Top 10 Pokemon TV Gym Leaders

Are you ready to earn your next badge? Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Pokemon TV Gym Leaders. For this list we are counting down our favourite gym leaders from the Pokemon television show.
Special thanks to our users Peniche5, Paulit35, ibriers 1, Daniel Fong and Miranda Greene for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at /suggest
#10: Flannery
Lavaridge Town Gym
Starting off our list is this fiery vixen who inherited her gym from her grandfather. Being such a new gym leader she was inexperienced which led her to forget some of her duties like cleaning up her gym after a battle. Ash and the gang decide to help her clean up, as disguised Team Rocket and her grandfather in disguise. After stopping Team Rocket from stealing her Torkoal, she battles Ash and after a heated battle, she presents Ash with the aptly named Heat Badge.
#9: Morty
Ecruteak City Gym
He may not look that scary but Morty is a master of Ghost type pokemon. He uses their lack of strength as an advantage using their abilities to confuse and disablePokemon. Meeting Ash and his friends when they mistake an illusion for Morty’sgym. When Team Rocket tried to kidnap both Togepi and Pikachu, Morty gave them a personal lesson in the effectiveness of Ghost Pokemon using his Gengar. During his battle with Ash his ghosts became weakened due to Noctowl’s Foresight and inevitably won the badge.
#8: Lt. Surge
Vermillion City Gym
Wearing Army camouflage and possessing qualities of a drill instructor Lt. Surge is one of the most brutal gym leaders. Using a Raichu that is essentially the Pokemonversion of himself, they are responsible for putting many Pokemon in the hospital. When he firsts battles Ash, he makes quick work of Pikachu and berates Ash for not evolving him. After much contemplation Ash decides to not evolve Pikachu and uses cunning to defeat the overbearing Raichu, making Surge realize that power isn’t everything.
#7: Skyla
Mistralton City Gym
Like Flannery, Skyla inherited the gym from her grandfather. Being a gym leader left her no personal time so she invented the “Air Battle.” A system which she takes on fifteen challengers everyday and imagines the battle in her head. If the trainers choice in Pokemon put her team at a disadvantage, they win but if not she’ll deny them a badge. After an air battle with Cilan, they battled for real and her prediction became true. It wasn’t until battling and losing to Ash that she saw her error.
#6: Clair
Blackthorn City Gym
Dragon types are this next leaders forte. When we meet her she is accompanying her Dratini so it can shed it’s skin. Since Dratini is a rare Pokemon, Team Rocket was hot on it’s trail. When Ash tried to shock Team Rocket with Pikachu a rogue thunderbolt was heading towards Dratini she jumped in front and took the attack. This inspired her Dratini to involve into the Dragonair. After defeating Team Rocket a second time she and Ash are able have their battle with her dragons against Ash’s Charizard.
#5: Brock
Pewter City Gym
He is the loverboy that no girl loves to love. Starting off as a gym leader, Brock started accompanying Ash on his adventures to become a Pokemon breeder, and to fall in love with every girl he meets including Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny. He took the position of Gym Leader because he felt as it was his duty but was eventually relieved by his father so he can learn to become a Pokemon Breeder. Brock was one of Ash’s longest companions before leaving to learn from Professor Ivy.
#4: Misty
Cerulean City Gym
One of Ash’s first companions Misty is one of the gym leaders to Cerulean City along with her three sisters. Being the youngest she left the gym to travel and become the best water Pokemon trainer. When she meets Ash, he trashes her bike, and follow him until he replaces it. Eventually she does leave Ash’s side when her bike gets fixed and her sisters decide to leave the gym prompting her to take over. She is young brash and afraid of bug Pokemon, no matter how cute they are.
#3: Giovanni
Viridian City Gym
He is the mastermind of Team Rocket and the main recurring villain of the entire series. He is anime equivalent of a James Bond villain with his aspirations of world domination and his Persian which he can normally be seen petting. Though he possess a calm demeanor Jesse, James and Meowth are terrified of him. The only official gym battle we see him in is with Gary which he defeats using MewTwo. He has battled Ash on a couple of occasions but easily defeats him.
#2: Blaine
Cinnabar Island Gym
When too many tourists began showing up on Cinnabar Island and due to the lack of trainers Blaine shut down his gym and opened a hotel as well as disguising himself. When Ash arrived he strung together a few riddles which pointed him to Blaine’s underground gym. After his battle with Blaine, Team Rocket’s influence started to erupt the volcano the gym was in. To stop it Ash’s Charizard and Blaine’s Magmar decided to show each other up with strength by moving rocks to stem the flow. After another hard fought battle Charizard won due to his flight advantage.
Before we challenge our top pick here are a few honorable mentions.
Fuchsia City Gym
Celadon City Gym
Striatan City Gym
#1: Sabrina
Saffron City Gym
Taking the top spot is this gym leader who possesses amazing psychic abilities. While developing her abilities she split herself into two personalities, one which manifests into a doll. Proving to be a formidable opponent, Ash tries to catch a Haunter to help him win. When Haunter doesn’t show up to their battle Sabrina turns Brock and Misty into dolls and places them in a toy house. When Haunter finally shows his antics make Sabrina laugh so hard she returns to normal earning Ash the Marsh Badge.
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