Top 10 Most Shocking The Big Bang Theory Moments

#10:Penny’s Pregnancy
“The Stockholm Syndrome”
In the season 12 episode “The Procreation Calculation,” Penny shares her feelings about motherhood. So, we certainly weren’t expecting her to announce that she’s pregnant in the series finale! She had shown audiences that not everyone has parental instincts, and that’s okay. Some even felt that her pregnancy was a disservice to the character and to the fans who she’d helped feel seen. Still, while Penny voices apprehension about the road ahead, she’s seemingly accepted this plot twist in her life plan. The creators explained that this decision was their way of “honoring” Penny and Leonard’s relationship. After all, remember what Leonard told Sheldon in the pilot? Sheldon sure does.
#9: Penny Breaks up with Leonard
“The Wheaton Recurrence”
Remember when Wil Wheaton manipulated Penny into breaking up with Leonard just to win a bowling match? To be fair, the cracks in the relationship were already there after Leonard dropped the L-Bomb, and Penny wasn’t ready to say it back. Since Leonard wouldn’t drop it, we weren’t sure that the relationship would survive the episode anyway, but Wheaton gives Penny that final nudge to call it quits. Watching her run off in tears was a major blow. It’s not the only time her emotional walls left our jaws hanging, either. In fact, we don’t think anyone was more taken aback than Penny when she finally told Leonard she loves him several seasons later.
#8: Howard Has a Half-Brother?!
“The Fortification Implementation”
Howard’s upset after Sheldon unearths a letter from his estranged father and shares its contents with their friends. To make it up to him, the gang presents Howard with several possible narratives, only one of which is true. However, none of them mention another family or any half-siblings. So when a young man turned up at the door claiming that he and Howard share a father, we were pretty shocked. Although not nearly as half as astonished as Howard. After a rocky start, Howard and his half-brother, Josh, get to know each other and even bond. So, it was equally as surprising that Josh seemingly exited Howard’s life as quickly as he entered it.
#7: Sheldon Double Crosses His Friends
“The Tesla Recoil”
In the season 10 episode, “The Gyroscopic Collapse,” Leonard, Sheldon, and Howard are devastated after the military suddenly kicks them off their gyroscopic project without any warning. And while that was a significant blow, it was arguably dwarfed by Sheldon’s betrayal a season later. Leonard discovers Sheldon has been working with the military behind his and Howard’s backs. Were we shocked that Sheldon selfishly sold out his friends? No, not really. Actually, given his record with secret-keeping, we’re amazed he held on to this one for as long as he did! Still, we did not see this coming! Sheldon is such an Edison!
#6: Raj Speaks to Penny
“The Bon Voyage Reaction”
For the first half of the series, Raj’s selective mutism prevented him from speaking to women— well, not without some liquid courage. But that all changes after he experiences heartbreak when his girlfriend, Lucy, dumps him via text. Later on, Penny tries to console him and reassure him that his emotions are heightened by alcohol. And that’s when he drops a major revelation that had us rewinding to make sure we’d heard him correctly. Not only is this a huge moment for the character, but it hit us in practically every feel. Much like Penny and Raj, we felt happy and emotional, but above all, we were utterly stunned.
#5: Amy Confronts Sheldon
“The Stockholm Syndrome”
Season 12 documented Sheldon and Amy’s turbulent path to winning a Nobel Prize. So, we were pleasantly surprised when the call finally came. However, Sheldon soon mars the celebrations with his selfish and egotistical behavior. While this is hardly out of character, we were astounded when Amy finally called him out. Usually, she’s very gentle with him or chooses to overlook his eccentricities, but not this time. This time she lets him have it and doesn’t hold back. Sheldon’s so taken aback that, for the first time, he genuinely begins to self-reflect. His introspective Nobel acceptance speech was something none of us could’ve foreseen.
#4: Raj & Penny Sleep Together
“The Roommate Transmogrification”
Most of us know that feeling when life’s got us down, and we look for a quick fix to get those endorphins flowing. Penny’s feeling upset about Leonard and Priya’s relationship, and Raj’s sick of hearing his friend and sister getting it on. The pair airs their grievances over some wine; one thing leads to another and…. We didn’t know how this night would end, but we can guarantee this wouldn’t have cracked our top ten guesses. To make matters worse, Penny doesn’t even manage to sneak out unnoticed. The most hilarious part, however, is Penny’s shock and annoyance that Raj still can’t speak to her.
#3: Howard’s Mom Dies
“The Comic Book Store Regeneration”
When Carol Ann Susi, who so memorably voiced Mrs. Wolowitz, passed away, we braced ourselves for an emotional farewell. And although we knew it was coming, it didn’t make the moment any less shocking or heartbreaking. Showrunner Steve Molaro shared how important it was for them to honor their friend and colleague and give her the send-off she deserved. Indeed, it’s a beautiful tribute that shows how loved she was by everyone on the show. Sheldon even has an out-of-character moment that surprised us all but was incredibly heartwarming. Plus, Leonard’s toast at the end of the episode gave viewers the space to grieve alongside the cast.
#2: Sheldon Proposes
“The Long Distance Dissonance”
When we first met Sheldon, his odds of engaging in an intimate relationship were practically non-existent. So every new milestone with Amy felt groundbreaking, from their first kiss to their first “I love yous” to their first time. We were gutted when they broke up, especially after learning that Sheldon had other plans. In season ten, while Amy’s away, Ramona Nowitzki returns to Sheldon’s life. After she kisses him, he excuses himself and embarks on a mysterious journey. We were just as surprised as Amy to hear those three knocks on her door. Even more so when she opened it, and there he was on one knee.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
The Elevator Gets Fixed, “The Change Constant”
We Waited 12 Seasons for This Moment!
Leonard Kissed Another Woman, “The Commitment Determination”
Not a Wedding Day (Or Any Other Day) Confession You Want to Hear!
The Comic Book Store Burns Down, “The Status Quo Combustion”
Poor Stuart, He Just Can’t Catch a Break!
Howard and Raj Find Sheldon a Girlfriend, “The Lunar Excitation”
We Never Thought We’d See the Day!
Sheldon Hugs Penny, “The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis”
It’s a Saturnalia Miracle!
#1: Leonard Forgives His Mom
“The Maternal Conclusion”
To say that Leonard and his mom have a tricky relationship would be a monumental understatement. We often saw how her distant parenting style shaped his childhood and continued to hurt him in adulthood. In the final season, Leonard believes they’re finally growing closer, only to be bitterly let down once more. Like Leonard, we were all fired up for a reckoning that was a long time coming. However, we were stunned when he chose to forgive her instead. He realizes she’ll never change, and the only way to heal his pain is to let it go. It’s a poignant moment made even more powerful by Johnny Galecki and Christine Baranski's phenomenal acting.