Top 10 Power Rangers Couples

For this list, we're looking at the budding and unexpected romances that blossomed in our favorite color-clad superhero franchise. Bear in mind, not all of these hookups are centered around the Rangers themselves, and not all of them are ACTUAL hookups, but you can at least sense the chemistry.
These are our favorite literal power couples. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Couples on Power Rangers.
For this list, we’re looking at the budding and unexpected romances that blossomed in our favorite color-clad superhero franchise. Bear in mind, not all of these hookups are centered around the Rangers themselves, and not all of them are ACTUAL hookups, but you can at least sense the chemistry.
#10: Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-96)
Lord Zedd was originally Rita Repulsa’s boss who kicked her to the curb in Season 2 after too many failures – but Rita still had a few tricks up her sleeve. She created a potion to make Zedd fall in love with her, and the two were unhappily united in the series’ first on-screen wedding. Fans have complained about this union, and how Rita and Zedd became the Lucy and Ricky of “Power Rangers”, but the fact is that they achieved much more together than they ever did on their own. Even when Rita’s spell was eventually broken, Zedd still pined for her –so in a seriously twisted way, they truly do belong together.
#9: Jake Holling & Gia Moran
“Power Rangers Megaforce” (2013)
From the start, it was obvious that Jake had a crush on Gia and would try to impress or flirt with her –unfortunately for him, Gia wasn’t interested… or she was just really good at playing hard to get. It’s a classic goofy guy chases after the independent cool girl scenario… sadly, like the rest of the 20th anniversary seasons, their “relationship” wasn’t developed very well. However, as time marched on, we saw some semblance of a bond between the two, and subtle hints that Gia MIGHT like Jake back. Those hints ultimately paid off in the finale where after FINALLY defeating the Armada’s forces, Gia gave Jake a victory kiss on the cheek.
#8: Dillon & Summer Landsdown
“Power Rangers RPM” (2009)
While the others doubted Dillon’s capabilities as a Ranger, it’s Summer who pointed out that he’d be perfect for the Black Ranger role –and it’s SHE who convinced him to stay. We’ve all seen the classic “heartwarming girl wants to save the brooding rebel boy” love story many times, but this felt more natural considering we’ve SEEN what Dillon’s been through; and despite his protests, Summer saw someone worth saving. She stuck by Dillon’s side through the worst of it, and when the city of Corinth was finally safe, she continued following him as they try to rebuild the world from its ashes, together.
#7: Camille & Jarrod
“Power Rangers Jungle Fury” (2008)
Camille had been waiting for her master, Dai Shi, to return …and she was certainly surprised to see him possessing the body of a human named Jarrod. Dai Shi is a toxic influence on BOTH Jarrod and Camille – mistreating Camille despite her undying loyalty for him, and feeding off of Jarrod’s negative emotions to control his life and body. However, Jarrod’s true nature shone through as he showed compassion and appreciation towards his loyal general –and she usually helped in bringing out his humanity, despite Dai Shi’s strong will. Eventually, both were able to break free of their so-called master, and join together to become the heroes they didn’t know they could be.
#6: Eric Myers & Taylor Earhardt
“Power Rangers Wild Force” (2002)
During the “Time Force” and “Wild Force” team up episode, Taylor and Eric got off to a rocky start after an awkward first encounter –and continued to clash with one another afterwards. Along the way, they learned to respect and cooperate with each other. Like we said, not all couples have to OFFICIALLY hook up, but you can just sense the chemistry between them – they’re both abrasive and commanding, but learn to put aside their egos for their respective team’s sake –and Eric showed Taylor that it’s ok to make friends with her teammates based on past experiences. Add to it, Eric doesn’t let just ANYONE handle his Quantum Defender, which MUST say something.
#5: Tyler Navarro & Shelby Watkins
“Power Rangers Dino Charge” (2015)
Arguably one of the most well-handled Neo-Saban couples to date. These two met by accident during a monster attack, and ended up becoming Rangers together. Though their first encounter was unexpected, the two worked well together – watching each other’s backs, and even pairing up on certain missions. Already we saw Shelby develop a crush on Tyler – supporting him when he worries about his father, and willing to do anything to be close to him – even posing as a princess despite her distaste for it. Tyler returned her feelings later on, and even tried to impress Shelby for her affection; thankfully, he didn’t have to try too hard to win her over.
#4: Blake Bradley & Tori Hanson
“Power Rangers Ninja Storm” (2003)
Dustin introduced Tori and Shane to his new friends Blake and Hunter one day, and already you could sense a little spark between Blake and Tori. Unfortunately, said spark was strained when the rivalry between the Wind and Thunder Ninja Rangers heats up. Once both teams joined as one, both Blue Rangers were free to rekindle their bond with no troubles –unless occasionally falling under a spell counts. Regretfully, due to “Ninja Storm” trying to be more kid-friendly, their relationship never had a chance to truly blossom… but we ALL know the feelings were mutual, and it did lead to some cute moments – like Tori teaching Blake to surf.
#3: Andros & Ashley Hammond
“Power Rangers in Space” (1998)
Once she saw the true face of the Red Space Ranger, Andros, Ashley clearly liked what she saw. Opposites definitely attracted for this pairing – Ashley being the kind social butterfly getting used to space travel, while Andros was a loner still learning about Earth customs. Over time, Ashley slowly helped him out of his comfort zone with Earth society, and Andros opened up to her more –he even gained the confidence to ask her out on a date. After finally saving the universe, it looks as though they’d have to say goodbye… but instead, Andros decided to stay with his team –and the girl who warmed his cold, lonely heart.
#2: Tommy Oliver & Kimberly Ann Hart
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
The moment these two caught sight of each other, we could already tell that love was in the air –but it almost didn’t happen thanks to Rita’s influence. Once Tommy joined the team, he and Kimberly would only grow closer both on and off the battlefield – fighting side-by-side, offering emotional support when needed, and encouraging the other to take on big opportunities. Unfortunately, the series’ first real romance came to a heartbreaking stop when Kimberly broke up with Tommy “via a “dear john” letter. This was a painful way to end an iconic relationship, but Kat – Kimberly’s Pink Ranger successor - helped to pick up the pieces of Tommy’s broken heart.
Before we unveil our one true Ranger pairing, here are a few honorable mentions.
Calvin Maxwell & Hayley Foster
“Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel” (2018)
Joel Rawlings & Miss Angela Fairweather
“Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue” (2000)
Mike & Emily
“Power Rangers Super Samurai” (2012)
#1: Wesley “Wes” Collins & Jen Scotts
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)
Jen’s heart first belonged to Alex, the original Red Time Force Ranger. When Alex was murdered, Jen and her teammates were forced to travel back in time to find his genetic doppelganger, Wes, to unlock their morphers. These two didn’t start out on good terms, with Jen still bitter about her loss, and their differing personalities clashing. Over time, they came to respect and trust each other, but Jen became unsure of who she really loved: Wes, or the ‘miraculously’ revived Alex. This was a love story straight out of a soap opera, but it ended up making one of the most well-developed pairings in the series –topped off with their tearful goodbyes and confessions.