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Top 10 Ridiculous Movie Plots

Top 10 Ridiculous Movie Plots
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Script Written by Nathan Sharp.

We're all willing to suspend our disbelief for movies to a certain extent, but these ones push the limit way too far. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Ridiculous Movie Plots. For this list, we're looking at those movies whose plots were so ridiculous and outlandish that we can't help but laugh at their unintentional hilarity.

Special thanks to our users mac121mr0, JohnWalker123, Pitch Black Producti, nahutch and Mr.P Reviewer for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest

#10: “Soul Man” (1986)

In what is perhaps one of the most racist movies ever made, “Soul Man” was intended to be a comedic film, but no one was laughing after reading the abysmal plot summary. Focusing on a privileged, white teenager whose father refuses to pay his way through Harvard, our protagonist is “forced” to dress up as an African American in order to net himself a scholarship. Needless to say, the movie is filled with racist situations, but the idea of C. Thomas Howell in black face alone is likely enough to offend damn near anyone.

#9: “Face/Off” (1997)

Sure, it’s an adrenaline packed train ride of action, but “Face/Off” has possibly one of the most confusing and outlandish plots in movie history. In it, an FBI agent undergoes your everyday, garden-variety face transplant; swapping visages with a terrorist in order to get obtain information from his brother. Meanwhile, the terrorist has stolen the agent’s face, as terrorists are wont to do, and ruins his personal life. Like we said, it’s confusing, but what’s even more ridiculous is the idea that John Travolta’s wife doesn’t notice when her husband comes home with the body of Nic Cage… “Hey honey, did you get a haircut? Also you chest, shoulders, skin tone muscle mass and penis are all different.”

#8: “Joe’s Apartment” (1996)

With a tagline like “Sex, Bugs, Rock ‘n Roll,” you should already know that we’re not exactly in Shakespeare territory here. When a man relocates to New York and is short on cash, he moves into a rundown, low rent apartment, which is infested with singing, dancing, and partying cockroaches. They soon become Joe’s best friends, effectively creeping out both his companions and the audience watching the movie. While it may sound stupid on paper, it’s even worse on screen.

#7: “Jack Frost” (1998)

When a semi-neglectful father dies in a car accident, his spirit is transferred into the body of a snowman thanks to a magical harmonica, and he is allowed a second chance to bond with his son. It’s amazing that no one really cares as much as they should that a snowman is walking, talking, and throwing snowballs, but then again, with a story like that, it’s best not to think too much about it. While it’s meant to be a heartwarming family comedy, we can’t help but be flabbergasted that this even made it past the studio pitch. But fortunately, spring’s coming.

#6: “Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2” (2004)

Listen to that title. No, really, listen to it. Is that a pack of words that says “excellent story” to you? If a group of walking, talking, genius babies who thwart a media mogul’s plan to brainwash the world’s population sounds like a good story, then yes it is. Also, if that sounds like a film worth seeing to you, then hand in your movie-watching card, and go home cause you’re drunk. Often regarded as one of the worst movies ever, “Superbabies” holds the rarely seen 0% Rotten Tomatoes rating… and it’s not hard to see why.

#5: “The Happening” (2008)

Another bust from the hit or miss M. Night Shyamalan, “The Happening” is a thinly veiled, pro-environmentalism film disguised as a horror story. When plants decide that humans have done enough damage to the Earth, they release a toxin into the air that makes people kill themselves. Even the idea of shrubbery conspiring to release a suicide toxin is enough to make any filmgoer chuckle, and as a bonus it also features Mark Wahlberg pleading with a houseplant. Panned by critics, “The Happening” only added to Shyamalan’s spotty track record.

#4: “White Chicks” (2004)

It’s clear that Hollywood loves a good black face story, but in this film starring the Wayans brothers, the roles are reversed, as two black FBI agents dress as white women to thwart a kidnapping plot. We can only assume the screenwriters – all six of them – thought tough black men posing as two preppy white girls would be funny, but it just doesn’t work. The makeup is horrific, making the “girls” look like wax sculptures, which somehow still dupes other characters and gives the rest of us strange, unfamiliar feelings. Also, racism.

#3: “Weekend at Bernie’s” (1989)

Another movie with insanely stupid and unobservant characters, this story really stretches the imagination of moviegoers, even those who just came in for a simple laugh. Two insurance salesmen discover that their boss has died but have to keep up a charade that he is alive for an entire weekend. You’d think the decomposition and smell would clear that beach house out pretty fast, but this is a movie where even the dead guy gets lucky. Even as a harmless comedy, this movie makes zero sense.

#2: “Air Bud” (1997)

We don’t like degrading children’s movies, but there are good stories and bad stories, and frankly, this film deserved all the raised eyebrows it received. When your story follows a golden retriever who becomes a star basketball player, you’re bound to receive some snickers – and not the delicious chocolaty kind either. The idea of a dog being officially allowed to play basketball is ridiculous enough, but the movie takes it one step further by making him a natural all star. Sure, it’s a cute dog but this is one story that should have been shelved... or at least it should’ve starred a Jack Russell.

Before we go full crazy and look at our most ridiculous plot, here are a few honorable mentions:
- “Krippendorf’s Tribe” (1998)
- “Rookie of the Year” (1993)
- “Teeth” (2007)
- “Howard the Duck” (1986)
- “Snakes on a Plane” (2006)

#1: “Jaws: The Revenge” (1987)

Apparently taking a cue from Steven Spielberg – who made limited use of the shark in the original “Jaws” – the makers of this sequel made limited use of logic. Remember Brody? From the first movie? Well, the shark does, somehow, despite being a completely different shark. So upset is this shark at the Brody family that it swims from New York to the Bahamas – in three days, we might add – in order to exact its revenge. While the idea of a vengeful shark is, in itself, extraordinarily stupid, so is the idea of one recognizing a human in the first place. Way to ruin a franchise, guys.

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