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Top 10 Times Olivia Benson Was Savage on Law & Order: SVU

Top 10 Times Olivia Benson Was Savage on Law & Order: SVU
VOICE OVER: Sophia Franklin WRITTEN BY: Saim Cheeda
Olivia Benson doesn't need a badge to be savage. Welcome to MsMojo, and today we're looking at the Olivia Benson quotes that stole the show. Our countdown includes "It's detective, not miss," tiny details, no sympathy, and more!

#10: Calling Out a Sexist Patrol Officer
“She Paints for Vengeance”

There’s no excuse for any form of attack, regardless of a person’s life choices. Unfortunately, even those in positions of authority can’t overlook their prejudice. While investigating an assault on a sex worker, Olivia notices a patrol officer hasn’t done his due diligence. Realizing he doesn’t value the woman’s life, she puts the officer in his place. She follows it up with a more cutting one-liner to Fin, who shares her sentiment. It shows that more than two decades since the character’s debut, Olivia’s sense of justice remains as strong as ever. Her comment also rings true since the patrol officer’s behavior is shared by certain people in real life, too.

#9: Telling It How It Is
“Patrimonial Burden”

A good detective trusts their gut. Olivia relies on this instinct first and foremost. It’s what empowered her to rise the chain of command, and she stamps her authority when Sergeant Dodds speaks out of line. Benson’s assertiveness enables her to make her point, especially against someone less experienced than her. While offering guidance to Dodds later, she also lets him know how it works around the SVU and why she’s so good at her job. Olivia’s words of encouragement ease the burden on Dodd’s mind, showing us that she’s as wise as she is sassy.

#8: Blunt Interrogation Tactics

The team discovers the workings of a dangerous cult leader named Abraham, who plans on killing more. Despite knowing he’s apprehended her daughter, Abraham’s “wife” Cindy refuses to reveal their location. Olivia recognizes the intense effect of Abraham’s gaslighting on Cindy, but desperate times call for some savage tactics. With time ticking before they can rescue Cindy’s daughter, Olivia isn’t in the mood for any excuses. Sensing Cindy’s resistance, Olivia has a few blunt words to throw her way. Benson wants Cindy to face the truth even if it means being harsh and unsympathetic. When the going gets tough, no one plays bad cop better than Olivia Benson.

#7: No Sympathy
“Her Negotiation”

Olivia’s interrogation style usually involves mind games, but she mixes it up with good old-fashioned intimidation. Her target here is the demented and violent William Lewis, so her aggression isn’t unwarranted. Aware of Lewis’s heinous actions toward a female victim, Olivia can barely contain herself from taking matters into her own hands. Considering Lewis’s sadistic streak and lack of remorse, we’re inclined to feel just as angry as Olivia is. While he thinks he can get away with playing coy, Olivia is on to his act. Since she deals with all kinds of criminals, Olivia knows a creep when she sees one. After trying to rattle her with graphic details of maltreatment, Lewis realizes he’s met his match as Olivia refuses to break.

#6: A Lesson in Respect
“Unintended Consequences”

Using technicalities doesn’t work on the SVU team. So when a drug dealer claims he isn’t responsible for a young girl’s death, it doesn’t help his case. His colorful language when referring to the victim irks everyone else as well. Along with justifying his behavior, he makes light of someone’s demise. Unfortunately for him, the no-nonsense Olivia Benson isn’t as lenient as the others are. Wasting no time, she gives the man a dressing-down to teach him a lesson in respect. Walking out after shutting him up completes what is one of Benson’s biggest power moves. We never see the character again, but we don’t doubt he’ll think before he speaks from here on out.

#5: Mic Drop Moment

There isn’t much to explain when found in a compromising position without your trousers. However, some weirdos still look for an excuse. The team executes a bust of an underground racket, arresting men guilty of holding a woman against her will. When one of them attempts to talk his way out, Olivia doesn’t mince her words. It’s a much-needed light moment in an otherwise heavy-handed episode. Her comment seeps the tension away, serving up an unexpectedly humorous scene. But with no trace of amusement on Olivia’s face, her remark is clearly intended as an insult to the man’s character. And rightfully so.

#4: Tiny Details

Getting a suspect to blab is a skill of its own. Olivia Benson has this in spades. The detective fabricates a different identity to catch serial killer and assailant Ned Bogden in the act. While that’s impressive, pushing Bogden’s buttons in the interrogation room is even better. Every criminal has a weakness, and Olivia looks for Bogden’s. Recognizing his insecurities behind all his bravado, Benson cuts him down to size. The bad guy has no answer to her creative insults. It isn’t long before he confesses and spills all the beans, as Olivia’s jabs hit him everywhere she wants to.

#3: Who’s the Boss?

Easily among the most harrowing episodes in the series, Olivia poses as an inmate in “Undercover.” The protagonist looks to weed out a guard harassing women at the facility. Benson finds herself suffering under the prison’s extreme conditions, particularly from guard captain Lowell Harris. Harris’s power within the facility’s walls gives him a superiority complex, as he exerts his will without consequence. Olivia’s ordeal goes from bad to worse, but she catches the villain in the end. It’s not quite the moment of triumph because of how close Harris comes to mistreating Olivia. Still, she does get the final word in, and we’re all here for it.

#2: “It’s Detective, Not Miss”
“Sophomore Jinx”

Just like you wouldn’t refer to a doctor or a judge as “miss,” you better address Detective Olivia Benson like you’re supposed to. The character respects those who deserve it and commands respect in her own right. Those who dare cross her get shut down the way only Benson knows how. While interrogating a suspect, Olivia and her team cut no corners. Benson is the one who takes charge, intimidating the man enough for his lawyer to step in. Of course, he gets shut down instantly. With Benson practically seething, not offering any retort is the smartest thing the lawyer can do at that moment.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Olivia Doesn’t Appreciate Hubert’s Jokes, “Pixies”
Don’t Try to Get Funny with Detective Benson

Calling Out a Liar, “Prodigy”
Nothing Goes Past Olivia

Intimidating An Assailant, “Surrender Benson”
She’s in Control Even at Gunpoint

Olivia the Heartbreaker, “Tunnel Blind”
Benson & Romance Don’t Match

Taking the Bad Guy Down, “Decaying Morality”
She’s a Woman on a Mission

#1: A Burn to Remember

“SVU” has featured many despicable villains for over a quarter of a century. But we’d argue its vilest character appeared in the first season. Abductor and serial assaulter Randolph Morrow’s crimes can cause anyone to recoil in disgust. The character’s smarmy attitude and disrespect toward women garner Oliva’s contempt. And with Morrow in custody, she fully intends to make him squeal. The villain lives up to his dastardly reputation, throwing a misogynistic remark at our heroine. However, Benson has an instant comeback ready that Morrow definitely didn’t see coming. Considering how much he enjoys lording over women, Olivia’s remark is like a well-overdue slap in the face. Along with being a top-level detective, Benson proves she’s also the Queen of the Burn.

Can you think of any other Olivia Benson clapbacks? Let us know in the comments.
