Top 10 Movie Nude Scenes That Were Actually NEEDED

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the best examples of when characters went without clothes but for a narrative or emotional purpose.
#10: “Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls”
“Titanic” (1997)
It doesn’t matter whether you’ve seen “Titanic” or not, you’ve likely heard this famous line - or, at least, a misremembered version of it. In the context of the film, it’s delivered as a cheeky request by Rose, referencing a series of sketched Parisian portraits by Jack. Although he had shown her both nude and clothed portraits, Rose insists on posing for him wearing only a necklace. It’s a flirtatious come-on that not only strips the character of her clothes, but her high class status, likening her to those depicted in Jack’s drawings. All pretenses are dropped and it’s clear to everyone watching that, despite their class divide, Jack and Rose are equal in their love for each other.
“Titanic” (1997)
Paramount Pictures
#9: Locker Room Trauma
“Carrie” (1976)
Nudity can be used to portray not only sensuality, but a profound sense of vulnerability. This is certainly the case for one of “Carrie”s first scenes, which takes place in a girls’ locker room. The titular character has been sheltered by an overbearing mother for her entire life, and thus is terrified at the sight of her first period. Thinking that something is wrong, she runs to her classmates for help, only to be pelted with pads and tampons. This public shaming acts as the catalyst of the film’s horror, inspiring Carrie’s bullies to pull off a cruel prank at their prom…which would ultimately lead to their demise.
“Carrie” (1976)
United Artists
#8: The Beginning of the End
“Eyes Wide Shut” (1999)
This film isn’t just about a secretive sex cult, it’s also about the disintegration of a marriage. This is made clear early on in the film’s runtime when, following separate flirtations at a Christmas party, husband and wife pair, Bill and Alice, are reunited in their home. Alice sways nude in front of a mirror as she removes her earrings, and is greeted by Bill, whose interest in her doesn’t seem entirely reciprocated. Though she initially smiles and turns towards him, close-up expressions reveal her true feelings about the encounter. Chris Isaak[a][b]’s “Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing” appropriately backs the scene, telling the story of a similarly complicated romance.
“Eyes Wide Shut” (1999)
Warner Bros.
#7: Just a Part of the Job
“Boogie Nights” (1997)
In a movie about the adult film industry, nudity is to be expected. After all, it’s a part of the job. That said, “Boogie Nights” actually shows a surprising amount of restraint when it comes to its depiction of sex and nudity - and it pays off narratively. One of the film’s most revealing adult scenes shows Eddie Adams’ first day on the job, during which he films a scene with “Amber Waves.” Adams’ is a magnetic enough force to land the part, but this early scene notably captures his nervousness about performing for a camera as much as it does his charm. While his job is an unconventional one, it’s still a job, and that’s never more clear than it is in this scene.
“Boogie Nights” (1997)
New Line Cinema
#6: Beau[c][d]’s Curse
“Beau is Afraid” (2023)
After shocking the world with “Hereditary” and “Midsommar,” director Ari Aster[e][f] challenged audiences with the anxiety-fueled odyssey “Beau is Afraid.” As its title implies, the film’s protagonist is paranoia personified - and, honestly, from a viewer’s perspective…it seems as though he may have reason to be! One of his many anxieties surrounds the act of sex, which his mother has always claimed as the reason for his dad’s untimely death. Nonetheless, he decides to take a chance after his mother’s apparent death, doing the deed with his childhood sweetheart. He survives…but at the expense of the woman he’s with, stirring up a whole new trauma.
“Beau is Afraid” (2023)
#5: Subversive Skinny Dipping
“Ecstasy” (1933)
This film isn’t exactly a household name, but it made a big splash when it was released in 1933. Starring a young Hedy Lamarr[g][h], “Ecstasy” was as controversial as it was revolutionary, said to be the first non-pornographic film to show sex on-screen. It was also the first to imply a woman’s orgasm. Ironically, however, these scenes did not feature nudity, instead opting for clever close-ups of the actors' faces. The undressing happens earlier in the film, when Lamarr’s character goes skinny dipping. She is forced to chase her horse afterwards, and runs into a young man along the way. Although she is initially embarrassed, she quickly realizes there’s nothing to be ashamed of and stands her ground - setting the tone for the erotic drama.
“Ecstasy” (1933)
Eureka Productions
#4: Michael Fassbender[i][j] Bares All
“Shame” (2011)
Given an NC-17 rating in the United States, “Shame” chronicles the life of a sex addict named Brandon Sullivan, played by Michael Fassbender, and his lounge singer sister, Sissy. And while some fans of Fassbender’s may have initially found that premise tantalizing, “Shame” makes it clear that addiction isn’t pretty. The actor appears full frontal throughout several scenes of the film - a rare occurrence for a male actor in a drama - but each one is twinged with a sense of melancholy. One notable scene plays out just two minutes into the film, seeing Brandon walk around his apartment after sex, carrying out his daily routine. There’s nothing erotic here. Just a sad man going about his day.
“Shame” (2011)
#3: An Erotic Interrogation
“Basic Instinct” (1992)
Catherine Tramell[k][l] is a woman who knows how to use her body and sensuality to get what she wants, and that is never more apparent than in her interrogation scene. Following a murder that mirrors one of Tramell’s crime novels, she is brought in for questioning by detective Nick Curran[m][n] and the San Francisco police department. Although she appears fully clothed, she disarms the men interrogating her by crossing her legs and briefly revealing she isn’t wearing any underwear. It’s a very simple and incredibly quick moment, but one that has since become the film’s trademark.
“Basic Instinct” (1992)
TriStar Pictures
#2: Hideko[o][p] and Sook-hee[q][r] Escape
“The Handmaiden” (2016)
Sexuality is used as a weapon in “The Handmaiden,” in which an heiress named Lady Hideko is revealed to have been groomed by her uncle, forced to read from adult texts at a young age. This inappropriate “reading practice” comes with an unhealthy dose of psychological manipulation, which colors the perception of her adult relationships. Fortunately, she finds solace in Nam Sook-hee, her handmaiden. By the end of the film, Hideko is forced to aid in Sook-hee’s escape from an asylum, after which they are shown joyously making love. Finally, Hideko is able to break free from the abuse and discover happiness and pleasure with another person.
“The Handmaiden” (2016)
CJ Entertainment
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Killer Nudity, “Under the Skin” (2013)
A Silent ScarJo Strips, Luring Men to Their Deaths
“Under the Skin” (2013)
The Consequences of Addiction, “Requiem for a Dream” (2000)
Marion Sells Her Body for the Promise of Drugs
“Requiem for a Dream” (2000)
Artisan Entertainment
A Long Journey, “Wild” (2014)
Cheryl Inspects Her Battered Body After a Difficult Trek Across the Pacific Crest Trail
“Wild” (2014)
Fox Searchlight Pictures
#1: Leading to the “Showers”
“Schindler’s List” (1993)
Director Steven Spielberg has said that he couldn’t watch these scenes being filmed, and it’s easy to understand why. In one of the most harrowing sequences in “Schindler’s List”, a group of recently-arrived prisoners at the Auschwitz[s][t] concentration camp are forced to strip down to nothing and march towards a shower block. Their fear and humiliation is palpable through the screen. Of course, any audience member familiar with history knows how these “showers” were often actually gas chambers, and that these moments could be the victims’ last. While Spielberg faced criticism for his use of nudity at the time of the film’s release, it’s a moment that once seen you never forget.
“Schindler’s List” (1993)
Universal Pictures
Which other nude scenes do you think were incredibly significant? Let us know in the comments.
“Psycho” (1960)
Paramount Pictures
[Shower scene]
[a]KRIS EYE-zack
[e]AR-ee AS-ter
[g]HED-ee La-MAR
[i]MY-kul FASS-ben-der
[k]KATH-er-in Tra-MELL
[m]NIK KURR-an
[o]LAY-dee Hi-DEH-koh
[q]NAM Sook-hee
[t] (german) (english)