but it comes at the absolute worst time. Not only is it a Galapagos-themed escape room right when Alexis is missing Ted since he’s taken a permanent job there, but Johnny needs to turn his phone off when he’s expecting an important call. It’s hilarious to watch them try to work together while they all get more and more into the game, particularly Alexis who solves most of the puzzles completely on her own. The family all comes together to start a new tradition with Patrick and support him before he marries David.
#8: Jake
“Opening Night”
Schitt’s Creek’s resident polyamorous, pansexual carpenter stops by the motel for some one-on-one time with David – or “afternoon delight” as Johnny embarrassingly still calls it. But David can’t have his dalliance with Jake in peace, because right when Jake is leaving the shower, Moira walks in. Johnny and Alexis eventually join as well, and the entire family has met Jake within a matter of minutes. Moira is all too happy to introduce herself to her son’s new “friend”, though the other Roses find it significantly more awkward. To make matters worse, in the next episode the Roses all get to witness Jake picking up Stevie, learning the truth about how “casual” Jake is.
#7: Alexis Is Pregnant
“Pregnancy Test”
Johnny finds a positive pregnancy test in David and Alexis’ bathroom and the whole family – minus Alexis, who’s just left – draws what seems like the only logical conclusion: Alexis is going to have a baby. Although Jocelyn is actually pregnant, the Roses all start to panic, with Moira very upset about what people will think of Alexis for being a single mother. Johnny, meanwhile, does a cost analysis of their finances to work out whether they can support another child. By the end of the episode, Alexis, who thought Johnny disapproved of her going back to college, realizes what’s happening, and taunts David by telling him he’s going to babysit her twins.
#6: Fold in the Cheese
“Family Dinner”
With no food in the motel, it’s clear that one of the Roses is going to have to learn to cook eventually. Moira is the one who takes on this responsibility and she ropes in David to help her. What follows is one of the show’s most iconic scenes, where they bicker about what “fold in the cheese” means and whether “folding” cheese is even possible. They manage to finish the enchiladas in the end and a painful family dinner follows, where Johnny and Alexis are noticeably nervous about tasting the food in case it’s totally inedible. The enchiladas turn out fine, but Moira swears she will never cook for them again.
#5: Looking for David
“Finding David”
After a love confession from Stevie, David takes Roland’s truck and drives off into the night, disappearing completely from the town. The Roses don’t show too much concern for their missing son right away, with Moira more worried about her prized bag, but eventually, Johnny gets them involved in the search. Roland discovers his truck has been found on an Amish farm and, lo and behold, that’s where David has been staying too. They find him hanging out in a field with a rake. Even funnier is when they stop for ice cream on the way home and it becomes clear that Moira cares about her bag far more than she cares about her son.
#4: Happy Day Alex & Davis
“Grad Night”
It’s Alexis’ high school graduation after she went back to get her diploma – and it’s also David’s birthday. Johnny gets stuck at the motel and Moira makes a poignant, surprise performance with the Jazzagals at the grad ceremony; meanwhile, David is invited out for a special birthday dinner with Patrick. They both arrive home at the end of the night having had pretty great days and are greeted with a hastily made cake from their parents. The problem is it’s so hastily made the message on the top is completely wrong, with both of their names being misspelled. Still, it’s the thought that counts.
#3: The Moira’s Rose’s Garden 4856
“Stop Saying Lice!”
A prestigious theater changes its name so that it no longer honors Moira, something she can’t help but take to heart; this puts the town council’s offer to name a new garden after her into perspective, even if it was Johnny who was behind the whole thing. Johnny gets his way and a garden is set up, dedicated to Moira, and the whole family visits it at the end of the episode. It turns out Johnny made a few mistakes while placing the order, though, because instead of the “Moira Rose Garden,” it’s now “the Moira’s Rose’s Garden 4856” – and the kicker is it doesn’t even have any roses in it.
#2: “I Love You”
“Happy Anniversary”
The Roses aren’t the most affectionate family. Much of their character growth across the show comes from them learning to get along and prioritize each other, after all. That’s why it’s so meaningful when we finally see them say they love each other at the end of Season Two. Alexis and David are at a party in Mutt’s barn with their friends, when the Roses and Schitts show up having had an unpleasant dinner in a fancy restaurant. They decide that’s the right time and all four Roses dance together in the finale. It’s heart-warming to see them come so far in such a short amount of time.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few Honorable Mentions:
Saying Goodbye, “Happy Ending”
They Finally Need to Go Their Separate Ways in a Poignant Farewell
The Portrait, “Friends & Family”
They’re Forced to Confront a Very Tacky Reminder of Their Former Wealth
Watching “The Crows” Trailer, “Maid of Honour”
They All Gather Around to Support Moira in Her Comeback Role
Leak, “The Drip”
A Leak Leaves Johnny Looking Like a Victorian Ghost, As the Kids Point Out
Christmas Party, “Merry Christmas, Johnny Rose”
They Come Together to Throw Johnny the Holiday Party He’s Been Dreaming About
#1: David & Patrick’s Wedding
“Happy Ending”
It’s finally time for David and Patrick to tie the knot, after a whole season of engagement and wedding planning. In true sitcom form, everything goes wrong, but at least the entire Rose family is there to support David. After the officiant cancels due to bad weather, Moira steps in to handle the proceedings, dressed as the pope. It’s Alexis who gets the honor of walking David down the aisle while Johnny can barely keep himself together. One of the show’s best moments is, of course, one of the best moments for the Roses. It shows how much they’ve changed, in a world where just a few years ago, David might not have even wanted his parents at his wedding.