Top 10 Times Anime Weaklings Defeated Powerful Opponents

For this list, we'll be looking at the battles in anime that featured a weaker character somehow besting an opponent that should have easily won.
#10: Usopp vs. Chew
“One Piece” (1999-)
Keep in mind that back in the days when all the Straw Hat crew had to worry about were a few angry fishmen, Ussop was pretty low on the Haki scale. Having to rely on his deceptions and creativity as opposed to an arsenal of plant-based weaponry, the long-nosed pirate’s goose looked pretty cooked when put up against the large-lipped member of the Arlong Pirates. Despite being able to blast high pressure water out of his mouth like a cannon, Chew proved to be no match for a well-timed hammer to the head.
#9: Ikki vs. Stella
“Chivalry of a Failed Knight” (2015)
Goes to show that the student who masters one craft can win against the genius genius who is incredibly sure of their gifted magical ability. This turns out to be painfully evident when the failed Magical Knight Ikki crosses swords with noted magical prodigy Stella. Despite going all out with her flames, Stella grossly underestimates just how potent Ikki’s skills are with a blade, leading to a swift defeat. Sucks for her, since she had to resign herself to being Ikki’s servant within their shared accommodation as a result. Pays to stick to what you’re good at kids.
#8: Patamon vs. Devimon
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
Granted, we were all waiting for this flying balloon to Digivolve and save the day a la the standard formula, but no one was expecting him to be the one to take down the first true antagonist of the series. After growing to the size of File Island, Devimon was inches away from consuming all the Digidestiend within his Touch of Evil. Thankfully, with some last-minute self-belief, Patamon finally evolved into his Champion form, and wouldn’t you know it – he came equipped with some devil-busting fisticuffs!
#7: Trish vs. Notorious B.I.G
“JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind” (2018-)
Now that’s how you earn yourself a Stand Users loyalty card – by managing to outdo a creature that is nigh unkillable. After being stalked by the fleshy beast known as the Notorious Big, Trish managed to find her inner conviction following Giorno’s sacrifice, and as a result awakened her own Stand by the name of Spice Girl. You’d think being able to soften all materials wouldn’t exactly make for a potent ability, but in Trish’s capable hands, she turned a death-trap into a glorious escape. Atta girl!
#6: Joey vs. Mai
“Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters” (2000-04)
There’s beginners’ luck and then there’s Joey freakin’ Wheeler. Despite being something of a Duel Monsters amateur, Joey sure did smash out a hell of a win during the earlier stages of Duelist Kingdom, which is really surprising because not only was he facing off against veteran player Mai Valentine, but also had to deal with her cheating tactics. Either Joey’s innate duelling skills came out in full force, or Mai isn’t as good as she thinks she is. Then again she did give Yugi a run for his money so…
#5: Kinnikuman vs. Ramenman
“Kinnikuman” (1983-92)
The road to becoming a legendary wrestler isn’t easy, especially when you’re as much of a coward as the future king of Muscle Planet. To be fair, it’s not hard to see why he would be anxious about going up against the likes of Ramenman, since literally killed a bloke, turned him into noodles and ate him. Yeah, that was allowed in the 80s. Of course, for all his cowardice and lack of bladder control, Kinnikuman still proved victorious against the martial arts master thanks to sheer dumb luck.
#4: Mineta vs. Midnight
“My Hero Academia” (2016-)
While it would be nothing short of poetic justice for this perverted grape to get done in by one of the objects of his lewd desires, we have to hand it to him for acing his final exam in the most Mineta way possible. Despite being faced with the sadistic sexiness of Midnight, Mineta’s mastery over his sticky purple balls manage to create the perfect opportunity for him and Sero to get a clean getaway. Guess the need to be loved by the ladies really is a pro-hero quality.
#3: Konohamaru vs. Pain
“Naruto: Shippuden” (2007-17)
Aside from the occasional bit of comic relief and gender-switching fanservice, Konohamaru was never really shown to be capable in the combat department. And yet he went on to defeat one of the Six Paths of Pain. You know, those Rinnegan wielding ninja that singlehandedly tore apart the Leaf Village. The Naraka Path may not have been the ultimate combat specialist, but seriously? One Rasengan and that’s it? Guess this is why you never send out the healer without a support unit.
#2: Ganju vs. Yumichika
“Bleach” (2004-12)
Kind of amazing that this elite among the ranks of Squad 11 had so much trouble with a lumbering oaf whose primary method of attack involved throwing fireworks and riding a giant boar. Sure, Yumichika was only using half the strength of his zanpackuto in order to keep up appearances, but he really shouldn’t have had an issue when it came to slicing Ganju’s head off. Guess his older sister inherited the Shiba strength and he got all the dumb luck. How else do you explain how he managed to send Yumichika blasting off.
#1: Reigen vs Claw 7th Division
“Mob Psycho 100” (2016-19)
Of all the ways we expected this psychic showdown to come to an end, watching the ultimate con-man casually wipe-out the remaining Scars was not one of them. After accidentally transferring all his power to his beloved master, Mob and the gang can only look on with awe as Reigen gives the 7th Division a harsh dose of reality by deflecting their attacks. Not sure what was more devastating; watching him brush off gravity-churning projectiles or scolding all the members until they decided to give up evil. Only Reigen could pull this off.