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Top 10 Times Robot Chicken ROASTED Celebs

Top 10 Times Robot Chicken ROASTED Celebs
Ouch, that has to sting! Welcome to WatchMojo and today we're counting down the best digs, insults, bizarre characterizations, and, yes, even roasts from “Robot Chicken”. Our countdown includes times the show has gone after celebs like Bob Barker, Keanu Reeves, Diablo Cody, Seth Green, Gordon Ramsay, and more!

#10: Gordon Ramsay

“Boogie Bardstown in: No Need, I Have Coupons”

Known for his hot temper in shows like “Hell’s Kitchen”, Ramsay hosts a celebrity edition of “MasterChef” featuring prominent cartoon cooks. He’s quick to anger, as expected, and goes off on SpongeBob. As you might have guessed, every contestant’s cooking attempt ends in disaster. Chef accidentally releases Thetans when attempting to make a lava cake. Just when it looks like they’re going to wreak havoc, Ramsay orders them to make him a risotto. This master chef can definitely be temperamental and this depiction wonderfully captures that.

#9: George R.R. Martin

“El Skeletorito”

Readers of “A Song of Ice and Fire” may have a bone to pick with Martin as they’ve been waiting a really, really long time for the next book in the series to come out. While trying to walk down the street minding his own business, he’s bombarded by nerds asking him about when the next book will be finished and other questions about the series. He’s so overwhelmed by the onslaught of questions and nerds, he takes refuge in a telephone booth, seemingly trapped.

#8: Justin Bieber

“Robot Chicken's ATM Christmas Special”

The Biebs wasn’t exactly known for his edginess back in 2012. It was a time when his style was starting to change from his kid friendly persona. This sketch turns the volume up to eleven with a Christmas special. Here we get Bieber and Santa bring out the aggression when at first it looked like things were going to be saccharine. Not only is the music fast paced and heavy, but we get a ton of bleeped out swears so you know this isn’t grandma’s Christmas.

#7: Justin Timberlake

“Lust for Puppets”

Cameron Diaz receives an unfortunate cancer diagnosis thanks to having been exposed to a toxic substance. Naturally she discusses her condition with her then partner, Timberlake. He’s not exactly understanding, to say the least. He assures her no to worry as he’ll find love again. This is followed up by him asking her if there’s anything she wants to do before she kicks it. She decides to go out and get revenge on people who have wronged her but Timblerlake was selfishly asking if they could cuddle.

#6: Bob Barker

“​​Squaw Bury Shortcake”

Fans of “The Price Is Right” should be familiar with the former host’s sign off of getting your pets spayed or neutered. What you might not realize is just how damn serious Barker is about the matter. He decides to buy a pair of gardening shears and wages a one man war on the pet population. He doesn’t just limit himself to dogs and cats. Soon he targets horses and pandas as well. It culminates in a showdown with Snoop D-O-Double G where it seems Barker has finally met his match. However, he still manages to clip Snoop. Who knew Bob Barker could be such a menace?

#5: Jean-Claude Van Damme

If you’ve ever seen any of his films, you know JCVD is rather adept at doing the splits. Perhaps you’ve even seen the Volvo Trucks commercial where he does them between two moving trucks. The commercial is what “Robot Chicken” parodies except in their version random giraffes keep appearing in the middle of the road and repeatedly smack him in his nether region. The original ad is so over the top that getting constantly hit in the groin is an appropriate response.

#4: Björk

“May Cause the Exact Thing You're Taking This to Avoid”

Her swan dress the Icelandic singer wore to the 2001 Academy Awards is iconic which is probably why decades later it appears in this sketch. The twist here is that it isn’t merely an article of clothing but an actual swan that took too much melatonin. Once up, it’s confused as to where it is and naturally begins to panic. Björk, caught off guard, can only helplessly flail about as the swan tries to escape its surroundings. It’s really simple in execution which just highlights the absurdity of wearing such a dress.

#3: Diablo Cody

“Catch Me If You Kangaroo Jack”

If this sketch is anything to go by, she’s probably the last person you’d want to give a eulogy. Cody is known for snappy dialogue in “Juno”, here she carries that same energy. Unsurprisingly, funerals are somber, serious affairs and Cody does not fit the tone. Even in a different setting, her dialogue schtick would get old really fast. Her quick speaking pace and numerous pop culture references are just over done. It’s no wonder that Janet literally rises out of her casket to ask why Diablo Cody is speaking at her funeral.

#2: Keanu Reeves

“Operation: Rich in Spirit”

You could argue that Reeve’s acting style is wooden and is the same in all his movies. That’s certainly being lampooned in this ad for breakfast sausages. Reeve portrays his characters from “The Matrix”, “Constantine” and “Speed” but you wouldn’t know that without him explicitly telling given that he gives the exact same delivery, cadence and pace for each role. Even worse is that he can’t remember Jack Traven’s name and just says he’s the guy from “Speed”. The rest of the sketch is forgettable but top marks for parodying Keanu.

#1: Seth Green


It’s good that the show's co-creator can poke fun at himself. While watching the Oscars, Green gets a call from his mother asking if he’s at the awards ceremony. Evidently, he isn’t and that’s when she lays into him, asking when he’s going to start doing prestige work. He responds that he does work of which he’s proud. Regardless of what you may think of “Robot Chicken”, it’s been on the air since 2005, which isn’t nothing. However, the deepest cut comes from her response that Oscar doesn’t seem to think that much of his acting output.

What’s your favorite roast from “Robot Chicken”? Let us know in the comments!
