Top 10 Most Iconic Penny Scenes on The Big Bang Theory

#10: The Perfect Gift-Giver
“The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis”
They say it’s better to give than to receive—unless the person you’re giving to is Sheldon Cooper. In that case, you’re better off not even trying. Penny learns this the hard way, but hey, she’s already got the gift, and at least she knows better for next year. When the big day comes, she heads to her neighbors with their presents. Penny’s funny gift to Leonard often gets overshadowed—and for good reason! She thought she was giving Sheldon a sweet little memento. Sheldon, on the other hand, has a completely different interpretation. Penny doesn’t just bring the guys awesome presents; she also brings us the gift of a Saturnalia miracle.
#9: “How We Finish a Quest in Nebraska”
“The Zarnecki Incursion”
While Penny can be rather savage toward the guys, she’s also their fiercest protector. For example, when Alicia moves in, Penny swallows her jealousy and makes sure to have their backs. Then there’s the time she helps Sheldon get his “World of Warcraft” stuff back. The guys try to be heroes but don’t emerge victorious from their quest. Penny turns the evening around after she picks them up when their car breaks down and finishes what they started. Todd Zarnecki quickly learns not to mess with Penny’s friends. Meanwhile, we learn that while we might not always agree with her methods, we could all use a friend like Penny.
#8: Meet Penny
Ah, that moment where it all began! The guys come home to find they have a new neighbor. After an awkward start, Leonard invites Penny to join him and Sheldon for lunch. It's really interesting to see how Penny's character evolved from that first meeting. She was kind of an outsider to their nerdy world, but as the series went on, she really became an integral part of their lives. Looking back now, it's fascinating to see how much everyone has grown. The way Leonard and Penny's relationship develops, Sheldon's begrudging affection for Penny, and how their neighborly friendliness turns into a genuine bond—it's what made the show so beloved.
#7: Confronting Her Feelings for Leonard
“The Monopolar Expedition”
Penny and Leonard’s relationship had so many memorable milestones. There was their first kiss on Halloween and the time Penny proved she had the makings of a “romance ninja.” We’ll also never forget the first time she told Leonard she loved him. However, we can’t overlook the moment it all began, well, for Penny at least. As the guys prepare for their trip to the North Pole, Penny realizes that her feelings for Leonard go beyond friendship. While she’s not ready to tell him, she drops hints like buying him a gift and giving him a long hug. Only after he leaves does she finally admit her feelings out loud.
#6: Party in the Bathroom
“The Celebration Experimentation”
If we think back to the pilot, we never could’ve pictured that one day, Penny would be the one sitting in a bathroom with Sheldon after he freaks out at his birthday party. Yet here we are! When Sheldon ducks out of the festivities, she’s the one who goes after him and sits with his feelings. It’s in those quiet moments that Penny reflects on how much she’s changed since meeting Sheldon and the gang. It’s a touching scene showing Penny’s growth and highlighting her and Sheldon’s endearing connection. While Sheldon doesn’t acknowledge Penny’s impact on his life out loud, the fact that he not only accepts her hug but also reciprocates it speaks volumes.
#5: Shutting Howard Down
“The Killer Robot Instability”
In the early days, Howard Wolowitz was, how do we put this delicately? He was a creep. Penny could barely walk into a room before he’d hit her with some sleazy chat-up line. So, is it any surprise that she eventually reaches breaking point? The guys call her out for upsetting Howard, but we didn’t hear them objecting when he was clearly making Penny uncomfortable. She doesn’t hold back, but come on, Howard kinda deserved it. Thanks to Penny, he might think twice before misbehaving again. And if that doesn’t work, whenever he sees a bathtub, he’ll be reminded that people, like bathtubs, deserve to be treated with respect.
#4: Gamer Queen Penelope
“The Barbarian Sublimation”
You know those times when nothing seems to go right, and all you want is a win? Well, when Penny hits that low point, she dives into virtual reality to feel like a queen. Sheldon introduces her to “Age of Conan,” and soon she’s hooked—calling him at work and even waking him at night. Personal hygiene goes out the window, and she finds sustenance (if you can even call it that) in her hair. Her newfound fixation takes over every aspect of her life but provides plenty of comedy gold. Eventually, she snaps out of it when she realizes that rock bottom is agreeing to an in-game date with Howard.
#3: A Little Physics
“The Gorilla Experiment”
Penny feels out of her depth when Bernadette and Leonard connect over his work, so she turns to Sheldon for help. However, she quickly regrets it when she realizes their ideas of “a little physics” are worlds apart. We’re not sure how much she learned that day, but we know we’ll never forget that warm summer evening in ancient Greece. Despite the rocky start, they eventually find a way to play to Penny’s strengths. She might not grasp 2,600 years of physics, but as an actress, she’s quite adept at memorizing lines. To think, just several years later, she’d be the one to help Sheldon when he gets knotted up with String Theory.
#2: Feuding with Sheldon
“The Panty Piñata Polarization”
While the Shenny relationship is a fan favorite, some of the best laughs come from when they’re at each other’s throats. Their spat over the armchair is a classic, but the feud that kicks off with an innocent onion ring is iconic. Penny is furious when Sheldon banishes her from the apartment, so she fights back. What follows is a hilarious, escalating battle, with each strike more comical than the last. Penny tries to ban Sheldon from the Cheesecake Factory, but her next move in the laundry room is hilariously brutal. It also gives us one of the most memorable quotes of the series. They only call a truce after Leonard reveals Sheldon’s weakness.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Riding the Elevator, “The Change Constant”
Is There a Bigger Honor than Wrapping Up One the Series Best-Love Running Gags?
“Stupid Pop Tart!”, “The Gorilla Dissolution”
Aren’t We All Just Looking for Our “Stupid Pop Tarts”?
Meeting Stan Lee, “The Excelsior Acquisition”
We Hope That When Sheldon Looks at His Restraining Order, He Remembers That Penny’s the One Who Made It Happen!
Singing with Sheldon, “The Work Song Nanocluster”
Sea Shanties: The Foundation of All Good Business Plans
Winning Game Night, “The Re-Entry Minimization”
The Guys Might Be Book Smart, but Penny’s Smarts Show Up in Many Other Ways
#1: Ditzy Penny
“The Adhesive Duck Deficiency”
Sheldon’s probably the last person you want around when you’re in pain, but with the guys camping in the desert, he’s all Penny has. After she slips in the bath, it’s up to Sheldon to get her to the hospital. First, though, she needs help getting dressed, and yeah, she’s in agony, but that doesn’t mean she can’t still look cute, right? Anyway, even her great outfit can’t distract her from how grating Sheldon can be. Later, thanks to painkillers, Penny finds him more amusing, especially after she drops an unintentional innuendo. Of course, the highlight is when she asks him to sing her “Soft Kitty.” Actually, why don’t they sing it together!?
What’s your favorite Penny moment? Penny for your thoughts in the comments.