Top 10 Worst Ben 10 Aliens Ever

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Worst Aliens in "Ben 10". For this list, we’ll be looking at the transformations from the iconic cartoon franchise that were either completely useless, had the worst character designs, took up screentime with their terrible powers, or were just outright annoying. And with some of these aliens, they’ll check off all the boxes. Which of Ben’s worst aliens would you remove from your omnitrix? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Walkatrout
Even when Ben accidentally selects a weak transformation, he typically makes due with what he has. This alien form, however, is one that not even he can make useful. Walkatrout is an Ickthyperambuloid, an amphibious piscine alien with a pair of legs. That quality combined with his slippery body makes him incredibly hard to get a hold of. But apart from being somewhat hard to catch and of course, being able to breathe underwater, there isn’t much more he can do. So unless Ben ever needs to escape a sticky situation, he’s probably better off fighting, or even running away from evil in his human form.
#9: Juryrigg
This imp-like alien has proved himself useful every now and then, but his overall weaknesses make him much more of a liability than an asset. Whenever Ben transforms into Juryrigg, he’s overcome with the near uncontrollable urge to rapidly take apart technology. And while he can focus on repairing and building, not every machine he makes functions properly. He also requires a lot of raw material to construct anything worthwhile, so if there’s none around, he can’t really do much. On top of all that, his loud and high pitched voice can really get on someone’s nerves.
#8: Ball Weevil
If “Ben 10” has taught us anything, it’s to not judge a book by its cover. But although this little Insectoid can be surprisingly devastating, we can’t get past some of his biggest flaws. Ball Weevil’s ability is to hawk green slime that he can mold into explosive balls. And while the spheres can detonate into large blasts, they can only do so if Ben makes one big enough to do so. And the amount of time it takes to do that, is hardly worth the trouble. What’s worse is that Ball Weevil isn’t even immune to his own attacks. Just imagine if Swampfire or Heatblast could be hurt by fire.
#7: Gutrot
Many of Ben's aliens have unique powers that suit many situations. Gutrot, however, has such an oddly specific power that makes us question why he’s even in the omnitrix. This living laboratory can create and combine any chemical and expel it as a gas. Ben has used Gutrot to produce tear, laughing, and knockout gas, but are any of these really that useful? He can release gas from his body’s nozzles but can’t control its direction once released. So he’d only really be a threat to those that are just a few feet away from him. And given how he was introduced to the franchise, we can’t help but think he was initially written to be a one off fart joke.
#6: Nanomech
The live action “Ben 10” movies were odd additions to the lore to say the least. As such, their odd legacy spanned across the franchise with the inclusion of “Alien Swarm”’s Nanomech. This tiny alien became a mainstay in the animated series for years, but we can’t say that fans were really asking for that. Despite the creative choice to give his robotic body some insect-like features, the execution was ultimately rather generic. Unfortunately, Nanomech’s look is really all he has going for him, as his shrinking and bioelectric powers are equally dull. Meanwhile, his full size can be quite the disadvantage when much bigger foes come rolling around.
#5: Arctiguana
This alien first appeared as a form that Ben would add to his watch some time in the future. But as “Ben 10”’s story evolved, so did its aliens. Many of Ben’s transformations usually only had one innate ability, but as time went on, most of his new ones would have multiple powers. Which is why in hindsight, Arctiguana is a boring alien for Ben to turn into. The quadruped lizard has freeze breath, and that’s about it. This power seems especially lackluster when compared to Big Chill and Eye Guy, who both have the same ability and then some.
#4: Eatle
Where many of Ben’s aliens may lack in character design, they make up for in raw power. Or vice versa. But in the case of Eatle, he doesn’t excel in either category. This robotic alien has the ability to convert anything he eats into energy that can be released from his horn. Unfortunately, the power of shooting a single laser beam is incredibly mundane for an alien introduced so late in the series. And given how similar his power is to Upchuck’s, you’d think more effort would have been focused on making him stand out. Instead, Eatle comes off as more of a ripoff than an exciting new alien to see in action.
#3: Fasttrack
Speaking of copycats, this feline speedster is the greatest offender of them all. If Fasttrack’s power didn’t already sound way too similar to XLR8’s [pronounced "Accelerate"], he even has a black and blue color scheme. Now we’re not saying that Ben’s aliens can’t share some of the same qualities; after all, Big Chill seems like an upgrade of Ghost Freak, and Echo Echo seems like a sonically powered Ditto. But strangely enough, Fasttrack doesn’t improve upon his predecessor in any way. This makes us really wonder why “Ultimate Alien” essentially replaced a fan favorite with a cheap knockoff.
#2: Molestache
Bizarre abilities aren't new to the aliens of Ben 10, but this one definitely took it a little too far. Molestache can stretch and shape his facial hair in any way he chooses. The mustache has been able to form a super strong pair of arms, and even propellers that allow him to fly. Even for “Ben 10” though, this is all a bit too ridiculous. He might be fun to watch at first, but the novelty of this redundant power wears off quickly. Thankfully, Molestache only appears a very few times throughout “Omniverse”, so for the most part you can enjoy the show without being subjected to this mostly insufferable alien.
#1: Toepick
Many of Ben’s aliens have their fair share of flaws in powers and visual design, but none compare to Toepick’s so-called “power/ability”: it’s an alien with a face so horrifying that no one can look at it without being afraid - and possibly even go mad. On paper, a creature so ugly and scary that the viewer isn’t even allowed to see him, is a fun concept. But this idea doesn’t really make sense when brought to life. Aren’t feelings of grossness and fear totally subjective? Additionally, Toepick’s character design isn’t very evocative either. For a creature that’s supposed to be dreadfully ugly, his body resembling an ogre isn’t as grotesque as it should be. The ambiguity of Toepick’s background was supposed to make him intriguing, but it only made him more egregious and underwhelming.