Top 10 Times Video Game Characters Got What They Deserved

Top 10 Times Smug Video Game Characters Got Wrecked
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Times Smug Video Game Characters Got Wrecked!
For this list, we’re looking at characters who thought they were the coolest and the baddest to walk the Earth only to be utterly humiliated in the worst ways possible.
#10: Pierre Le Fer
“Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart” (2018)
If Ratchet as a girl is Rivet, and cowardly “hero” Captain Qwark becomes the even more cowardly Captain Quantum, then what is Rusty Pete’s counterpart? Well, you get the confident, zealous, and flirty Pierre Le Fer. This saucy French droid thinks he’s the best robot pirate in the galaxy, but throughout “Rift Apart”, we see his plans fall apart just as clumsily as Rusty Pete. We took down his henchmen as Rivet in front of a huge crowd, and then, Ratchet would find him about to be eaten by a Kraken-like beast. Yeah, not exactly the most fearsome pirate we’ve seen.
#9: Benny
"Fallout: New Vegas” (2010)
Given how much power Benny has over New Vegas, one might assume he’d be one of the toughest foes in “Fallout: New Vegas”. Seriously, this is a guy with an entire city in the palm of his hand...well, excluding Mr. House, that is. And yet, by the time you even get to the casino-littered town, you’ve most likely picked up some considerable weaponry and armor! Those who choose to talk things out with Benny will find he eventually weasels his way out and leaves you hanging. But how many of us reloaded a save just to pepper his stupid face without warning? Could he BE any deader!?
#8: Muggshot
“Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves” (2005)
Sticks and stones may break our bones, but words will ALWAYS hurt. Muggshot learned that first hand in the third “Sly” game, and what’s more humiliating was that the verbal abuse (or, lack thereof) came from Bentley. To create a distraction, Bentley decides to provoke Muggshot into fighting him, but the overly muscled mutt isn’t having it. Of the insults thrown, Bentley’s worst was when he tries to remark about Muggshot’s clothes only to get interrupted and told not to say anything if he isn’t going to be nice. The turtle’s silence is golden, and it leaves Muggshot confused, humiliated, and above all, hurt.
#7: Il Piantissimo
“Super Mario Sunshine” (2002)
How dare this little runt!! All we do is show up, talk to him, and he’s got the gall to call us names like “pokey little flab biscuit”!? How did Mario not deck this guy in the face right then and there? No, if you really want to humiliate someone, you beat them at their own game, and that’s exactly what we did...THREE TIMES! Yeah, we took him on at Gelato Beach, Noki Bay, and Pianta Village, and guess who won all three times? We did! ...after maybe a few attempts, but we still did it, and we’d beat him again! Let’s hope the guy makes it into “Smash Bros” at some point just so we can introduce him to our fists. We fought on your turf, guy! Now, try fighting on ours!
#6: Jinroku
“Ghost of Tsushima” (2020)
Whether you went down the path of an honorable samurai or a sneaky ninja, both types of players can agree on one thing - there is no room for liars in Tsushima. And yet, after a historically tragic war, a man named Jinroku decided to start lying to folks and claiming to be a samurai. Imagine our satisfaction when we finally met him and got him isolated from his deceived followers. Initiating a duel, are we? *show him cowering* ...Yeah, we didn’t think so. To think this dude was going to try and thrive off his fib without consequences was baffling, and regardless if you let him live or not, he went out a shameful fool.
#5: Buga the Knut
“Conker’s Bad Fur Day” (2001)
Take a look at this gargantuan moron. Throughout Conker’s time in his arena, Buga talks smack about the squirrel, thinking he was impressing voluptuous Uga-Buga woman, Jugga. So, with all the gore and ultra-violence in the world of “Conker”, what would be the best way to humiliate this over-sized, overconfident idiot? How about using the raptor’s small size in the most hilarious and inappropriate way possible? Yep, Buga the Knut falls with his butt chewed out by a raptor, is publicly ridiculed by his own kind, and has no choice but to run away.
#4: Electrocutioner
“Batman: Arkham Origins” (2013)
When we first saw the Electrocutioner, we thought this guy was going to feature a heck of a boss fight, especially considering how big he was talkin’ moments before our brawl. He was bound to do something interesting with his shock gauntlets...well, he probably would have, had he not gone out like a loser. All it takes is one mighty kick to the face from Bats to shut him up. As if things couldn’t get worse for the zappy thug, Joker offs him for not taking down the Dark Knight. In other words, poor guy had no idea that he was a throwaway character. Sad.
#3: Mysterio
“Spider-Man 2” (2004)
Some of the more frustrating and annoying missions in “Spider-Man 2” involved Quentin Beck. Spidey is forced through obstacle courses and rescuing civilians from a fire while fighting his dumb drones, and the way these levels are constructed is infuriating. Beck’s snide commentary doesn’t help either! So, when Beck becomes Mysterio and tries to rob a convenience store, we were ready to release our anger. Pete must have felt the same and charged all fury into a single punch as that’s all it took to wipe out Myserio’s three full health bars. Guess the devs thought we had been through enough.
#2: Clones of Gorkon
“Trover Saves the Universe” (2018)
From the very start of this bizarre adventure game, we knew Gorkon was a total jerk. Though, we’d argue his clones are the biggest jerks of all. We’re not kidding - these guys will mock and ridicule you throughout your adventure and act like they’re so much better than you. Of course, the story changes when you let Trover flail his sword at them. You’d think word of mouth would take over and instill some kind of fear, but these guys just don’t learn. When you think about it, you’re kind of forcing Gorkon himself to endure the same embarrassing deaths several times over.
#1: Shao Kahn
“Mortal Kombat” series (1992-)
It's the douchiest bad guy to end all douchey bad guys. Shao Kahn has got to be the most egotistical character in video game history. Seriously, who else pauses a fight just to gloat over nothing!? While he has some reason to view himself as immortal (having died and been revived several times), but on the other side of it, he’s died, and not just by one person’s hand. He’s been killed by Liu Kang, Raiden, Kitana, and Shang Tsung, and that’s not including all those non-canonical deaths from character-specific endings. Shao Kahn, are you sure you’re really an immortal god? Because from where we stand, you’re just a hulking punching bag, and that’s all you’ll ever be.