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Top 10 Best iCarly Characters

Top 10 Best iCarly Characters
VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton WRITTEN BY: Joey Turner
Leave it all to these "iCarly" characters. Our countdown includes Spencer Shay, Marissa Benson, Lewbert Sline, and more!

#10: Nora Dershlit

Internet popularity doesn’t come without a price, especially if you’re dealing with a psycho fan. Nora’s a lonely, unstable iCarly enthusiast with no friends and a pet chicken. We’d be more sympathetic… if her first instinct wasn’t to hold her idols hostage against their will –or forcibly kiss Freddie. Her own family’s just as bad. When they’re not leaving her on her own, they join in on her obsessive behavior. The scariest part about Nora is how even after someone successfully incapacitates her and she gets locked up…she’ll just break out and do it again. You have to admire her persistence; she could give Annie Wilkes a run for her money.

#9: Lewbert Sline

Meet the nastiest apartment building doorman that ever lived, Lewbert. He’s led a sorry life full of tragedy, bad luck, and with that disgusting wart on his face. As a result, he takes his anguish out on the iCarly kids and…literally everyone else around him. The most disturbing thing about Lewbert? He was almost Freddie’s stepdad! Fortunately, the iCarly gang has a way of paying him back with one of their most popular web show sketches –“Messin’ with Lewbert” –where they harass the disagreeable doorman in any over-the-top way they can think of. It may seem harsh given Lewbert’s history, but his horrid attitude really balances things out.

#8: Terrence "T-Bo" Bo

Meet T-Bo, the owner of the Groovy Smoothie –aka the only other place the trio hangs out other than Carly’s apartment. He can usually be seen trying to sell food on a stick to customers –we still want to know how he got TACOS to stay on a stick. Around Season 4, he ends up moving in with Freddie and Mrs. Benson, and while he’s a fun neighbor he’s got no respect for privacy. Despite his pushiness, T-Bo’s just another fun eccentric you can’t help but like. Plus, we’ve got to salute him for doing what few brave men dare try – putting up with the overbearing Mrs. Benson.

#7: Nevel Amadeus Papperman

If we didn’t put him on this list, we’d rue it. Nevel Papperman is an entitled boy genius and owner of a popular website -and a very sophisticated vocabulary. He pined for Carly, but when she wouldn’t return his affection, he vowed revenge on the trio and has since become their most formidable recurring foe to date. He’s a cunning manipulator usually able to stay one step ahead of our heroes, making him practically a teenage Hannibal Lecter. Luckily, they always manage to turn the tables and knock him off his high horse. But that won’t stop Nevel from trying again the next chance he gets.

#6: Marissa Benson

Marissa is Freddie’s overprotective, overbearing mother, and she’s….unstable, to say the least. It’s obvious she loves her son with all her heart, but she suffocates him way too much. She embarrasses him in front of his friends, she freaks out if he ever starts dating again...She even had a tracking chip put in his head when he was just a baby. It’s too much, for sure, but it’s all from a place of love, and she wants nothing more than her son’s safety. Still, it’d be wise not to cross paths with her, especially when she gets her hands on a fencing sword.

#5: Orenthal Cornelius "Gibby" Gibson

Gibby’s story is certainly an interesting one. At the start of the series, he was just a supporting character –a weirdo in the iCarly trio’s class who liked to take off his shirt at the most random times. From Season 4 onwards, he rose in the ranks as a main character, and grew out of his topless running gag, actually getting annoyed when people asked him to do it for old time’s sake. To be honest, Gibby isn’t the brightest bulb in the chandelier –he once thought that Spencer was Carly’s dad for crying out loud. Despite this, he’s as loyal to his friends as they come.

#4: Fredward "Freddie" Benson

Freddie is the brains behind the iCarly gang, acting as the web show’s cameraman and technical producer. He’s a bit of a techno-geek with a not-so-subtle crush on Carly, and a tendency to speak Spanish at random moments. Unfortunately, Freddie is also the butt monkey of the group, usually getting disrespected or smacked around by Sam, or embarrassed by his domineering mother. Even if he doesn’t always get the respect he deserves, Freddie’s the one who keeps the iCarly ship afloat –heck, he was the one who came up with the web show’s name. There have been debates over who Freddie should end up with – Carly or Sam. That, unfortunately, is a mystery left unsolved.

#3: Carlotta "Carly" Shay

At last, we come to the titular star herself. Carly is the spunky, caring, funny host of the web show. As the glue that keeps her friends together, she’ll often act as a peacemaker whenever Sam and Freddie start going at it. She also occasionally steps up as the “level-headed” sibling with Spencer. However, she’s by no means perfect – she can be naïve at times, which can land her into a whole mess of trouble. Add to it, when Spencer doesn’t give her what she wants…she doesn’t always take it well. Regardless, there is nothing Carly wouldn’t do for her friends and family, and her charismatic personality makes her overnight internet success well-deserved.

#2: Spencer Shay

With her father overseas, someone has to act as Carly’s guardian. Who better than her older brother, Spencer? Probably any other adult, but none of them would be as fun as Spencer. He could’ve been a lawyer with a successful, boring job like any other grownup. Instead, he embraced his inner child and became an amazing artist who occasionally, accidentally sets stuff on fire –don’t ask us how. Despite his immaturity, Spencer only wants the best for his baby sister and can be extremely protective of her. Most importantly, Spencer is a hilarious reminder that just because you get older doesn’t mean you have to stop being a kid.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Chuck Chambers

Officer Carl

Colonel Steven Shay


Principal Ted Franklin

#1: Samantha "Sam" Puckett

Trust us, you’re a lot safer with Sam as your FRIEND instead of your enemy…unless you want to face the butter sock. She’s Carly’s best friend and co-host on the web show. Her hobbies include eating anything not nailed down, teasing Freddie, and beating down anyone who crosses her or her friends. She may look tough and rebellious, but she also has a loyal, sweet side when it comes to people she cares about. Even after iCarly, Sam continued to make us laugh with her short-lived spin-off alongside Cat from “Victorious.” Sadly, Sam won’t be returning in the reboot, but she’ll still hold a place in our hearts as the aggressive, dirty blonde with a heart of gold…somewhere deep down.
