Top 10 Most Long-Awaited Cartoon Kisses

#10: Adora & Catra
“She-Ra and the Princesses of Power”
This couple took us on quite the ride over the 52 episodes of the series. Adora and Catra were raised together as best friends. When Adora left the Horde behind, Catra’s hurt and anger merged with her ambition, and the two found themselves as outright enemies. There’s no arguing that this pair put each other through a lot, but it was still clear that neither one ever stopped caring. After they find their way back to the same side, repairing their relationship takes work, but the bond between them is unshakable. By the series finale, they finally realize what we all knew, and gave us the moment we’d been dying to see.
#9: Star Butterfly & Marco Diaz
“Star vs. the Forces of Evil”
Their souls may be bound together, but that doesn’t mean these two best friends had an easy road. While they make a great team, it still took them some time to get on the same page about their feelings for each other. Initially it looked like Marco didn't return Star’s romantic interest in him. After they both date other people and suffer countless missed connections, Marco finally recognizes his love for Star. At long last, after 53 episodes of waiting, we get to see these two share a sweet kiss. The moment was interrupted quickly, and it would still take a while for them to get together, but this kiss gave us hope.
#8: Danny Phantom & Sam Manson
“Danny Phantom”
Talk about a tease! For 53 episodes, Danny and Sam were all about the fake-out-make-out. Unwilling to acknowledge their feelings for one another, this couple would only kiss as a diversionary tactic. Of course they never wanted to address why they were so willing to use that particular method. When the end of the series rolled around, though, there was nothing left to lose. With the fate of the world on the line, Sam finally kisses Danny for real, and our own spirits lift into the stratosphere when we see Danny kiss her back. Series endings are always a little sad, but it was easier to let go knowing we were leaving Sam and Danny together, where they belonged.
#7: Kim Possible & Ron Stoppable
“Kim Possible”
At the dawn of the Millennium, Kim Possible was the badass girl spy we all wanted to be, and Ron Stoppable was...great moral support. Still, while their skill sets were a bit mismatched, this pair always had an undeniable chemistry. Like many great couples, it took them some time to realize that what they had was more than just a strong friendship. Well, actually it took time and a handsome synthodrone sent by Dr. Drakken, but, you know. Kim and Ron were quick to make their relationship official when they showed up together at prom. It’s the most natural thing in the world to see their passionate first kiss only moments later. After 60 episodes what would be the point in waiting?
#6: Aang and Katara
“Avatar: The Last Airbender”
For Aang this relationship was definitely love at first sight. Katara took a little longer to reciprocate his feelings though. Aang mostly kept his crush to himself while he was busy saving the world, but the series did tease this ship a few times along the way. The almost-kiss in “The Cave of Two Lovers,” was just about surviving, but we still felt a little let down when it was interrupted. On the Day of Black Sun, Aang made a bigger gesture to a shocked Katara before they invaded the Fire Nation. It wasn’t until the last moments of the series though, 61 episodes in, that Aang and Katara finally shared a kiss and made their relationship official.
#5: Gumball Watterson & Penny Fitgerald
“The Amazing World of Gumball”
Unlike some other couples on this list, Gumball and Penny have always been aware of their feelings for each other. They do, however, struggle to express those feelings. They shared a few near-kisses, usually at inopportune moments. The 96th series episode, “The Shell” starts out with another kiss gone wrong. When Gumball accidentally cracks Penny’s shell, she reveals her true form. Unfortunately, she thinks Gumball’s reaction is a rejection, and flees before he can stop her. It all works out in the end of course. Gumball finally manages to catch up to Penny and make his feelings known . As these two share their long-awaited kiss, all we see is the beauty of true love.
#4: Philip J. Fry & Leela
This show was better known for its absurdist humor than its deep emotions, but that didn’t stop us from getting invested in the love story of Fry and Leela. With seven seasons between their first meeting and the full embrace of their relationship, this romance is the definition of a slow burn. The two had shared other kisses over the years. Notably Leela tried to kiss some humanity back into Fry in the third season. Something about their kiss in the 131st episode,“Fry and Leela’s Big Fling,” just feels like the most significant though. For the first time we see them unambiguously coupled up and happy together. Plus, once the Pizza Planet Express gang was in on the news, there really was no turning back.
#3: Ruby & Sapphire
“Steven Universe”
Ruby and Sapphire’s committed relationship was always one of the sweetest things about “Steven Universe.” From the very beginning there was no doubt that these two gems were head over heels for each other. Not only was their eventual engagement a milestone for LGBTQ representation on TV, but it was just heart-meltingly adorable. While we always enjoyed their affectionate displays, it took a staggering 152 episodes before we got to see them kiss for real. After all that buildup, their wedding smooch was everything we’d been waiting for. As they fused into Garnet it was impossible not to see this pair for the perfect soulmates they are.
#2: Phineas Flynn & Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
“Phineas and Ferb”
This show never played coy with Isabella’s affection for Phineas. Between her vivid daydreams and her constant willingness to join his adventures, it’s obvious that the girl is smitten. It’s just that Phineas has been too distracted to notice. After all, there’s only 104 days of summer vacation. Except that his cluelessness lasts way beyond that. 221 episodes into the series, we time jump ten years into the future when Phineas is finally made aware of Isabella’s feelings. Worried he may have lost his chance, Phineas tracks down Isabella to finally confess his mutual attraction. The two share a romantic kiss before she leaves for college, and we all have to agree with her assessment.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Rigby & Eileen, “Regular Show”
261 Episodes to Get the Kiss We Were Waiting For
Mordecai & Margaret, “Regular Show”
After 105 Episodes It Was Up to Margaret to Take the Lead
Ben & Julie, “Ben 10: Alien Force” & “Ben 10: Ultimate Alien”
98 Episodes of Worth It
#1: Princess Bubblegum and Marceline the Vampire Queen
“Adventure Time”
It took a gobsmacking 280 episodes, but one of the most beloved animated romances of our time finally received confirmation. Though their opposite personalities initially caused Princess Bubblegum and Marceline to butt heads, their attraction was ultimately irresistible. The show sprinkled hints of a relationship throughout the seasons, like Princess Bubblegum sleeping in Marceline’s shirt. However, it wasn’t until the series finale that their love was made explicit. As is so often the case, it took the near end of the world for us to see this couple kiss. It was a joyful, cathartic moment that we can rewatch over and over again. A true happily ever after is Marceline and Princess Bubblegum together at last.