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Top 10 YouTube Men's Fitness Channels - TopX Ep.19

Top 10 YouTube Men's Fitness Channels -  TopX Ep.19
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Welcome to the nineteeth episode of TopX, the brand new show where we countdown the very best that YouTube has to offer! Today we're downing a protein shake and checking out the Top 10 YouTube Men's Fitness Channels on YouTube.

#10: Kali Muscle

- Remember when I said that men and women have different fitness goals? Well introduce you to Kali Kirkendall, a.k.a. Kali Muscle.
- Rather than a channel devoted to specific workouts and technique, Kali Muscle is a channel all about motivation. Kali himself will tell you that the overall objective of his channel is to inspire and to motivate.
- One thing Kali does help you with, as far as workout routines go, is working out with minimal equipment. Kali was apparently inspired to bulk up – and change his life - while spending some time in jail, and as such he has a few videos that show you how to get those gains without access to a gym …whether you’re locked up or not.
- Kali’s video are also super popular for the incredible feats of strength he performs. Even if you aren’t into working out yourself, these videos are jaw dropping impressive.

#9: Buff Dudes

- Before you write these guys off for having a silly name, you should know that Buff stands for Better Understand of Food and Fitness, a clever little acronym that represents the goals and style of this channel quite well.
- Right off the bat, the Buff dudes get major points for their 80’s inspired trailer. But it doesn’t stop there; stylish production value is present in all of their videos and few go really above and beyond – for example, what would normally be a rather dry stretching tutorial is turned into a pretty slick looking festival of neon lights.
- Unlike Kali’s channel, the Buff Dudes, brothers Brandon and Hudson, have a ton of workout tutorials and how to videos. These are all explained in a clear and concise way, and are a nice mix of simple home workouts and more extensive gym-based routines.
- Lastly, on top of a few skits and countdowns, the brothers also provide you with healthy – but manly - recipes so you can cover your nutrition as well as fitness. Man’s gotta eat, ‘nuff said.

#8: Strength Camp

- Before you start typing furiously in the comments, let’s address the “ruthless truth” right away: yes, strength camp’s channel is currently on hiatus and at the time of this video, is not currently publishing. But, it already has over 1,250 videos published, so you have plenty to work with here.
- Elliot, the host of this channel, hopes to help you become the Strongest Version of Yourself. As such, one of the strong points of his channel are his “Best of Yo Elliot” clips, which serves as inspirational speeches to motivate your mind and body. (The Path to the Strongest Version of Yourself)
- With this focus on motivation and mental fortitude, it should come as no surprise that Kali Muscle makes a fair amount of appearances in his videos
- The – this is too easy – BULK of his most popular videos deal with addressing certain issues or goals in your workout. The titles for these are self explanatory: “How to grow huge lower lats”, “is whey protein necessary”, “stop using heavy dumbells” or even “Why junk food makes you stronger”. If you’ve got a specific question or problem you want to advice with, this might be a good place to start.

#7: OfficialBarstarzz

- Next up are the Barstarzz, the self appointed kings of the Freestyle Calisthenics movement. Their motto is to “Lead. Inspire and Change”, so with that in mind, you should have a pretty good idea of their philosophy right out of the gate.
- The Bar in Barstarzz does not, as you may have guessed, refer to establishments that serve alcohol. No, the name obviously comes from their calisthenics weapon of choice, the chin up bar. Or the monkey bars. Or any other bar that can support their weight, really. Anyway, those of you that are aching to be able to do muscle ups would do well to subscribe to these maniacs.
- As their trailer has told you, some of the best workouts that they give you tutorials for require no fancy equipment or gym memberships. As such, my favorite part of this channel is the street workouts they teach you to do – great for building a bit of muscle after a run.

#6: PhysiquesOfGreatness

- At #6 we’re giving out the award for least humble channel name to PhysiquesofGreatness.
- While other channels we’ve seen provide you with tutorials or motivation, Physiques of Greatness does those sort of videos too but is also lot like a fitness blog. So, while the videos for certain workouts still show you technique and tell you how many reps to do, etc, they also follow the host, Chris Jones, in his day to day life before and after the gym, like a lifestyle blog.
- On top of the lifestyle aspect, another strong point of POG is their tip videos. These are especially fun since Chris is a funny guy, and because these tips range from “Tips for the Incline Bench” to “So You Wannna Fuck Your Female Client”. All good stuff.


- At #5 we have Athlean-X, hosted by the creator of the Athlean-X system, Jeff Cavaliere. While the official Athlean-X system is something you have to pay for, rest assured that there’s plenty to work with here on his YouTube channel that’s completely free.
- Now, Jeff used to be the Head Physical Therapist and Assistant Strength coach for the New York Mets during the National League East Championship 2006, 2007 and 2008, and these credentials shine thru in his videos. What I mean by this is that he goes into some pretty deep, technical detail in his clips. Those of you that are concerned with proper technique or just need a bit more theory behind their workouts should be quite pleased with his videos.
- Of course, everyone has workout goals, and six-pack abs are definitely high on a lot of peoples lists. This is where Jeff and his shirt allergy really excel: he’s got a playlist conspicuously named ‘How to get 6 pack abs’ that’s completely devoted to this topic, with 28 videos in it…it’s a good place to start.

#4: ScottHermanFitness

- Next up is the leader of the Hermination – Scott Herman, and his channel, ScottHermanFitness.
- One thing that YouTube Channels and personal fitness have in common is that consistency and routine are both very important. Scott Herman seems to know this very well, since he updates his channel on weekly schedule: New routines on Tuesdays, new exercises on Saturday and channel updates on Sundays.
- One thing you’ll notice about Scott’s videos is many of them are very long, specifically his full workouts. What this allows him to do is include a lot of informative voice over while the workout is taking place, letting him point out key aspects and important tips that he wouldn’t normally be able to say mid bench press, or whatever.

#3: CT Fletcher Motivation

- CT Fletcher’s channel is one that forgoes technique and tutorials for raw motivation. Have you had someone yell POWER in your face today?
- Honestly, if everyone had CT motivating him or her in the gym, we’d all be swole as fuck. Pardon my language; it’s just that I’ve been watching a lot of his videos… Anyway, he’s clearly thought of this, because I’m pretty sure you can buy MP3’s of CT’s voice to listen to during your own workouts.
- Obviously, these are the videos to watch for the right work out mentality. Other guys we’ll see today will teach you technique and give you how-to tips which are all great, but what CT specializes in is how to get you into beast mode in here (tap head).

#2: TwinMuscleWorkout

- No you aren’t seeing double. The Hodge brothers, Keith and Kevin, who, as I’m sure you can see, are in fact twins, host this channel.
- While the twins have tons of stuff that you’ll find on other channels – workout tutorials, etc. – TwinMuscleWorkout is now primarily a sort of workout blog/talk show. Herein, the brothers answer questions from their fans, always related to training...even if they do go off topic sometimes.., and banter back and forth with each other as they attempt to explain and answer the questions.
- Essentially, this is a great channel for those of you that want to discuss and talk about your workouts more – sort of like talk radio for weight lifting but better.

HM: Omarlsuf

HM: Insane Home Fat Loss

HM: scooby1961

HM: Steve Cook

HM5: CanditoTrainingHQ

#1: Six Pack Shortcuts

- If you’re into working out, chances are you’re pushing yourself towards a certain goal. Well, there’s nowhere on YouTube is goal oriented exercise is more embodied than over at Six Pack Shortcuts. Can you guess what sorta goal Mike Chang aims to help you achieve?
- While his about page does read a bit like an infomercial, the part about how his page offers you free home workouts, bodybuilding workouts and specific ab workouts is all-true. Mike’s not just one of the most subscribed body building channels because of the eye catching name of his channel: he’s got a heavy amount of great videos to keep you busy.
- On top of all this, like bunch of the other channels we’ve seen today, Matt also does discussions, mostly shirtless, about certain diet or workout issues he’s come across. Matt’s energetic, friendly hosting is definitely another reason why he’s got such a colossal subscriber base, and why he’s managed to top our list.

Well, that’s it for our list. We hope we’ve motivated you to subscribe to something new, if nothing else. Be sure to vote on upcoming episodes on our website, check us out on twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and for more Top 10s published every day, be sure to subscribe to
