Top 10 Times Howard was the Best on The Big Bang Theory

#10: Scavenger Hunt with Amy
“The Scavenger Vortex”
While the gang of six spends a whole lot of time altogether, there are some members of the group that aren’t as comfortable just one on one - such as Howard and Amy. That is unless “Neil” is involved. And the best example of this comes during the scavenger hunt when winning takes second place to singing along to Neil Diamond songs. But while Mr. Diamond was a friend-maker in season seven, it was Neil Sedaka who got Howard and Amy grooving while working in the lab together in season eleven.
#9: The Magic Trick
“The Prestidigitation Approximation”
Everyone loves a good card trick. Okay, maybe not everyone. And one of those ‘not everyones’ is Sheldon Cooper who, when Howard shows him a trick, becomes obsessed with trying to figure out how it’s done. Which, in turn, makes him a perfect foil for more of Howard’s tricks - the best of which involves Raj playing along - as well as spying on Sheldon’s card in order for Howard to “amazingly” guess which one it is. As Sheldon’s arrogant frustration grows and grows, so too does Howard’s greatness in this hysterical episode.
#8: Giving Raj His Rom-Com Moment
“The Maternal Conclusion”
When it comes to Romantic Comedies there is no member of the “Big Bang” crew that loves the genre more than Raj. And yet, while the others have all had some pretty amazingly romantic and grand movie-like moments, Raj never got his - that is until Howard gave it to him towards the end of the series. As Raj waits to board a plane to go be with Anu in London, Howard - who thinks he’s making a mistake - races to the airport to stop him. This leads to the rom-com moment Raj has always deserved, with the one person outside his family who has probably loved him longer than anyone else.
#7: Naked Laptop
“The Parking Spot Escalation”
When Howard and Sheldon fight over a parking spot at the University, things escalate to the point of nudity. Since Sheldon is trying to keep Howard from his parking spot, Howard decides that an appropriate retort would be taking over Sheldon’s spot on the couch in his apartment. But, while just sitting in his spot would certainly cause Sheldon anguish, doing it without clothes on takes the anguish to a whole other, and very funny, level. But wait there’s more. The cherry on top of this prank is that, while Howard’s butt is on Sheldon’s spot, his other parts are keeping warm underneath Sheldon’s laptop.
#6: Crappy Student
“The Junior Professor Solution”
In Season Eight, Sheldon is promoted to Junior professor and as such needs to teach a class. Unfortunately for him, his reputation precedes him and no one signs up for the course. In an effort to help him out - and learn - Howard decides that he’ll take the class. But when he finds out that Sheldon’s goal is to make the class extra difficult and humiliate him in the process, Howard goes from willing student to crappy student. And it turns out he’s quite good at it. Along with some classroom singing, he also shows off his amazing accuracy with a spitball.
#5: A Changed Man
“The Stag Convergence”
At Howard’s bachelor party, a drunk Raj makes a best man speech that reveals a bunch of Howard’s sorted past sexual misadventures. And while the speech goes over very well with the guys at the restaurant, it doesn’t play so well with his fiancee when Wil Wheaton posts it online. Unsure of who she has agreed to marry, Bernadette begins to rethink the whole situation, and desperate to apologize, Howard goes to the apartment to see her. Bernadette refuses to come to the door, so he instead makes his apology speech to Penny - a speech so heartfelt and moving that it not only makes Penny cry, but leads to Bernadette confirming that the wedding is indeed, still on!
#4: Emily or Cinnamon
“The Anxiety Optimization”
Everyone was happy when Raj met Emily and finally had a serious girlfriend and some regular coitus. And we were also undoubtedly enamored by the super-cuteness of his dog Cinnamon. But with all that being said, it must be said that one of the funniest bits of the entire series was the game Howard invented called, ‘Emily or Cinnamon’. The only thing funnier than playing along and trying to guess who Raj was talking about when he said those quotes, was watching Leonard crack up with Howard’s reciting of each one.
#3: Dungeon Master
“The Love Spell Potential”
Over the years, we saw most of the guys take the role of dungeon master. And while Sheldon’s creation for Bernadette was sweet and empowering and Leonard’s Christmas version was inspired. When it comes to ranking the dungeon masters it’s the guy without the Ph.D. who outshined them all. His story-telling ability is top-notch, and we witness his ability to improvise when Raj leaves in the middle of the game. But the real reason his dungeon master is so masterful is his celebrity impressions. The only one who likes Howard’s impressions more than us is probably Sheldon.
#2: Howard in Space
In the entire history of the world, fewer than 600 people have ever gone into space. So, if you’re one of them it’s definitely an accomplishment worth celebrating. And Howard is one of them. Now, it’s true that astronaut training almost beat him, but he persevered and made it through. And sure, his experience in space wasn’t the most heroically inspiring, but the mere fact that he went up in that spaceship is easily enough to earn him a “best” moniker. A fact he’s all too happy to point out at various times upon his return.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Infinite Persistence, “The Positive Negative Reaction”
You Don’t Need a Ph.D. to Come Up with Great Ideas
The Squeaky Floor Solution, “The Romance Recalibration”
And He Does It All in Those Ridiculously Tight Pants
Howard Has a Thing for Cinderella, “The Contractual Obligation Implementation”
Everyone Has Their Favorite Disney Princess. We Don’t Judge!
Lamb Stew, “The Gorilla Experiment”
It’s Delicious & a Good Way to Get His Mom Out of the House for a Little While
The Sheldon Costume, “The Imitation Perturbation”
Arguably His Best Impression Ever
#1: The Song
“The Romance Resonance”
Each of the guys had their moments of romantic gestures on the show, but one of the best, and definitely the most toe-tappable one, belongs to Howard. To celebrate the anniversary of his first date with Bernadette, Howard surprises her with a song he wrote and gets the rest of the gang to join in. “If I Didn’t Have You” is a sweet, funny, romantic, and ridiculously catchy tune that left most of us crying along with Bernadette by the time it was over. It was such a popular moment it even led to fans doing covers of the song for their significant others.