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Top 10 Strangest Aliens in Ben 10

Top 10 Strangest Aliens in Ben 10
VOICE OVER: Tom Aglio WRITTEN BY: Izhan Arif
"Ben 10" has a lot of aliens, and some of them are downright weird. For this list, we'll be looking at some of the absolute oddest that the Omnitrixes have to offer. Our countdown includes Frankenstrike, Toepick, Juryrigg, Mole-Stache, and more!

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Weirdest Aliens in Ben 10. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the absolute oddest that the Omnitrixes have to offer. These aliens either give us the creeps or make us scratch our heads, sometimes both! We’ll only be focusing on canonical aliens that Ben has transformed into throughout the franchise. Who do you think is the weirdest Ben 10 alien? Freak us out in the comments.

#10: Kickin Hawk

Half rooster, half hawk, all hero: Kickin Hawk is a cool, albeit odd, bird-like hybrid. He first appeared in “Ben 10: Omniverse” where he definitely turned heads! Not only is Kickin Hawk super strong, but he’s also quick on his feet - though with a name like that, it’s probably a given. Kickin Hawk can reach incredible speeds in a short amount of time and create kicks so powerful they can send just about anyone into orbit. Both his species and his home planet are unknown, but what we do know is that he’s clucking awesome.

#9: Juryrigg

Know what’s weirder than a Gremlin? A space Gremlin! That’s pretty much what Juryrigg is. Juryrigg is short, red, and did we mention he has a tail? As one of Ben’s more juvenile aliens, he’s nothing short of a wild card!! He first appeared in “Ben 10: Ultimate Alien” where he didn’t waste any time getting into trouble. His powers? While he has a few, like increased durability and strength, his primary power is wrecking things! But he’s not just a destroyer; he can also build just about anything. It might take him a while, though, because he really likes destroying stuff - especially machines.

#8: Walkatrout

Walkatrout is a complete fish out of water, and we mean that literally! Belonging to the Ickythyperambuloid species (yeah, try saying that over and over again), Walkatrout is an alien fish with blue skin, gills, and teeny-tiny legs that he can walk with. He first made a splash in “Ben 10: Omniverse”, or at least he tried to anyway. Without arms, a small stature, and barely any upper-body strength thanks to those fins, Walkatrout doesn’t really have that much going for him sadly. But hey, did you know his planet has the most sidewalks in the whole universe?

#7: Frankenstrike

“It’s alive!” The moment you see him, it’s pretty clear what he’s about. Paying homage to Frankenstein's Monster, Frankenstrike belongs to the Transylian species of Anur Transyl. He “rose from the grave” in the first “Ben 10” series, where he made quite the impression. Frankenstrike is no nonsense. He’s creepy, freakishly strong, and come on: have you seen those giant coils sticking from his back? He’s a clear powerhouse, but maybe not someone you’d want to be left alone in a room with. Well, we definitely know who Ben’s going as for Halloween!

#6: Ripjaws

Going for a swim? You’d probably want to rethink that if you were near Ripjaws. A tall anglerfish-like creature with arms and legs, Ripjaws is about as weird as they come. He’s got teeth as sharp as knives and an antenna sticking out from his head. He’s a Piscciss Volann who made waves in the original “Ben 10”. When underwater, he can switch his legs to a tail. Could you imagine him in “The Little Mermaid”? Ripjaws is crazy fast when he’s in the ocean. He’s so quick underwater that he can even create whirlpools that are sure to knock any bad guy out. Unfortunately, these strengths don’t really carry over to the surface. Ripjaws is incredibly weak if he stays on land for too long.

#5: Mole-Stache

Some people are really attached to their mustaches, and there’s probably no one more attached to theirs than Mole-Stache. First appearing in “Ben 10: Omniverse”, Mole-Stache is basically a mole with a mustache. But that’s not all. While not much is known about what species he belongs to or what planet he’s from, we do know that he has one insanely overpowered mustache. His mustache can change shape into anything at will. Seriously, it can do anything from carrying a truck to acting as a makeshift helicopter propeller. You haven’t truly experienced weirdness if you’ve never seen a mole stopping bad guys with his weaponized facial hair.

#4: Ghostfreak

Ever get the feeling that sometimes Ben doesn’t have complete control? For keeping us on edge, nobody does it better than Ghostfreak. An Ectonurite from the classic series, Ghostfreak’s so creepy that Ben’s often scared of transforming into him. Gray skin and black lines cover his entire body, with one jagged eye on his head. He can phase through solid objects, make himself invisible, and even possess people. Did we mention he also has tentacles? When Ben originally turned into Ghostfreak, he wasn't exactly alone either as evil personality Zs’Skayr was hidden within Ghostfreak and clawing for control. Though that wasn’t the case in later installments, it was still spooky for as long as it lasted.

#3: Toepick

Even his name’s weird. From “Ben 10: Omniverse”, Toepick’s an ogre, and kind of a hot mess too. He has skin that’s dull yellow, sharp fingers, and a large gut that he doesn’t seem to mind flaunting. Hey, you do you Toepick. He also wears a large metal helmet that covers his entire face. Toepick’s nothing short of a mystery. We don’t know where he came from, why he’s called Toepick, and most importantly, what he actually looks like. His face is said to be so horrific that he can actually use it as a weapon when fighting bad guys. Though there’s been concept art, the series still has yet to officially show his face, but we imagine it’s one only his mother can love.

#2: Snare-Oh

Ok, maybe Frankenstrike has some competition for Ben’s definitive Halloween alien. Another classic from the first “Ben 10”, Snare-Oh wears a headdress reminiscent of a Pharaoh and is covered entirely in bandages. He’s one crafty alien mummy, because this Thep Khufan can use his bandages to completely change the shape of his body however he wants. Snare-Oh is also surprisingly sturdy, as he can heal quickly from just about any attack. He can even last in the depths of space. Those bandages really are the definition of one size fits all.

#1: Eye Guy

For this alien, all eyes are on him. Like something out of a traveling sideshow, Eye Guy’s freaky. As an Opticoid, almost his entire body is covered in green eyes. Surprisingly, he doesn’t have any eyes on his face. Instead he has ears that look like they belong to a bat. As you could probably imagine, it’s not so easy for bad guys to get the drop on someone who can see just about anything. Eye Guy’s been around since the original series and as if he couldn’t get any weirder, he’s able to shoot energy out from his eyes. He can also combine them into one gigantic eye to create some serious damage. Try not to get into any trouble, because chances are that Sightra native’s got his eye(s) on you.
