Top 20 First Kiss Scenes on TV

You never forget your first liplock. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 20 First Kisses on TV.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the most iconic small screen smooches between love interests and couples. We’re excluding anime and animated shows this time around.
#20: Clarke Griffin & Lexa
“The 100” (2014-)
This great kiss marks the beginning of a tragically short-lived, but iconic same-sex TV couple. The two leaders of their respective peoples, Clarke Griffin and Lexa are initially at odds with one another, but they eventually develop a mutual respect… and attraction. Clarke helps Lexa see that life should be about more than just survival; prompting Lexa to kiss her. Clarke pulls away, as she’s not over the death of her last love interest, but we saw from how she initially responded that the attraction is mutual. These two were a fan favorite pairing, even if they made some questionable decisions separately.
#19: Katherine ‘Kate’ Beckett & Richard Castle
“Castle” (2009-16)
Now onto a couple with quite the conflicting personalities: writer Rick Castle and detective Kate Beckett certainly have their share of passionate debates while solving crimes. We actually had a hard time deciding which of their kisses was the actual “first,” and while it was tempting to choose their first romantic kiss, we’re giving our nod to a kiss between the two of them while they’re undercover. While attempting to sneak up on a guard, the duo seek to divert his attention. In the spur of the moment, Castle kisses Beckett passionately so as not to blow their cover; allowing Beckett to knock the guard out. Castle was left speechless by the whole thing and so were we!)
#18: Jack Shephard & Kate Austen
“Lost” (2004-10)
Between its three central characters, “Lost” gave us one of TV’s best love triangles ever. Whether you were rooting for Team Jack or Team Sawyer, most people would agree that Kate’s first kiss with the doc packed a more dramatic punch. Emotions run high on the island as Kate’s past begins to catch up to her present. In a moment of vulnerability, she turns to Jack for comfort and they partake in a steamy kiss. Jack is caught off guard and Kate seems just as surprised by her own actions. Unsure what to make of this, she rushes deeper into the jungle. As fast as Kate runs, she can’t escape her feelings or what she did.
#17: Buffy Summers & Angel
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (1997-2003)
Willow and Tara’s first onscreen kiss was touching, overdue, and even important. Yet, Buffy and Angel will always be this show’s ultimate power couple. For the first several episodes, Angel is an enigma. Although it seems like he genuinely wants to aid the slayer, there’s clearly something menacing lurking inside him. Buffy finally gets a glimpse of Angel’s dark side after they first lock lips. Pushed away, Buffy finds that the mysterious stranger she’s fallen for is also one of the monsters she’s been hunting, which is only the beginning of their complicated relationship. The closer Angel gets to Buffy, the closer he gets to true happiness; but the closer Angel gets to happiness, the more soulless he becomes.
#16: Kurt Hummel & Blaine Anderson
“Glee” (2009-15)
“Glee” had no shortage of great first kisses, from Finn and Rachel to Brittany and Santana. Yet, nothing tugged at our heartstrings quite like the first time Kurt and Blaine embraced each other. Bullied and ridiculed for being gay, Kurt finds confidence in himself upon switching schools and meeting Blaine. Although he initially only views Kurt as a friend, Blaine comes to realize that love has been staring him in the face this whole time. Delivering a heartfelt speech about how Kurt inspires him, Blaine leans in for a passionate smooch. From that point on, their romance soars like a blackbird.
#15: Betty Cooper & Jughead Jones
“Riverdale” (2017-)
This teen drama’s first season revolved around the residents of the titular town and how they coped with Jason Blossom’s murder. Betty and Jughead team up to investigate and end up at the Sisters of Quiet Mercy group home. Here, they not only find Betty’s pregnant sister Polly, but they also have to deliver the bad news about her baby daddy Jason. Following a confrontation with her parents back home, Betty is visited by Jughead when she’s alone in her room. It’s while opening up to him about her family issues that Jughead demonstrates how much he cares about Betty with this physical act. The moment brings the two closer together, but also helps the budding detective remember a possible key piece of evidence.
#14: Niklaus Mikaelson & Caroline Forbes
“The Vampire Diaries” (2009-17)
The attraction between original hybrid Klaus Mikaelson and new vampire Caroline Forbes had been building for several seasons by this point, but an intense stroll through the woods during the show’s 100th episode finally brings those feelings to the surface. Klaus offers to leave town, but only if Caroline is upfront about her feelings for him; she’s been understandably reluctant to express affection for the occasionally villainous vamp. Although their make out session is accompanied by some intense and somewhat menacing music, the moment still had many fans jumping with joy.
#13: Barney Stinson & Robin Scherbatsky
“How I Met Your Mother” (2005-14)
Despite their clearly different personalities - Barney Stinson is an incorrigible horn dog and Robin Scherbatsky is a confident, tomboyish news anchor - these two have surprisingly great chemistry together. The latter had a more girly side in her younger days, as she was a pop singer in Canada, which is a fact that Barney is obsessed with. After an ex who appeared in her second music video breaks her heart all over again, Barney cheers Robin up by watching her “so bad it’s good” video with her…over and over again. Ultimately, the strange mood of the video and the experience get to them and this unexpected, but “totally rad” pairing gets its start with a kiss.
#12: Jessica Day & Nick Miller
“New Girl” (2011-18)
While these roommates always seemed to have chemistry (whether they were aware of it or not), it’s in season two that Jess and Nick really start to become attracted to each other. After being scared by a strange noise when she’s left alone by Nick, Schmidt and Winston, Jess frantically calls her friends for help. Not only do the guys bring back two potential love interests, but also Cece, Cece’s date and Jess’ current beau, Sam, arrive at the loft. While Sam’s presence kills the initial moment between the True American participants, who spent their time opening up instead of making out in the closet, Nick redeems himself later when he grabs Jess and passionately shows her what he really “meant.”
#11: Seeley Booth & Temperance ‘Bones’ Brennan
“Bones” (2005-17)
Dr. Temperance “Bones” Brennan is a forensic anthropologist who assists FBI agent Seeley Booth in his investigations. These two are another crime solving duo whose will they/won’t they relationship offered plenty of “first” kisses to choose from, but we ultimately settled on their Christmas kiss. When offered a mistletoe, Brennan takes the opportunity to plant one on Booth. Suffice it to say, the resulting kiss feels far more charged than your run-of-the-mill friendly holiday smooch. Booth’s flabbergasted expression and Brennan’s subtle smugness make this one a gift for everyone watching.
#10: Jake Peralta & Amy Santiago
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (2013-)
These two co-workers at the 99th precinct started off as rival detectives who were often partnered up on cases. Despite their competitiveness, Amy and Jake grew to be friends who both respected and flirted with each other. So when they go undercover as an engaged couple, it’s not too surprising that they’re able to successfully find ways to maintain the pretense while in the presence of their suspects. This includes two separate incidents in which Amy and Jake fake kiss. Though they had earlier agreed to keep their relationship professional, the partners later find themselves in private discussing Captain Holt’s departure, where they end up kissing for real. Though they’re interrupted from talking about what just happened, it’s clear things have changed.
#9: Cory Matthews & Topanga Lawrence
“Boy Meets World” (1993-2000)
The fourth episode of “Boy Meets World” not only marks Cory and Topanga’s first smooch, but also Topanga’s first appearance on the show. Paired together by Mr. Feeny for a school project, Cory is reluctant to work with the weirdo girl. The two eventually come together in an act of protest, however, handcuffing themselves to their lockers. Matters take an uncomfortable turn when Topanga suggests they kiss. With nowhere to run, Cory is pressed up against a locker and his future wife lays one on him. Afterwards, the stunned Cory isn’t sure whether to be ecstatic or horrified. His bad hair day only makes the beginning of their romance more memorable.
#8: Stiles Stilinski & Lydia Martin
“Teen Wolf” (2011-17)
Stiles has been pining for banshee Lydia since they were kids, but it took years for her to take notice of him and for them to become friends. Although Stiles keeps his feelings to himself, a significant development occurs between them when he suffers a panic attack after learning his father may be killed. In order to calm him down, Lydia kisses him and, wow: what a kiss! Call us suckers for slow-mo, but this smooch got us good. Although their relationship doesn’t turn overtly romantic for quite some time after this, the moment does help Lydia see Stiles in a different light going forward.
#7: Emma Swan & Hook
“Once Upon a Time” (2011-18)
The roguish Captain Hook of “Once Upon a Time” is a far cry from the one in Disney’s “Peter Pan,” but his initial attempts to woo protagonist Emma Swan prove fruitless. That is, until it’s revealed by Emma’s father that Hook saved his life. Hook manages to goad Emma into kissing him in gratitude, and while the two of them briefly argue about which of them would have trouble handling it, they both appear taken off-guard by the intensity of the kiss - and we’re right there with them! Emma warns Hook that it’s a one-time thing, but considering the passion… we all knew that it was the start to oh so much more.
#6: Magnus Bane & Alexander ‘Alec’ Lightwood
“Shadowhunters” (2016-19)
Shadowhunter Alec Lightwood and warlock Magnus Bane share a strong attraction and have a great flirtatious dynamic right off the bat, but Alec has another crush and some family drama to work through before anything can come of it. Alec’s need to restore his family’s honor leads him to enter into a marriage with Lydia, despite his feelings for Magnus. However, Magnus arrives during the ceremony, helping Alec realize that marrying for anything but love would not be fair to either parties. Lydia agrees, after which Magnus and Alec kiss in front of the whole wedding party. It may not have been the kiss they were expecting, but it was the one we were hoping for.
#5: Damon Salvatore & Elena Gilbert
“The Vampire Diaries” (2009-17)
The relationship between Damon and Elena slowly transitions throughout the earlier seasons of “The Vampire Diaries.” Getting off on the wrong foot, they later evolve into allies and friends. Then, by the end of season two, “Delena” officially becomes a thing. Suffering from a werewolf bite, Damon finds himself lying on what could be his deathbed. Elena looks after him, forgiving the dying vampire for everything he’s done in the past. Cuddled up together, Damon declares his love for Elena and the two engage in a bittersweet kiss. Katherine then shows up with a cure for Damon, but she kind of spoils the moment.
#4: Blair Waldorf & Chuck Bass
“Gossip Girl” (2007-12)
If you weren’t obsessed with “Gossip Girl” already, this smooch sealed the deal. Shortly after breaking up with Nate, Blair quickly finds a rebound guy in Chuck. These two start to see each other in a different light at a burlesque club one evening. Shedding some clothing, Blair shows Chuck that she’s not that innocent. Blair decides to continue her bad girl streak as the night continues, making a move on Chuck in the back of a limo. These wealthy, insanely good-looking teenagers express their mutual attraction for one another with a rousing first kiss. Of course they do a lot more than just pucker up, if you catch our drift.
#3: Jim Halpert & Pam Beesly
“The Office” (2005-13)
As season two of “The Office” progresses, Jim and Pam become much more than co-workers. At Casino Night, Jim can’t conceal his emotions any longer and confesses his love for her. Deep down, Pam knows that she belongs with Jim, but feels obligated to stay with her fiancé. Jim is left crushed, as is the audience. Before letting her go, however, Jim gives the receptionist of his dreams a tender kiss. Although Pam previously planted an inebriated peck on Jim’s lips at the Dundie Awards, this is the couple’s first true kiss, closing out the Emmy-winning season with a pitch perfect cliffhanger.
#2: Lorelai Gilmore & Luke Danes
“Gilmore Girls” (2000-07; 2016)
Rory Gilmore had her fair share of memorable first kisses over the years, especially when she threw herself at Jess. However, Lorelai and Luke easily had the most meaningful romance on “Gilmore Girls.” For years, viewers longed to see if their friendship would evolve into something more. All that waiting paid off in this episode, as the two finally shut their mouths and touched lips. Seeing Luke and Lorelai together at last, all the audience wants is to stand still and stay in this moment forever. Even if the moment is abruptly interrupted, nothing can ruin the beautiful bond these characters share.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Eric Northman & Sookie Stackhouse
“True Blood” (2008-14)
Veronica Mars & Logan Echolls
“Veronica Mars” (2004- 07; 2014; 2019)
Pacey Witter & Joey Potter
“Dawson's Creek” (1998-2003)
Eleven & Mike Wheeler
“Stranger Things” (2016-)
Cheryl Blossom & Toni Topaz
“Riverdale” (2017-)
#1: Ross Geller & Rachel Green
“Friends” (1994-2004)
While we’ll never forget the kiss that commenced Chandler and Monica’s relationship, the road to Ross and Rachel’s first kiss was an emotional rollercoaster. After a whole season of pining after Rachel, Ross starts to move on with someone else. As bad timing would have it, this is when Rachel discovers her feelings for Ross. One drunken phone call later, the cat comes out of the bag. The will they/won’t they tension reaches its climax at Central Perk, as they let their frustration out. Ross storms off, but returns moments later and Rachel unlocks the door. With the music building up, they lean in for a first kiss unlike any other. Now that’s what we call closure!