Top 10 Times Jerry Was the Worst (Rick and Morty)

A role model, he’s not! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Times Jerry Was the Worst.
For this list, we’re looking at Jerry Smith’s finest moments of incompetence, cowardice and all-around awfulness in “Rick and Morty”. So, get ready to dislike him even more! If that’s even possible.
#10: Refusing to Improve
"Meeseeks and Destroy"
One of the most interesting creatures we’ve met in “Rick and Morty” is without doubt Mr. Meeseeks - a super helpful blue guy that pops up out of nowhere, determined to complete any task you give him. The problem is that some people are beyond help - like Jerry. After asking Mr. Meeseeks to help him take two strokes off his golf swing, Jerry gets frustrated and very easily gives up, seemingly uninterested in the fact that failing to let Mr. Meeseeks help him goes against a Meeseeks’ life purpose. But not to worry, Mr. Meeseeks summons backup, and soon Jerry is fighting off an entire army of distraught blue men.
#9: Locking Beth Out of the Car
"Total Rickall"
Okay, so this one is pretty simple. Do not lock your wife out of the car and leave her to suffer a terrible fate. Seriously, it doesn’t take an interdimensional travelling father-in-law to know that! This short flashback during a brief moment of reflection for Beth highlights just how cowardly her husband can be. The scene shows a terrified Jerry running from a homeless man with a broken bottle in a parking lot. Jerry bumps into Beth, but doesn’t bother explaining to her why he’s running until he reaches the car and locks himself in, safe and sound - leaving his wife to fend for herself. Words of encouragement are NOT as good as actual help!
#8: Mistreating Snuffles
"Lawnmower Dog"
In a perfect world, all of our pets would be well-behaved. But it ain’t a perfect world and sometimes you’ve just got a grin and bear it. It seems Jerry, however, doesn’t have the patience. Annoyed that their dog Snuffles keeps peeing in the house, Jerry insists that Rick use one of his “crazy science things” to make Snuffles smarter. And to make matters worse, he says he’ll ground Morty if Rick doesn’t do what he says. Nice. As with most other things Jerry thinks up, the plan goes terribly wrong and things get dark and violent, really fast. So, remember folks, be nice to your dog. You never know when they might get some bionic legs and try to enslave you.
#7: Dumping Keara
"The ABC's of Beth"
Ending a relationship is never easy. But ending a relationship by pretending that your kids are racist and are making you do it, is just about the worst way to go about it. So, of course, that’s exactly what Jerry does. Struggling to think of a way to break up with his new alien girlfriend, Jerry, as always, decides to take the easy way out and blame someone else. Keara doesn’t take the news lightly though, and goes on a vengeful rampage, hunting down Morty and Summer. Love hurts, Jerry, but your misadventures in love needn’t hurt your kids.
#6: Hiding While Beth Saves the Day
"Big Trouble in Little Sanchez"
There are times for action and times for cowering in fear. When the lives of your loved ones are on the line, we’d definitely argue in favor of “action”. But that ain’t Jerry’s style. When he and Beth are faced with certain death, Jerry comes up with a cunning plan - hide in a hole in the wall, while Beth finds her own hiding spot. Despite this being pretty par for the course in terms of Jerry being a disappointment, it actually proves to be something of a tipping point in the couple’s relationship. Jerry does eventually jump out of his hidey-hole and try to rescue Beth… only to be chased off by a worm.
#5: Bowing to Galactic Federation Rule
"The Rickshank Rickdemption"
With Rick in prison, Earth gets colonized by aliens, forcing its inhabitants to live under a totalitarian regime. Someone needed to step up to the plate and save the day, but that someone was not Jerry. In fact, when Summer and Morty set out to free Rick and fix things, Jerry argues that their new subservient way of life ain’t all that bad. He actually embraces his new position under the heel of extraterrestrials; at least it means him actually having a job! Not only that, when Rick comes back and saves the day, Jerry doesn’t thank him - he just blames Rick for everything, and then gives Beth an ultimatum - it’s either him or Rick. Hmm, that’s a toughy.
#4: Insisting That Pluto Is a Planet!
"Something Ricked This Way Comes"
For the record, Pluto is not a planet! Its status was changed in 2006. That’s not enough for Jerry though. While helping make a solar system model for Morty’s homework, Jerry insists that Pluto is a planet, ignoring absolutely everyone who tells him otherwise - even NASA. This results in him and Morty being abducted to Pluto to spread the good word. Problem is, Jerry’s stubbornness only furthers the efforts of corporations on Pluto, who are decimating the celestial dwarf by mining plutonium from its core. Only Jerry could turn homework into planetary destruction.
#3: The Rick Rollercoaster Incident
“The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy”
It should be abundantly clear by now that Jerry is jealous of Rick. He’s jealous of his genius, quick-wit, his relationship with Beth and he hates being belittled by him. And for the most part, yeah… Rick doesn’t make much of an effort to hide his disdain for his son-in-law. In this particular episode however, Rick goes out of his way, at Morty’s insistence, to make Jerry feel included. No sooner are they off-world however, than Jerry meets an alien and becomes involved in a plot to kill Rick. As Rick starts apologising for his behavior, Jerry starts feeling guilty, but it’s too late. Thankfully Rick can take care of himself.
#2: Selling Out Rick
“The Wedding Squanchers”
In this episode (surprise, surprise), the world is in danger of being taken over and Rick is at the centre of it all. After attending a deeply uncool wedding, Rick and the family find themselves on the run from the Galactic Federation, hiding out on a miniature Earth-like planet. Sure enough, Jerry quickly concocts a plan to save his own butt. He suggests, hypothetically of course, that they just turn Rick in - all while Rick is listening to his betrayal under the floorboards. Afterwards, Rick even decides to bow to Jerry’s wishes, knowing that it’s best for the family. But that doesn’t change the fact that it was an incredibly low move on Jerry’s part to even suggest it.
#1: The Shrimply Pibbles Debacle
"Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate"
Okay, so this is a long story. But it basically revolves around Jerry donating his male member to save the life of the galaxy's most famous civil rights leader, Shrimply Pibbles. We know, nobody wants to lose their bits, but Jerry makes a bad situation so much worse. First, he says no, then he changes his mind. But then he has second thoughts, so attempts to back out of it by snooping into Pibbles’ medical records in order to destroy his reputation. But after the public decide they hate Jerry, he can’t stand not being liked, so he holds doctors hostage and insists they go through with the operation. I mean, Jeez Jerry!