Top 10 Weirdest Videos on YouTube

There are some strange YouTube videos. Whether it's a commercial for Little Baby's Ice Cream where someone eats ice cream out of their own head, HumanimalAlex's nearly naked guy dressed up like a deer, or BlankRoomSoup.avi, which is a YouTube horror video without any context, these are some of the most unnerving videos on YouTube. WatchMojo counts down ten YouTube videos so weird they'll creep you out.
Special thanks to our users Kylerg, mac121mr0, Chris Wite, FinJoubba, IPat, PolybiusPain, Antonio Lorusso and Aldo A. for suggesting this idea! Check out the voting page at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest/Top%20Ten%20Weird%20YouTube%20Videos
#10: “DIY Doctor Slime Syringe Real Play Baby Doll How To Make Baby Doll Bubble Bath Time Learn Colors” (2016)
PomPomToys has nearly 2000 odd videos of adults playing with toys, but this one’s on another level. With crying sounds in the background, the video opens on a baby doll getting injected with a needle. It then moves on – slowly – to colored slime getting shoved into five syringes in excruciatingly long takes, with bizarrely peppy music playing in the background. There’s something extremely unsettling about how these disembodied hands pat the baby’s head and butt as they go to inject it. However, at over 23 million views on this video, and over four million subscribers as of August 2017, this type of content clearly has its fans.#9: “Hanwei Practical XL Katana Unveiling HD” (2009)
YouTuber That Sodding Gamer knows the recipe for cringe: family plus sword unboxing equals cringe. As he opens the box slowly, That Sodding Gamer gives background info on the product while bickering with his family, but most of the details are painfully uninteresting and more than a little pretentious. When his little brother isn’t yelling or glaring at their nattering mother, his aggressive whistling spikes the audio to horrible levels. Then the video ends abruptly and awkwardly as the sword enthusiast explains to his mother how to turn off the camera. From start to finish, it’s an excruciating viewing experience… that has over 1 million views.
#8: “Blank Room Soup.avi” [aka “Freaky Soup Guy”] (2005)
Taking a more intentionally disturbing route, this early YouTube horror vid is terrifying even without context. As a man whose eyes have been blocked out eats soup in what appears to be a boardroom, someone in a costume slowly creeps up behind him. Petting the poor man as he eats, the masked figure is soon joined by a similar individual, at which point the man starts sobbing uncontrollably. While people have theorized that it’s some kinda snuff film, the Creepypasta story behind this video alleges that the stew is made of the man’s own wife. But even now, years later, the video has yet to be explained.
#7: “YouTube Poop: Football is for Egg-Heads The Remake” (2007)
Thanks to a little editing magic, user Deepercutt turned a children’s Mario cartoon into an abstract monstrosity. With the help of some clip looping and choppy audio splicing, the episode gets racy fast. Mario and Luigi swear all over their football game, making even the most innocent conversation inappropriate. Adding to the profanity, one weird edit turns a simple tackle turning into sexual violence. But the video somehow maintains coherence through all the changes, making it as impressive as it is confusing. A legendary video in the YouTube Poop genre, it’s no less baffling to watch today than it was in 2007.
#6: “Little Baby’s Ice Cream “This is a Special Time”” (2012)
This viral hit helped a small Philadelphia ice cream brand gain global attention. That being said… it’s hard to focus on what they’re selling when you’re presented with such startling images. The person in this video is completely covered in ice cream, staring wide-eyed at the camera, and seemingly never blinks. The visual of this individual eating ice cream of its own head is unnerving enough, but the creepy narration makes things even weirder. But you know what might be the worst part? The brand name: Little Baby’s Ice Cream. It makes the whole thing sound more nefarious than it needs to…
#5: “Deer 2” (2009)
No one with a username like HumanimalAlex is gonna tame videos. Following a nearly naked man covered in deer body paint, this video is sure to make most viewers more than a little uncomfortable. The additional prosthetics on his head and feet only make the painted body all the more confusing to look at. Of course, the lack of music or significant audio is what really makes your skin crawl while watching this. Considering the channel has over three thousand subscribers though, there’s clearly an audience for this distinct type of anthropomorphized animal modeling.
#4: “Cool Guy Has Chill Day” (2009)
This is a slow burn of weirdness. The first half of this clip seems like a goofy music video. Despite Cool Guy’s unreal neck and freaky mask, his grocery store dance is mostly just quirky – although he does end up confusing a few customers and kids with his moves. However, things really get weird once he gets into a dumpster and starts throwing garbage around and dancing suggestively with giant wooden spool-like thingies. Then, suddenly, a boy and girl are rubbing their hands and bodies against him while moaning. Then he starts chasing kids. And finally, he goes back to solo dancing. We told you: it’s weird. But weird is clearly what this video’s over 7 million viewers are into.
#3: “Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared” (2011)
This video looks like it might be your typical kids’ show, but don’t show it to children. After an awkwardly long start, the puppets break into an upbeat song. However, the clip starts to show its true colors with some choice lyrics. Then, as other characters join the fun, the singing notebook stops the track to ruin a painting. Then song ultimately takes a hard left turn at the bridge: while the music breaks down into a jumble of noise, there’s an art project of a human heart and a shrine to death and a cake filled with raw meat. By the time the credits finally roll, the video has gone scarily off the rails.
#2: “Going to the Store” (2011)
This animated man’s dance, which he does while walking through the streets, is truly a sight to behold. He waves his body around wildly, and while his arms look stiff, his neck seems like it’s made of rubber. Contorting his body to seemingly impossible angles, the nondescript, nude muscular man dances with a passion that verges on violent. Adding to the creepy look is the fact that the whole routine is animated against a real-world backdrop. Of course, that quirkiness made this video a viral hit, garnering over 27 million views and earning the channel over 180 thousand subscribers. Regardless of how many times it’s viewed, there’s no normalizing this video.
Before we get to our top pick here a few honorable mentions:
- “Sitting on the Toilet” (2010)
- “Yee” (2012)
- “A Furry Re-birthing” (2013)
#1: “Jimmy Neutron Happy Family Happy Hour” (2013)
Ever wonder what Jimmy Neutron would look like if David Lynch were directing it? Wonder no more. This poorly animated video gets off to a dark start, with Jimmy’s dad shooting Mrs. Neutron – and it just gets weirder from there. As Jimmy orders a pizza, his dad gets creepily touchy. The two then proceed to sit on the couch watching TV in silence until the doorbell rings. While Jimmy narrowly dodges the aggressive flying pie that’s been delivered, his murderous father is decapitated by it. The video then ends on a corny and horribly out of place outro line. Earning its place in YouTube history, this abstract project has over 12 million views as of August 2017… as well as a sequel.