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Top 10 Times WWE Wrestlers Went Beast Mode

Top 10 Times WWE Wrestlers Went Beast Mode
VOICE OVER: Ashley Bowman WRITTEN BY: Izhan Arif
When these WWE wrestlers go beast mode, get out of the way! For this list, we'll be looking at the most jaw-dropping, violent, and athletic moments that placed these WWE wrestlers a cut above the rest. Our countdown of WWE wrestlers going beast mode includes guys like Cesaro, Kane, Roman Reigns, and more!

#10: Cesaro Wipes Out Everyone

No wonder they call him the Swiss Superman! In a triple threat match for the tag team titles on “Monday Night Raw”, Cesaro brought the heat when he got the hot tag. We already knew that he was a freak of nature. But the insane amount of offense he hit on his opponents in such a short amount of time had everybody talking. Clotheslines, kicks, corkscrew uppercuts, even a 6-1-9! Nobody really saw it coming, which probably made the rapid sequence all the more entertaining. Talk about a way to wake up the crowd!

#9: The Fiend Bray Wyatt Fights off Retribution

Through no fault of the wrestlers involved, Retribution was a faction dead in the water. The angst-ridden group led by Mustafa Ali failed to make much of an impression. And probably nothing further cemented their burial then when the Fiend got his mandible claws on them. The demonic creature tore through the members like something out of a horror flick, which is more than fitting for the Fiend. While it wasn’t a particularly great night for Retribution, it was an awesome one for the Fiend. Retribution should have done the smart thing when they saw him and ran for their lives!

#8: Brock Lesnar Beats Down Cody Rhodes

So, what do you guys want to talk about? Well, how about the time Cody got beaten within an inch of his life by the beast Brock Lesnar? Cody failed to finish his story at “Wrestlemania 39” against Roman Reigns. But he looked to at least regain some of his credibility back by teaming with Brock Lesnar in a rare tag-team match on the following “Monday Night Raw”. But Brock doesn’t do tag teams or work on Mondays either! He laid waste to Cody with chair shots, German suplexes, and multiple F-5s (both through the announce table and onto the steel steps). It was like whatever adrenaline Cody had in his soul that night was pummeled out by Lesnar.

#7: Roman Reigns Solos the Authority

When the Authority’s shenanigans led to Seth Rollins getting the rollup victory over Roman in their match, the Big Dog didn’t take too kindly to his loss. And he made sure that the Authority all paid for it! Single-handedly, he launched an assault on them all with an impressive dive. He beat them down in typical Roman Reigns fashion with spears and Superman punches. Seeing Roman snap and ruthlessly let it out against the constantly antagonistic group was a satisfying way to see the Authority get what was coming to them. And it was made even more impressive considering Roman fought them all on his own.

#6: The Shield Fight the Whole Roster

Revenge is a dish best served with ax handles! After having been blindsided, beaten, and embarrassed a week before, the Shield took it upon themselves to get revenge. And it probably goes without saying but: we definitely think they did that here. Because they weren’t just taking down nameless security, they were fighting 2018’s entire active “Raw” roster! The action here simply refused to stop as the Shield reminded fans just how tough and violent they could get! This payback (and we’re not talking about the premium live event) was epic!

#5: Kofi Kingston Runs the Gauntlet

After sustaining an injury, Mustafi Ali was pulled from the WWE Championship match at “Elimination Chamber”. And on Smackdown’s February 12th, 2019 show, a gauntlet match was made to determine who’d have the advantage of getting to enter the deadly chamber last. As Mustafa’s replacement, Kofi Kingston stepped in, and stepped up! This wasn’t just a series of grueling back-to-back matches, it was also a fight for survival. Kofi faced off against Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and even then-champion Daniel Bryan! He might not have won the gauntlet, but this was a career defining performance. Kofi showed to the world that he could be a true main-eventer. Kofimania was one of the WWE’s greatest underdog storylines, and that all started with this gauntlet.

#4: Kane Destroys the McMahon Helmsley Family

After the Vince Mcmahon-led heel faction known as the Corporation was disbanded, a new alliance was eventually formed between the Mcmahons and Triple H. It was fittingly called the Mcmahon-Helmsley Regime. And when then-WWF champion Triple H and other Regime stooges attacked the Rock and the Undertaker, it was Kane who ended up coming to their rescue. He didn’t even have to wait to get into the ring to start dishing out some punishment. Because from the second his entrance music hit he was knocking the heels down one by one! Chokeslamming Triple H and holding the WWF championship proudly up in the air also generated some huge pops!

#3: Cena & Orton vs. The Raw Roster

Can they coexist? John Cena and Randy Orton had long been rivals, but on the March 17th, 2008 edition of “Monday Night Raw”, they found themselves working together as partners! Only, this wasn’t a standard match. It was WWE’s first ever 17-on-2 handicap elimination match! Their opponents? The Raw roster! Saying the odds were stacked against them was a major understatement. The match saw fast eliminations, hot tags, and a whole bunch of Attitude Adjustments and RKOs. Despite the obvious numbers disadvantage, Cena and Orton really held their own. The match showed just how strong a Cena-Orton duo could be. It’s only a shame we couldn’t have gotten more of them as a proper tag team!

#2: Night of Destruction

It’s hard to imagine the Attitude Era without the Brothers of Destruction. Their grim looks and penchant for violence made them easily stand out. And the brothers sent quite the message during their very own night of destruction. The September 5th, 1998 episode of “Raw” saw frequent interruptions from The Undertaker and Kane. With these interruptions they basically hijacked the show. They also easily established their dominance by attacking competitors both in the ring and creating chaos backstage! Whether you were Scorpio or the Rock, it didn’t matter! Nobody was safe from a chokeslam on that night!

#1: Stone Cold Clears The Alliance

Stone Cold’s return to help Team WWF ward off the larger Team Alliance had everyone chomping at the bit for more. Sure he was just one guy, but the Texas Rattlesnake made all the difference! Before even entering the ring, Stone Cold was laying waste to the Alliance backstage. And that was no different once he actually stepped inside of the squared circle. He daringly brawled with dozens of other wrestlers. Stone-cold stunning one after the other like nobody’s business. This iconic moment was amplified not only by the mega pop from the crowd but also by JR’s excitement on commentary!
