Top 10 Most Iconic Regina George Quotes

#10: Cheese Fries
Regina is trying to figure out what percentage of calories from fat is in her snack, because she's set a limit for herself. Cady, in true math wiz fashion, quickly crunches the numbers. In response to her explanation, Regina suddenly becomes disinterested and announces she’s going to get this delicious food instead. The line is hilarious and quite frankly, iconic. It’s without a doubt one of her more relatable moments in the film. And if you ask us, she made the right call. Because the limit to how many cheese fries is too many simply does not exist.
#9: A Pretty Ploy
Cady Heron is the new girl. Not only that, it’s her first time navigating an actual school, since up until this point, she was homeschooled. Regina can’t believe it, hence her repeatedly telling a very confused and quiet Cady to stop talking. Just as she doesn’t quite understand that it’s just a figure of speech, Cady’s also not exactly well-versed in teenage girl “rules”. As a result, when Regina compliments her, she does what she thinks you’re supposed to and accepts it. She doesn’t realize she walked right into a trap until the head of the Plastics quips back with this response. It’s a deliberate tactic on Regina’s part, and an early indication of how the Plastics mess with people’s heads.
#8: Sweatpants Struggle
Regina delivers this line when Gretchen and Karen confront her about wearing sweatpants on a Monday. Per the rules, she can't sit at their table. It's actually an instance where you might feel a bit bad for Regina, who displays a rare moment of vulnerability. Of course, true to her nature she then snaps back at the girls with a fiery response and walks away. If she can’t sit with them, they certainly can’t ride with her (x-ref). Considering the events of 2020, everyone who's been living in sweats since March likely feels Regina’s pain on this one.
#7: Two-Faced Fashion Police
Regina fawns over a girl's skirt in the hall, and it’s pretty obvious she makes her day. But as soon as she leaves, the Queen Bee’s smile immediately vanishes. Without missing a beat, she turns to Cady and verbally rips it to shreds. It’s actually so cruel, but with Rachel McAdams’ flawless delivery it’s also impossible not to crack a smile upon hearing it. She similarly complimented Cady's bracelet earlier in the movie, so clearly it’s one of her go-to moves. It’s a perfect representation of how two-faced and phony Regina George can be. And like so many of her moments, it’s also comical and easily quotable.
#6: Giving (Almost) Everything
Aaron breaks up with Regina after he finds out she’s been cheating on him with Shane Oman. Naturally, she’s devastated and looks to her friends for support. Of course, she doesn’t know her so-called friends are the reason he found out in the first place. Regina says this about him and their relationship as she’s venting to the other Plastics. It’s such a funny and unforgettable quote because of its literal content. But what makes it even better is how serious she is, crying and supposedly heartbroken. The juxtaposition of those two things ensured fans of the movie would continue to reference this phrase for years to come.
#5: Hairy Back Burn
When Jason is trying to flirt with a brand new and unassuming Cady, Regina effortlessly shuts it down - and actually invites her to sit with them. Jason’s advances are uncomfortable to watch, and Cady isn’t really sure what’s going on. So when Regina completely eviscerates him, you know immediately she’s not to be messed with. Plus, she does Cady a solid and gets her out of the interaction, so it’s no wonder she agrees to sit down. This moment is basically the catalyst for everything that follows, and it’s fabulous. It’s true that Regina’s sassy and bold behavior can be polarizing, particularly when she goes against her friends. But in this instance, it’s perfectly placed and only adds to her allure.
#4: Hanging Up, Regina George Style
Who could ever forget the insanely amusing moment when Regina says this to Karen over the phone? She is the queen of one-liners, and the delivery of this shocking quote, followed by her abruptly hanging up, is proof of that. And this has become a standard response for many fans of the film. It can apply to lots of situations, like those times when your friend starts saying they're tired and isn’t sure if they want to go out anymore. And no matter how many times you’ve seen the movie, the desire to scream it at your screen alongside Regina never fades.
#3: Butter Business
Regina asks the Plastics this question because she's on an "all-carb diet". It’s part of Cady's master plan to take her down by sabotaging everything, from her relationships to her diet. What Regina is genuinely asking - and her expression mixed with the ridiculousness of the whole situation - speaks for itself. Clearly, many others were wondering the same thing, as evidenced by the numerous articles who used this quote as their headline in an attempt to entice readers. Spoiler alert: it’s not. Of course, Cady doesn’t tell Regina this, because where would the fun in that be?
#2: Not a Fan of “Fetch”
Most people in 2004 would’ve probably used a word like “cool” if they liked something. But Gretchen isn’t just anybody. Throughout the film, she really wants to make "fetch" the new big word, much to everyone’s dismay. Regina has finally had enough of hearing it after they perform their Christmas number and snaps at Gretchen with this now well-known line. Her decisive and strikingly harsh tone shocks everyone. It’s part of a series of events that causes the friendship between the two to unravel. Gretchen starts to lose it, growing increasingly frustrated with how Regina always grabs the spotlight. Her father is the inventor of Toaster Strudel after all, and shouldn’t that mean something? Funnily enough, this quote helped make fetch happen in real life.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Calling from Planned Parenthood
If Gretchen Can’t Date Jason, No One Can
Hair Pushed Back
Aaron’s Hair Is a Hot Topic
An Unhealthy Obsession?
Regina Recalls When She & Janice Used to Be Friends
An All-Carb Diet
What Kind of Food Does Taco Bell Serve?
#1: Shop O’Clock
At this point in the film, the Plastics are slowly making Cady one of them, including her in their various activities. The ease and effortlessness with which Regina pulls up in her convertible and tells Cady they’re going to the mall is memorable, to say the least. Cady compares her to a Barbie here, and it's easy to see why. It’s not hard to understand how she gets pulled into the Plastics’ world of shopping, luxury, and popularity. Plus, Rachel McAdams' impeccable delivery makes this one of the movie's most famous and quoted phrases. It’s something friends say to each other to this day - especially since you can customize the latter half of the quote to suit pretty much any outing.