Top 10 Most Satisfying Moments on The 100

For every emotionally devastating moment on this show, there is one just as emotionally fulfilling. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Satisfying Moments on The 100.
For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the most satisfying moments from the sci-fi drama “The 100.”
#10: Opening the Bunker
“Pandora’s Box”
From the perfect timing, to the reuniting of Bellamy and Octavia everything about this moment is a breath of fresh air. The six year time jump felt just as long to all of us as it did to the characters. So we felt Bellamy’s ache of wanting to get back to Earth and open the bunker as quickly as possible. Just as Kane is about to die in the pit, light cracks through the roof, and Bellamy descends down into the bunker. After several long episodes, the last piece of the core crew is finally back, and Bellamy is together again with Octavia, even though it’s not exactly what he expected.
#9: Clarke Ends Emerson’s Life
As satisfying as it was to see Clarke take the high road and spare the last of the Mountain Men the wrath of her revenge, it was even more satisfying to see her end him. After the devastation at Mount Weather, Emerson was bent on revenge. He helped Ice Nation blow up the mountain, killing much of Skaikru, and then turned his sights on Clarke and her friends directly. He captures Clarke’s friends and plans to make her watch them die, like he watched his family die. Just when it seems he has won, Clarke has one trick left up her sleeve. She activates the Flame, and jams it in his head, killing him instead. And the last of the 100’s arguably most formidable enemy is gone.
#8: Bellamy Revives Clarke
Clarke has made some amazing comebacks, but she came the closest to death as she's ever been when the Primes try to wipe her mind and upload Josephine in her body. Thankfully Clarke fights back for her mind, and the 100 find a way to help Clarke take back control, but it is very risky. In order to get rid of Josephine once and for all, Clarke actually does die for a few moments. Time seems to stop in those moments as Bellamy desperately tries to bring her back and refuses to give up even when the others tell him that it's over. He eventually does revive her and the reunion is joyus.
#7: Lincoln Gives Cage a Taste of His Own Medicine
“Blood Must Have Blood, Part Two”
The whole Mount Weather debacle is very tragic and full of mixed emotions. Though we’re happy that the 100 are free, we are devastated at what they had to do, including sacrificing the people that helped them. But one moment in all that was undeniably awesome, and that is when Lincoln kills Cage. Having had the treatments from the 100’s bone marrow, Cage is able to escape to the ground, but his freedom does not last long. Lincoln, who had previously been tortured, turned into a Reaper, and transformed into the monster he fought his entire life to keep at bay, gave Cage exactly what he deserved; a taste of his own medicine.
#6: Bellamy & Clarke Reunite
“Sleeping Giants”
After six years apart all anybody wanted to see was the whole crew reunite. But let’s be honest: the reunion we were most desperate for was that of the 100’s two fearless leaders. So when Clarke and Bellamy finally saw each other again for the first time, it was unforgettable. And in the most perfect Clarke and Bellamy fashion, the reunion takes place when he saves her from being tortured by Diyoza. Though they do also get a more happy reacquaintance. Their conversation, which mirrored their last conversation before they separated, was exactly what we all had been waiting for. And that moment when Raven and Murphy heard Clarke’s voice again for the first time was like a breath of fresh air after six years of radiation.
#5: Raven Reyes Is Alive
“The Other Side”
Everyone on this show goes through a lot of tragedy, but Raven Reyes just seems to get trashed on more than everyone, every single season. With the death wave coming, and her brain still messed up from A.L.I.E., Raven decides to stay behind. But with some help from a hallucination of Sinclair, she instead decides to choose life. After the insane procedure she does to cure herself from her deadly illness, she delivers that epic line over the radio: ["This is Raven Reyes, and I'm alive".] It will make you jump out of your seat and cheer every time.
#4: Lexa & Clarke Finally Get Together
The tension between these two had been palpable since pretty much the moment they met. Either they were going to kiss each other or kill each other. But after Lexa betrayed Clarke at Mount Weather, it seemed like all hope was lost for them. However, after they reunite in Polis they become bonded. Their relationship blooms, and their trust and love for each other grows. Looking back on it, it’s hard to relish in the joy of the moment when Clarke and Lexa finally get together, because of the tragedy that follows so closely after. But there is no doubt that the tender moment between them was a long time coming, and well deserved.
#3: Octavia Winning the Conclave
“Die All, Die Merrily”
This whole episode is so badass. Octavia's fight scenes are so powerful, but though we usually see her as such a ruthless fighter, she also shows vulnerability in battle and compassion in victory, which is incredible. We don't think anyone doubted that Octavia would be the one to walk out of the arena, but watching her throw down her opponents and claim her victory, and her speech that follows is one of the show's finest moments. Though this is Octavia’s moment, we have to mention Bellamy’s epic speech to Roan about his half-sister. After all the times they’ve fought and even times she’s hated him, there’s no doubt that hearing how her brother really felt about gave her even more strength to win.
#2: Madi to the Rescue
“Damocles - Part One”
The young Commander may have been a late addition to the core group, but she already has one of the show’s most awesome moments under her belt. Octavia, Bellamy, Indra, and Gaia are pinned down in the war with the prisoners with no way out. After realising how she has misled Wonkru, Octavia selflessly volunteers to draw the prisoners’ fire so the rest can get away. Just as she is about to die a warrior's death, Madi and the rest of Spacekru roll up in the rover, saving them all. The moment is so epic that Octavia, who previously was doing everything she could to remain in control, bows to Madi, legitimizing her as the one true Commander of Wonkru.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Clarke & Bellamy Hug
“Human Trials”
Bellamy & Octavia Volunteer to Fight Side by Side
“The Blood of Sanctum”
Clarke Changes Her Mind & Helps Madi
“Damocles - Part One”
Lexa Saves Clarke
“Perverse Instantiation - Part Two”
#1: Taking Down A.L.I.E.
“Perverse Instantiation - Part Two”
A.L.I.E. was a formidable villain, not just because she was bent on improving humanity through world domination, but also because she turned all our favorite characters on each other: friends attacked friends, family against family, Raven almost died. It was a terrible situation all around. So, with help from Raven, when Clarke finally flips the switch that kills the sentient artificial intelligence once and for all, it is immeasurably satisfying. So long and good riddance. We also have to mention another moment in tandem with defeating A.L.I.E. from the same episode: when Octavia finally kills Pike. That guy was the worst. So long and good riddance (yes, we said that again!).