Top 10 The Incredibles Easter Eggs You Didn't Notice

You'd need super senses to catch these hidden gems. Welcome to MsMojo and today we'll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 The Incredibles Easter Eggs.
For this list, we're taking a look at clever references and details in “The Incredibles” that have eluded many audiences.
You’d need super senses to catch these hidden gems. Welcome to MsMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 The Incredibles Easter Eggs.
For this list, we’re taking a look at clever references and details in “The Incredibles” that have eluded many audiences.
#10: The Underminer’s Voice
Often described as the studio’s good luck charm, actor John Ratzenberger has voiced a character in every Pixar film to date. Leading up to “The Incredibles,” Ratzenberger had already lent his distinctive voice to Hamm the Piggy Bank in the “Toy Story” films, P.T. Flea in “A Bug’s Life,” the Abominable Snowman in “Monsters, Inc.,” and a school of moonfish in “Finding Nemo.” Being new to Pixar, writer/director Brad Bird didn’t carry on every Pixar tradition when he made “The Incredibles.” He did manage to work Ratzenberger in there, however, casting him as the villainous Underminer. Appearing towards the end of the movie, Ratzenberger’s voice is ironically the last one heard before the credits roll.
#9: Doc Hudson
Pixar has a tendency to incorporate Easter eggs alluding to movies that haven’t even come out yet. Just two years after “The Incredibles,” “Cars” came crashing into theaters. A couple references to Pixar’s high-octane adventure can be found in the film that preceeded it. At one point, you might’ve noticed a firetruck that shares an undeniable likeness to good old Red. An even more glaring cameo appears in the climatic city battle. In the midst of the robot fight, a Hudson Hornet resembling Doc Hudson can be spotted parked on the streets. Considering that Mr. Incredible isn’t especially happy with his rundown vehicle, maybe he should team up with Doc to chase down criminals.
#8: Store Signs
On the lookout for crime, Bob and Lucius park their car in between a couple businesses with familiar names. On one side of the street is an establishment named Andy’s, which is a clear nod to Woody and Buzz Lightyear’s owner in “Toy Story.” On the other side is Luxo Deli, paying homage to the desk lamp that made its debut in 1986 and would eventually become Pixar’s mascot. Speaking of “Luxo Jr.,” the iconic ball from that short has resurfaced in numerous Pixar properties. It even appeared in “The Incredibles” tie-in short, “Jack-Jack Attack.”
#7: “Die Hard” Homage
You wouldn’t expect a family-friendly film like “The Incredibles” to reference an R-rated series like “Die Hard.” Then again, John McClane is basically a superhero without the super suit. Both franchises also have an actor in common. In addition to voicing Frozone, Samuel L. Jackson played Zeus Carver in “Die Hard with a Vengeance.” “The Incredibles” gives a nod to Jackson’s previous role when Bob and Lucius land in a jewelry store. As a nervous cop points a gun at them, Lucius pours himself a drink to get them out of hot water. This is almost identical to an equally intense scene where Zeus bravely answers a phone while staring down the barrel.
#6: Streets on GPS
Early on in the film, a blink and you’ll miss it Easter egg pops up on Mr. Incredible’s GPS. Tracking a high-speed chase in progress, Mr. Incredible finds himself surrounded by several streets you might’ve heard of. The streets displayed are actually located near Pixar Animation Studios in Emeryville, California. Mr. Incredible plans to catch the crooks around Park Ave, which is exactly where the film studio is located. Maybe Pixar should start a Mr. Incredible bus tour, showing sightseers all the hot spots in Emeryville where he’s committed acts of heroism.
#5: A113
A113 isn’t just one of the longest running Easter eggs in Pixar films, but in the entire entertainment industry. This inside joke references a classroom at the California Institute of the Arts that provided a launch point for many graphic design and animation students, including Brad Bird. So naturally, Bird has hidden A113 in virtually all of his projects, including episodes of “The Simpsons” he directed. In “The Incredibles,” Mirage briefly mentions the room number located within Syndrome’s lair. An even more elusive reference occurs as Elastigirl tries to figure out where her husband is being held. Turns out that he’s locked up on Level A1, Cell Block 13. We see what you did there, Brad.
#4: No School like the Old School
After the Parr family saves the city, we cut to two elderly men giving them signs of approval. These gentlemen were modeled after and voiced by legendary Disney animators Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston. Both Thomas and Johnston were part of Disney’s core animation crew known as the Nine Old Men. Joining the company in the mid-30s, both got to work on “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” as well as several other Disney animated features that followed, their last being 1981’s “The Fox and the Hound.” This wasn’t the first time Brad Bird paid tribute to two of his animation idols. Thomas and Johnston previously voiced a couple train engineers in “The Iron Giant.”
#3: India-Golf Niner-Niner
Speaking of “The Iron Giant,” Brad Bird made the subtlest of references to his debut animated feature in his follow-up film. Piloting a plane, Helen repeatedly spouts the call sign, “India-Golf Niner-Niner.” At first, this may seem like a random code. But wait a minute! India-Golf? That shares the same initials as the Iron Giant! Meanwhile, Niner-Niner is a nod to the year “The Iron Giant” came out, 1999. On top of that, when Helen’s plane is being shot down, she mentions that India-Golf Niner-Niner is buddy-spiked. That’s a fitting choice of words since Syndrome’s alter ego is Buddy Pine. When it comes to Pixar, even the most minor lines can encompass layers of genius.
#2: Newspaper Headline
As Bob looks over a newspaper, you’ll notice that one of the headlines reads, “Catastrophe Seen as Crisis Looms.” As generic as that sounds, this headline is actually much wittier than you might assume. A similar message appears on the front of a newspaper Dean reads in “The Iron Giant.” Going back even further, this headline can also be found in “Lady and the Tramp,” although a big tear is left in the center. An in-joke that spans multiple animations, this is one story you’ll definitely want to read all about.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Mr. Incredible Pez
The Church Window
Hidden Mickey
#1: The Wedding
If you’ve rewatched “The Incredibles” more than a few times, chances are you noticed Edna Mode and Rick Dicker in attendance at Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl’s wedding. You might’ve missed some of the other superheroes who were invited, however. Thunderhead, Stratogale, Meta Man, and Dynaguy are also there to celebrate the happy couple’s union. As Edna would later explain, all of these superheroes would suffer untimely deaths due to one poor wardrobe choice. If Bob and Helen ever decide to renew their vows, it’s safe to assume these fallen heroes won’t be showing up. Helen may also want to opt out of wearing a veil, given how similar they are to capes.
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