Top 10 Times Penny Was the Smartest Character on The Big Bang Theory

#10: Giving Leonard Relationship Advice
“The Prestidigitation Approximation”
If your partner was still hanging out with their stunning ex, you might feel a little on edge too. But would you ask them to choose between their friendship or your relationship? That’s what Priya does, much to Leonard’s dismay. He’s initially reluctant and even goes as far as asking Penny to move to avoid bringing it up. But she reads between the lines, and she gets it. Leonard suggests they continue their friendship in secret, but she quickly shoots that idea down. Penny might not be as book-smart as the others, but her street smarts probably saved Leonard’s relationship. Well, for now.
#9: Teaching Leonard a Lesson
“The Extract Obliteration”
In season six, Penny decides to go back to school, starting with a history class at a community college. At first, she hesitates to tell Leonard because this is something she wants to do for herself, and she knows he’ll want to help. Indeed, he can’t resist getting involved, and understandably, she’s annoyed. A few days later, Penny shows Leonard that she doesn’t need his help to get a good grade. Okay, sure, we discover she asked Amy and Bernadette for help, but Leonard doesn’t need to know that. All he needs to know is that Penny’s perfectly capable of navigating the academic world without him.
#8: Her Emotional Intelligence
When Sheldon and Penny first met, the idea that they could be BFFs one day was laughable. However, they quickly grew close and arguably had one of the best relationships on the show. In fact, Penny’s sensitivity and compassion helped her develop a deeper and unique bond with the quirky genius. Indeed, she knows how to get through to him in a way that his other friends seemingly can’t, even though they’ve known him longer. She also knows how to keep him in check, which, if you know Sheldon, is no easy task. If you ask us, Penny can be credited for much of Sheldon’s character development throughout the series.
#7: Figuring Out Howard’s Magic Trick
“The Prestidigitation Approximation”
In this classic episode, Sheldon’s utterly stumped by Howard’s magic trick. Naturally, the others revel in his frustration and taunt him endlessly. At one point, Penny tries to convince him to just enjoy the magic, but he’s having none of it. A few scenes later, she gets her revenge for his savage remark by claiming she’s figured it out. As always, Sheldon believes he’s the most intelligent person in the room, so if he doesn’t get it, there’s no way she could. Oh, Sheldon, it’s almost like you’ve never met Penny before. What makes this moment even funnier is that we later discover she’s in on a much bigger joke.
#6: Penny Talks Finances
“The Fortification Implementation”
To say that Penny’s experienced some financial woes would be an understatement. But, after switching careers, she goes from struggling actress to successful pharmaceuticals rep. During an argument over whether Penny should audition for a Kevin Smith movie, Leonard finds out just how well she’s doing. Not only does she earn twice as much as him, but she also has a pretty responsible plan for her finances. Leonard’s miffed by this new dynamic in their relationship, but we’re super impressed by how she’s turned things around. She also skillfully uses Leonard’s insecurities and her quick wit to win the audition argument from before.
#5: Winning Game Night
“The Re-Entry Minimisation”
It’s game night in apartment 4A. Sheldon’s convinced that he’s at an advantage for simply being, well, him. But he quickly learns that much of his braininess and expertise isn’t just useless here; it’s actually holding him back. Penny takes her good sweet time to enjoy the moment before stealing the show and the game. Hilariously, no matter what activity they tackle, Penny and Amy best the guys at every turn. Would you call someone with that kind of winning streak a “liability?” Didn’t the guys learn anything from games night? They might underestimate her, but we’d want her on our team any day.
#4: Nailing Her Pharmaceutical Career
As we mentioned earlier, Penny gives up acting to pursue a career in pharmaceutical sales. Now, we all remember her initial interview, right? It was pretty abysmal. Still, she gets the job, and she’s actually pretty good at it. Penny proves that a college degree will only get you so far, and actually, there are many other skills needed to truly excel in the workplace. Is it any wonder Bernadette chooses her as a team leader? Or that another company tries to poach her? Penny has possibly the most considerable career detour of any character on the show, and the way she handles it is truly admirable.
#3: Teaching the Guys Pop Culture
“The Bat Jar Conjecture”
After a Physics Bowl tournament comes between the friends, Penny decides to put the guys’ intellect to the ultimate test. But, you know, none of that physics stuff. Instead, she quizzes them on popular culture and well…. Sure, Penny might not know Newton’s Law from Hubble’s Law, but at least she knows the “Brady Bunch” and who sang “Oops, I Did It Again.” And we don’t know about your circles, but the latter two are more likely to come up in ours. We think it’s easy to determine who came out on top here. At least, the next time we see Penny quiz Sheldon on pop culture, he shows some progress .
#2: Checkmate, Leonard!
“The Werewolf Transformation”
Some might call it beginner’s luck, but watching Penny kick Leonard’s butt at chess was truly remarkable. As far as we know, this is her first time playing, and she hasn’t even mastered the names of all the pieces. Yet, she moves her “horsey” and wins the game. Sure, it’s possible that Leonard’s just a really good teacher. But we prefer to think that this proves that intelligence comes in many forms and that everyone has different strengths that help them excel. Penny’s highly observant, intuitive and learns impressively fast. It also shows that she doesn’t get nearly enough credit for her intellect.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Helping Sheldon Adjust to Change, “The Change Constant”
She Imparts Invaluable Wisdom to Anyone Who Can Relate to Sheldon’s Struggles
Using Sheldon’s Love of Contracts for Good, “The Application Deterioration”
How Did No One Else Think of This Idea? It’s Brilliant!
Opening Amy’s Puzzle Box, “The Comic Book Store Regeneration”
Leonard Couldn’t Do It...
Messing with Amy & Bernadette, “The Workplace Proximity”
Who Needs to Be a Genius When You Have a Smart Phone?
Your Ken Can Kiss My Barbie, “The Panty Piñata Polarization”
She Might Have No Clue What Sheldon Just Said, but Her Quick Wit Is as Sharp as Ever
#1: Inspiring Sheldon’s String Theory Breakthrough
“The Solo Oscillation”
Penny didn’t always show much interest in the guys’ careers. But by the last two seasons, she was talking Sheldon through String Theory and discovering comets. In “The Solo Oscillation,” she becomes a sounding board for Sheldon after he hits a professional wall. She helps him rediscover his love for String Theory and even learns a little something too. Eventually, she offers him a fresh perspective that completely alters his approach to the subject. Sure, others have been stumped for decades, but Penny has a significant breakthrough in just one night. Watching Leonard and Amy’s faces when she shares the news is priceless. Where’s her Nobel Prize?