Top 10 Biggest Flexes in Digimon

#10: Sibling Squabble
“Digimon Fusion” (2010-12)
Even Digimon have sibling drama. Although, instead of pulled hair or broken toys, this one ends with Axeknightmon absorbing Bagramon for all the power he’s worth. You know, normal brotherly stuff. We sure hope Axeknightmon enjoyed his time on top, because it was a very short-lived victory. In the exact same episode he swallowed his brother, Bagramon manages to not only overtake Axeknightmon from the inside out, but fuse their powers into something even greater. That’s right, Axeknightmon couldn’t even combine their powers the right way. We’d say that’s gotta sting, but Axeknightmon isn’t around to feel the shame, anyways.
#9: Digivolve to… Nevermind!
“Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!” (2000)
It’s an unwritten rule of every battle anime that, no matter the situation, you always let your opponent power up to their strongest form. Infermon, however, didn’t agree. When Tai and Izzy’s partners showed up to stop the villain’s rampage, it turned the tables by stopping them from digivolving at all. Sure, no one expected Infermon to play nice. It is a vile computer virus wreaking havoc across the world, after all. But, disrupting MetalGreymon and MegaKabuterimon’s stock evolution sequences was just plain rude. The underhanded tactic showed that Infermon wasn’t here to play around. It was going to win, no matter what it took.
#8: The Royal Knight’s Deliver a Royal Whooping
“Digimon Frontier” (2002-03)
At the behest of the vengeful warlord, Lucemon, Crusadermon and Dynasmon set off to gather the area data of the Digital World. Never one to back down from a fight, Takuya, Koji, and the others tried to stop them. Unfortunately, “try” is about as far as they got. This storyline follows a very simple formula: the Royal Knights appear, the team fails to stop them, and the villains get away with the area code. Rinse and repeat for about ten episodes, and you have one of the most depressing arcs in “Digimon” history. You’ve gotta respect the Frontier gang for continuing to fight even though they lose almost every single time.
#7: The Jet Black Champion Turns Into the Jet Black Ultimate
“Digimon Ghost Game” (2021-23)
Any time GulusGammamon appeared, you knew someone was in for a good beatdown. The dark digivolution took out so many heroes, villains, and Megas, it earned the name “The Jet Black Champion.” If only it were true. In “Ghost Game’s” final arc, GulusGammamon finally dropped the bombshell that it could digivolve the whole time. Regulusmon was always just a quick evolution sequence away. But, Hiro and the others were such an afterthought, the champion didn’t even need to digivolve to command respect. This late-game twist reinforced the idea that GulusGammon is, and always has been, in a league of its own.
#6: Duskmon Knocks the Lights Out of the Digidestined
“Digimon Frontier” (2002-03)
Five on one sounds like a pretty good odds, especially when you add uber-powerful Beast Spirits to the mix. In the end, though, Duskmon is the only one who goes Beast Mode in this fight. Numbers be damned, Cherubimon’s lackey chews up all of the Legendary Warriors like they’re sticks of gum. This is after the “Frontier” kids join forces for a single, coordinated strike, too. The ultimate attack barely leaves a scuff mark on Duskmon, and he retaliates by nearly sending Koji to an early grave. There’s never been a greater reminder that not all spirits are created equal.
#5: Merciful Mode Isn’t That Merciful
“Digimon Adventure Tri: Future” (2018)
Omnimon has a real knack for ending fights in style. Even against foes like the all-powerful Ordinemon, all he had to do was merge with the other Megas to achieve Merciful Mode, and it isn’t even a real duel anymore. A few slices here and there, and the almighty villain became oversized digital scraps. Bear in mind, this is the same Ordinemon that practically destroyed both worlds just minutes prior. It wasn’t a pushover by any means. If Merciful Mode can beat a villain that strong with a few measly attacks, then there’s no telling what it can do if it ever gets serious.
#4: Burst-ing Belphemon’s Bubble
“Digimon Data Squad” (2006-07)
With the world on the brink of disaster and Kurata fusing with the evil Belphemon, the only way out is ShineGreymon Burst Mode. The transformation’s fiery debut is legendary enough on its own. But, Marcus Damon being Marcus Damon, he isn’t willing to let his Digimon hog all the glory. To send Kurata packing for good, the fisticuffs hero leaps into action alongside ShineGreymon to deliver an iconic double punch right between the eyes. After everything he did, Kurata’s death scream is music to our ears. It’s oh-so poetic that he didn’t just lose to a Digimon; he lost to Marcus.
#3: A Major Superiority Complex
“Digimon Fusion” (2010-12)
When it comes to digital fusions, there’s no such thing as “too much.” So, in the face of MegadarknessBagramon, the fusion fighters lived up to their name by combining every single Digimon in the entire digital world. Its name? Shoutmon x7 Superior Mode. The ultimate fusion wrecks the competition and shows MegadarknessBagramon who’s who in the span of a single fight. Specifically, in one, singular attack. MegadarknessBagramon never even stood a chance. With that kind of introduction, you can probably tell that this whole episode is the epitome of overkill in the best way possible. “Digimon Fusion” really couldn’t have ended any other way.
#2: T.K. Brings His Fists to a Digi-Fight
“Digimon Adventure 02” (2000-01)
Who needs to digivolve? T.K.’s already got two weapons, and they’re more than enough to take down the Digimon Emperor. During the climactic assault on Ken’s base, T.K. - the same, timid kid we saw grow up before our eyes - marches right up to the villain and clocks him clean in the face. When a Digimon powers up and fires off a mystical attack, it’s cool. But, seeing T.K. skip the fanfare and go right to the source is downright epic. The violent outburst accomplishes more than a Digimon brawl could’ve any day, and makes you wonder why the 02 kids didn’t think of it sooner.
#1: The Curtain Rises on the Dark Masters
“Digimon Adventure” (1999-2000)
The Digidestined learned the hard way that the Dark Masters are the real deal. Even with eight ultimates fighting side by side, MetalSeadramon Machinedramon, and Puppetmon were just toying around with them. But, surely, two newly-introduced Mega levels could stop them, right? Wrong. As it turns out, these guys are just appetizers. Their leader, Piedmon, is the main course, and he proves as much by one-shotting WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon without even trying. Since the two had just earned their stripes by defeating VenomMyotismon the previous episode, this reversal of fortune is a serious bout of whiplash. The Digidestined got wrecked so badly, it’s a wonder how they ever recovered.
What’s your favorite “Digimon” beatdown? Let us know if it made our list in the comments below!