Top 10 Almost Kisses in Cartoons

Will they? Won’t they?… aaannd they didn’t. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Almost Kisses in Cartoons.
For this list, we’ll be looking at scenes in animated TV series where two characters come close to smooching, but don’t quite lock lips.
#10: Jimmy Neutron & Cindy Vortex
“The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius” (2002-06)
On the rare occasions when these two aren’t bickering or denying their feelings for each other, they have come close to locking lips. After seeing Jimmy kiss a female Gorlock during an intergalactic game show in this season 2 three-part episode, Cindy becomes furious at him; and the boy’s claims that the kiss was just a “Gorlockian seal of trust” do little to appease her. Fortunately, the short-tempered blonde seems to get over it eventually: she even timidly asks him what exactly the ritual is. As she becomes captivated by his demonstration, the two seem poised to share a“Gorlockian seal” of their own. The moment seems perfect, and their lips are about to touch… when they’re interrupted by a literal meteor crash. Seems like the universe decided it just wasn’t the right time.
#9: Doug Yancey ‘Doug’ Funnie & Patricia ‘Patti’ Mayonnaise
“Doug” (1991-94; 96-99)
Sometimes it’s hard to tell where friendship ends, and romance begins. Doug Funnie spends the majority of the show pining for his best friend, the smart and athletic Patti Mayonnaise. So when she invites him to go to the movies, he asks himself the age-old question: is this a date? Confused by Patti’s mixed signals, the clumsy eleven-year old changes his mind back and forth throughout the evening. As he walks her back to her house, the two nervously bring up the question and laugh it off. For a split second, they lean in towards each other… before Patti loses her nerve, leaving the young boy crestfallen. Don’t worry about it, Doug: first dates are always awkward.
#8: Margaret & Mordecai
“Regular Show” (2009-17)
What’s the best place to make a move on your longtime crush? According to this anthropomorphic blue jay, a spooky abandoned zoo. When his friend Rigby tells him about the legend of Death Bear, a ghost bear that supposedly haunts the local zoo, Mordecai sees this as the perfect opportunity to impress his love interest, Margaret. While Mordecai, Rigby, Margaret and Eileen investigate the ruins of the old zoo, the two potential lovebirds playfully flirt back and forth; against all odds, things seem to be going pretty smoothly. But just as Mordecai goes in for a long-awaited first kiss, the romantic moment is interrupted by a very real -- and very angry -- Death Bear. Turns out, nothing kills the mood like having to run away from a psychotic, murderous beast.
#7: Gwen & Trent
“Total Drama” (2007-14)
Gwen seems to have caught Trent’s eye from the moment he first stepped foot on the island - and despite the goth’s tough, cold exterior, it’s clear that she also had a soft spot for him from the start. Sadly, their budding romance gets cut short when she catches him kissing their fellow contestant, Heather. The scandal causes everyone to turn against Trent and vote him off the show, before Heather reveals that she’d tricked him into kissing her. Distraught, Gwen still manages to catch Trent just before he leaves the island. In an incredibly sweet scene, the two patch things up and lean in for a romantic farewell kiss… only to get pulled apart by Chris. Not cool, bro.
#6: Beast Boy & Raven
“Teen Titans Go!” (2013-)
At first glance, Beast Boy and Raven seem like polar opposites: she’s serious, he’s a jokester, she’s a loner, he’s hypersocial, she’s quiet, and he’s… not. But despite their differences, Beastboy is completely smitten with Raven. When Cyborg invents a matchmaking device that matches them together as “soulmates,” he becomes determined to win her over. After turning him down in increasingly brutal ways, Raven finally gives him a chance and even accepts his marriage proposal. On their wedding day, the two are about to seal the deal with a kiss, when Cyborg reveals that his device had malfunctioned - meaning that Raven and Beast Boy are NOT soulmates. While the wedding is called off, the two teammates do eventually get together and go on to share an actual kiss.
#5: Benjamin ‘Ben’ Tennyson & Julie Yamamoto
“Ben 10: Alien Force” (2008-10)
It’s not easy to find someone who accepts your secret identity as a shapeshifting, crime-fighting superhero. Not only is Julie Yamamoto totally chill with Ben’s powers, but she also actually adopts an alien mechamorph as her pet! Unfortunately, his world-saving duties can occasionally get in the way of his love life. After preventing the Highbreed species from eradicating all life in the universe, Ben and Julie are happy to find each other safe and sound. They lean in to celebrate with a kiss… before realizing that everyone is looking at them. We can’t blame them for putting it off: being watched by your cousin and grandpa doesn’t exactly scream romance.
#4: Leela & Philip J. Fry
“Futurama” (1999-2013)
After sharing their first semi-romantic moment on the moon, (xref) Leela and Fry seemed to go back to being just friends. But a company vacation aboard a luxury spaceship was all it took to make sparks fly again. In order to ward off the persistent Zapp Brannigan, Leela pretends to be engaged to Fry; but when Amy does almost the same thing to get her parents off her back, the Cyclops gets unexpectedly jealous. As she walks out in a huff, Fry joins her on the deck, and they share a touching heart-to-heart beneath the stars. Needless to say, love was in the air; and if they hadn’t been interrupted by a black hole, the two would’ve had their first kiss right then and there.
#3: Pearl & Rose Quartz
“Steven Universe” (2013-19)
While magic got in the way of kissing when Connie and Steven’s first kiss was interrupted by Steven discovering his healing powers, season one wouldn’t be the last time this happened in this series. Although Pearl was obviously head-over-heels in love with Rose Quartz, it’s unclear whether or not Rose ever felt the same way. However, she did care a great deal about her, and the two even came close to sharing a kiss. During a season 2 flashback, Rose is seen singing in harmony with her human love interest, Greg, while Pearl sulks on the sidelines. As Greg launches into a guitar solo, she pulls Rose aside into a sensual dance, and the two lean in tenderly before fusing into the majestic Rainbow Quartz.
#2: Aang & Katara
“Avatar: The Last Airbender” (2005-08)
It’s not easy to find time for romance when you’re on a journey to save the world, but love finds a way. Aang may have fallen for Katara the moment they met, but her feelings evolved more gradually. When Aang hosts an impromptu party for the Fire Nation kids, the waterbender is visibly awestruck by his dancing skills… and irked by his flirtatious behavior with other girls. Thankfully, the young avatar puts her mind at ease by inviting her to join him on the dance floor. During their intimate yet spectacular dance duet, the two come thiiiis close to kissing, only to end up looking breathlessly into each other’s eyes. Need we say more?
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Yumi Ishiyama & Ulrich Stern: Or Resetting Time at the Worst Possible Moment
“Code Lyoko” (2003-07)
Timmy Turner & Trixie Tang: Just Let Him Kiss the Girl Already!
“The Fairly OddParents” (2001-17)
Jude Lizowski & Starr: When You Get the Wrong Kind of Butterflies in Your Stomach
“6teen” (2004-10)
Miss Martian & Superboy: Because Power Couples Don’t Have Time for Kisses
“Young Justice” (2010-)
Cassandra & Andrew: Hot Air Balloons Aren’t Always Romantic
“Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure” [aka “Tangled: The Series”] (2017-20)
#1: Ronald ‘Ron’ Stoppable & Kimberly Ann ‘Kim’ Possible
“Kim Possible” (2002-07)
Fans couldn’t have been happier when these two finally got together at their junior prom. But even after they officially become boyfriend and girlfriend, the couple rarely had a minute to themselves without getting interrupted. When Ron gets discouraged during a Middleton High School football game, Kim steps in to cheer up her dejected boyfriend. As always, her pep talk manages to boost his self-esteem and put a smile back on his face. Just as the two are puckering up, Wade shows up with a new battle suit for Kim: perfect timing as usual. At least they make up for it later with some quality time together, a.k.a., nacos and a movie.