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Top 10 Rayla & Callum Moments on The Dragon Prince

Top 10 Rayla & Callum Moments on The Dragon Prince
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Rayla and Callum make up "The Dragon Prince's" ultimate power couple. For this list, we're looking at the most adorable and heartwarming moments between the human prince and Moonshadow Elf. Our countdown includes comforting Callum, "Rayla is a hero," childhood refuge, and more!

#10: An Almost "I Love You"

When Rayla runs off to rescue a dragon, Callum draws on dark magic to save both the dragon and Rayla. As he suffers through feverish dreams afterwards, Rayla rebukes him for harnessing dark powers. But it’s partly a smokescreen; underneath, she’s terrified of losing him. Through their adventures, they’ve developed a connection that bridges their very different worlds. She’s about to admit her feelings … only to dissemble when Callum suddenly wakes up. It’s a touching moment filled with all the awkwardness we love about them.

#9: “You’re a Mage”

This moment didn’t feel momentous at the time. At least, not in terms of the relationship between Rayla and Callum. But looking back, it showed the role that Rayla would have in supporting Callum as he figured out who he was. After Callum uses the Primal Stone to dispel the Smoky Seekers, Rayla declares that he’s a Mage. Callum later shares with her that he’s never felt good at anything - until that moment. Realizing how much it means to him, she agrees to help him find a magical artifact, even though it puts her in harm’s way. Her support would ultimately help him find his way.

#8: Comforting Callum

The loss of a loved one is overwhelming; but it helps to have a shoulder to lean on. Throughout season 1, Rayla has a dark secret; her knowledge that her mentor Runaan has killed Callum’s step-father. Moonshadow Elf mage Lujanne offers some … awful advice. But Rayla realizes she needs to come clean - even though it will hurt Callum and implicate herself. After Claudia beats her to it, Callum is angry, but after struggling to tell Ezran, he understands why Rayla found it so hard. As he lets himself grieve, Rayla comforts him. Sometimes it’s the most difficult times in our lives that bring us together.

#7: Rayla in the Rubble

Season 4 sees Callum and Rayla estranged after she leaves him to hunt down Viren. Rayla has realized her folly and wants to pick things up where they left off two years ago. But, naturally enough, Callum feels hurt and abandoned. He keeps distance between them throughout the season. Old feelings are hard to fight however, especially for people who care for and admire each other as much as Rayla and Callum. When he sees one of her butterfly blades, he’s sure she’s dead. His relief when she emerges from the rubble reveals how much she still means to him.

#6: Childhood Refuge

There’s something special about bringing someone to your old childhood haunts. It’s a way of sharing your past and important memories. In Xadia, Callum clings to Rayla as they descend on a giant helicopter seed, leading to blushes all around. In a meadow, Rayla delights in showing him where she used to play as a child. Callum is just as excited as she is to meet her ‘colorful friends’. It’s a welcome break from the perils of their quest, and an introduction for Callum into Rayla’s life and home..

#5: Callum Tells Rayla the Truth About Her Parents

When we first meet Rayla, she’s driven to prove herself as an assassin and get revenge on humankind. A deep shame has shaped her life, as she believes her parents ran away from their duty. After Callum tells her to just let it go, he realizes he’s misjudged the situation. Determined to help, he discovers what really happened to her parents - who fought valiantly to the last. For better or worse, we’ve all been set on our paths by experiences in our past. It can take a special someone to help us choose our own future - and for Rayla, that someone is Callum.

#4: "You're Too Good to Feel This Bad About Yourself!"

Sometimes, our inner voice needs some tough love. After her people turn their backs on her, Rayla feels lost and alone. Her inner voice is telling her that she’s not good enough, but Callum steps in to tell that voice to be quiet. When he looks at Rayla, he doesn’t see a failure, but someone compassionate, courageous, and strong. He lists all the ways in which she’s amazing. The moment culminates in their first kiss … although Callum is taken totally by surprise. Having misread the situation, Rayla is absolutely mortified … but for Rayllum shippers, it was a wonderful moment that hinted at more to come.

#3: "My Best Friend"

The divide between humans and Elves in “The Dragon Prince” is centuries deep, with prejudices coloring every interaction. As Rayla and Callum become unlikely allies, they learn to see past their preconceptions. When Rayla defends Callum to the fearsome dragon Sol Regem, they aren’t yet a couple. But Rayla has already developed feelings for him, which have overcome her vendetta against humans. Her admiration for him is clear; she even identifies him as her best friend. Which, when it comes down to it, is really what we all want our partners to be!

#2: "Rayla Is a Hero"

One of the best things about Rayla and Callum’s relationship is their mutual admiration. Each excels in different ways, something they recognize and allow to complement one another. After their first awkward and unexpected kiss, they realize Nyx has made off with the Dragon Prince. Despite Nyx’s betrayal, Rayla saves her from Soulfang Serpents. When Nyx wonders why, the words spill out of Callum as he praises her virtues. Rayla is stunned as she sees herself through Callum’s eyes. Carried away, he kisses her - marking the moment that these lovebirds finally got together.

#1: "I Love You"

Love is a leap of faith. And Callum took that very literally. When Rayla rushes Viren in order to rescue Zym, determined to fulfill her duty as The Last Dragon Guard, both go hurtling off the Storm Spire. Although Callum’s previous attempts to fly have failed, he hesitates only a moment before diving after her. His spell doesn’t work, and all seems lost until he admits his feelings for Rayla in midair. Giving it one last try, Callum finally transforms. As Rayla and Callum soar away together, they tell each other ‘I love you’ for the first time. It’s a perfect moment that shows how far they’ve both come - both as individuals and a couple.
