Top 10 Superheroes Who Deserve The Netflix Treatment

Welcome to the streaming age, a brave new era of original television that it isn't concerned with advertisers or commercial breaks. Welcome to, and today we'll be counting down the Top 10 Superheroes Who Deserve The Netflix Treatment.
For this list, we're looking at Marvel superheroes who would most benefit from a Netflix adaptation, joining the greater Marvel Cinematic Universe in a small screen capacity, alongside the likes of Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. Just this once... we're not going to worry about who the rights belong to, because as Spider-Man recently proved, anything is possible. Characters who've already had their own movie or tv shows are still eligible, so long as there's room to argue that the current Netflix style can do it better. The only characters NOT being considered, are those currently getting their own steady stream of films made with another studio, such X-Men, or Marvel characters already well-established as central film characters, like Black Widow, Hawkeye, etc…
Special thanks to our user Hyperjuce Minecraft for suggesting this idea, check out the voting page at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top+10+Marvel+Superheroes+that+deserve+Netflix+original+series
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#10: Angela
No... she isn’t the new female Thor… She’s Thor’s lesser known sister. Created by Neil Gaiman and Todd McFarlane, she first appeared in Spawn in 1993, but didn’t make her Marvel comics debut until 2013. Although of Asgardian descent, she’s kinda BFFs with the Guardians of the Galaxy, which provides a rare opportunity to bridge the gap between the Avengers and their space-faring characters. Lady Sif and Volstagg already opened the door by visiting the collector at the end of Thor: The Dark World, but a well-written Angela series could really help to build a sense of unity, further bridging the cosmic divide. A mix of sci-fi and high fantasy, it would be all kinds of epic.
#9: Miles Morales
When Ultimate Peter Parker met his tragic end, newcomer Miles Morales met serious resistance. But following his 2011 debut, he quickly proved himself to be much more than a publicity stunt - he’s a well-developed character that Marvel recently integrated into it’s main universe. With Spider-Man recently sharing the screen with Iron Man and company in Captain America: Civil War, why not let Netflix introduce wider audience to Miles Morales. He could then be brought into the main universe just like he was in the comic books, and protect New York alongside Daredevil.
#8: Black Cat
Sony has finally come to their senses and allowed Spidey to make the much-needed move to the MCU in order to join his fellow Avengers in a successful franchise. WIth that in mind, it’s high time that the web-slinger’s rich cast of characters get the attention they so rightly deserve. A number of characters could fill the role, but in the spirit of keeping each Netflix series similar but distinct, we humbly submit Black Cat for your consideration. Why? She’s based in NYC, opening the door to wonderful crossover with the Defenders, or in a dream world… Miles Morales. But also, her cat burglar tendencies would make for a great, heist-themed series, distinguishing it from the current line-up of Marvel Netflix titles.
#7: She-Hulk
Marvel has a knack for “lawyer by day, superhero by night” type characters. Admittedly, this one just seems like too good of a fit to pass up. Jennifer Walters has some of the Hulk’s gamma radiation in her blood after having required an emergency blood transfusion from her cousin, Bruce Banner. As a result, it only gives her a fraction of his strength in her She-Hulk form, but comes with the added bonus of letting her keep her self-control, personality and intellect. Apart from helping to cultivate more connections between Marvel’s Netflix content and the feature films through family ties, her job as a high-profile lawyer sets her up perfectly to go toe-to-toe with Matt Murdock in the courtroom.
#6: Cloak and Dagger
Here’s one classic aspect of comic books that Marvel really has yet to do justice onscreen - the crime-fighting duo. Cloak and Dagger make excellent candidates, and apparently ABC Family, recently rebranded “Freeform”, agrees, as they’ve greenlit an adaptation. But here’s the thing… ABC doesn’t really do Marvel properties justice like Netflix. Agents of Shield has steadily improved, but the Marvel shows coming to Netflix manage to be daring AND treat the source material with reverence, without worrying about “age appropriate content” or the interests of their advertisers. This couple’s volatile tale of love, drug addiction and morally flexible crime-fighting is a perfect fit for television, but seeing this incredible duo get adapted in a way that “plays it safe” would be a travesty.
#5: Lady Sif
If Netflix told fans that they could only have one Asgardian on their roster of superheroes, it would come down to Angela or Lady Sif. But when the points are tallied, Sif takes it. The tie-breaker… is Jaimie Alexander. She was a clear standout amongst the Asgardians in both Thor films, translating the character from comic book to silver screen in a way few fans could fault. When you couple her interpretation of Sif with her star role as the captivating Jane Doe on “Blindspot”, she proves that she has the acting chops to take Sif from supporting cast to the title character of her own Netflix series.
#4: Moon Knight
Daredevil was gritty, but Jessica Jones really showed just how edgy Marvel is willing to get. Sexual assault, trauma, revenge fantasies - Jessica Jones proved itself to be a fearless series with one of the best female leads in recent television. Why stop there? Let’s go further into Marvel’s dark side. Moon Knight is the avatar of the Egyptian God of vengeance, Khonshu. Sounds silly, right? But it’s not. He’s driven to fight crime by a thirst for vengeance, and his punishments are often brutally violent. Imagine Batman gone truly mad. His combination of ruthlessness and questionable sanity could make for a Netflix series that is equal parts superhero show and psychological thriller.
#3: Nova
Marvel films are all about hinting at it’s larger universe how big of a tease was it to have the Nova Corps in the film WITHOUT giving fans arguably their most famous member - Nova. Despite rumors that Harley Keener, the kid in Iron Man 3, would become the new Nova, nothing came of it. But it’s still not too late. Nova Corps has already been established, so just give Nova his own Netflix series, expanding the cosmic aspect of the MCU in the process. Considering what a huge success Guardians of the Galaxy proved to be, it’s pretty much a guaranteed hit.
#2: Blade
Sure, he’s already gotten his shot at the big screen, three times… and a short-lived series on Spike. But that was all before the MCU. Some may feel that Blade has received more than his fair share of chances over the years, but try to think of it this way - Blade has paid his dues, putting in the hard work long before the genre hit its stride. Netflix finally brought redemption to the Punisher, we’re sure it could do the same with a series much more fondly remembered by audiences. This half-vampire, half-human has been around since the 1970s, with plenty of great stories to adapt. Now that Twilight is finally in our cultural rear-view mirror, Netflix and Marvel can give us a vampire to be proud of.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a couple honorable mentions.
Howard the Duck
Misty Knight
#1: The Fantastic Four
If there were a celebrity rehab show for comic book properties, Fantastic Four would feature prominently. Every time someone picks them up and promises them redemption, they just end up burying the bar a little bit deeper. The first film was a b-movie nightmare that was never released. Then we got two, let’s be honest, abysmal films starring Jessica Alba and a pre-MCU Chris Evans. Josh Trank filled fans with hope, only to dash them against the rocks repeatedly, mercilessly and with abandon. Fantastic Four is a tough nut to crack. Their powers seem dated, as is their aesthetic - but Marvel’s first family deserves better. Dial back the effects and spectacle, make it about science and family and maybe we can finally get a Fantastic Four that Marvel fans deserve.
Do you agree with our list? Of all the Marvel characters out there, which do you most want to see get their own Netflix series? For more streaming-friendly top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to WatchMojo.