Top 10 Worst Things We All Did to Our Sims

#10: Baby Boom
Sims is that they can procreate as much as you want them to, which can lead to some bizarre issues. One player had his Sim procreate with every accessible female in the game. This obviously drew the wrath of Sim boyfriends and husbands, as well as anger from the eventual mothers of neglected children map-wide. When the children came of age, he went back to procreate some more until the town was filled with half-siblings who didn’t want to couple up, because… yuck. This kind of shows the game to be a bit lax with the moral dilemma of familial relations! Eventually, the player’s little experiment resulted in the population dying out, as no one wanted to save their species by committing gross, sinful acts.
#9: Long Con Revenge Schemes
Everyone remembers those pesky burglars, right? In “Sims 3,” the burglar’s identity was visible, paving the way for this situation: A burglarized player befriended the criminal, convincing them to move in. The burglar was then trapped in the basement, forced to eat rotten food, etc. When old age was on the thief’s horizon, the player let them out, cleaned them up, and threw a birthday party. With a fine party raging, the player exited the room, removed the door, placed a rug in front of the fireplace, and trapped the burglar on a mezzanine above, where he had to watch his family and friends go up in flames. He then allowed the burglar to descend and join the inferno. That’s dedication, as well as creative sadism!
#8: The WooHoo of Death
There are a number of ways to force your Sim to give up the ghost, but this one is especially cruel. Unfortunately, your Sims can’t refuse what you tell them to do, making them the victims of some atrocities as well as untimely deaths. WooHoo is a very exciting thing for Sims, which becomes apparent with their cheering after successfully proposing it to a partner. However, it can be lethal. You can actually end your Sims’ lives by overexertion from WooHoo, that is making them do the deed until they can’t anymore. This is a great way to get rid of senior Sims, but can also be done to middle-aged Sims you grow tired of. Going out with a bang, indeed.
#7: The Classic Pool & Ladder Scenario
A classic move in “The Sims” - your Sim goes for a swim, the ladder is removed and panic ensues. The Sim can’t get out, because for some reason, climbing out over the side isn’t an option. Eventually, exhaustion sets in and the Sim drowns. So many Sims drowned as this possibility was passed around the interwebs. It’s a little disturbing that we get a kick out of watching a little guy helplessly drown as we deny him a means of exit. To pour salt water on the wound, one Reddit user deemed it appropriate for his drowned Sim’s funeral attendants to show up in their swimwear. Ouch.
#6: Forced Labor
Making Simoleons can be one of the most frustrating parts of the game, especially in the beginning when job promotions are far apart and you just want that big-screen TV. Well if you choose to get creative rather than cheat (the word Motherlode will get you 50,000 Simoleons, by the way), you can always try forced Sim labor. One player built a luxurious home for his main Sims, and created a basement with six rooms for - ahem - servants. One was tasked with cooking for the other five while the latter manufactured items for selling. With the rising quality of the handmade objects, eventual income was high… at the cost of a bit of the player’s humanity.
#5: Cruel Cuckolding
Things can get a little racy in SimTown, and this can easily result in cheating or in some cases, serial cheating. As much as you want, really. If you like chaos, this is a great way to get it. Well, some of us don’t like to be made cuckolds and there are multiple ways to get revenge on our guilty Sim partners. You can trap your significant other in a windowed room, forcing them to watch your promiscuous actions or go give them a piece of your mind, punctuating your exit by setting their home on fire. One player had an affair with the maid, only to have his wrathful wife set him afire and have the culpable maid sweep up his ashes… ouch.
#4: Fire Hazard Overkill
One of the most popular methods of Sims sadism is playing with fire, literally. All you need is a rug and a fireplace, a stove, and a lack of cooking ability or some fireworks and a little creativity. One particularly disturbed individual has confessed to trapping multiple Sims in a room, removing the door, covering the floors with rugs, and letting loose the fireworks launcher. Cue mass chaos. “The Sims 2” was graced with a mod called OMGWTFBBQ, in which Sims could place babies in the BBQ. It’s okay because it’s not a real baby, right?
#3: Jigsaw Traps
“The Sims” is a great way to manifest your “Jigsaw” fantasies, trapping the unsuspecting victims in various helpless situations and watching them suffer. We’ve all done it, don’t deny it. One player admitted to having made a nursing home, loading it up with old folks. A maze was created with a single sink and refrigerator, no exits. After observing all the Sims' deaths, the lone survivor was made insane by the abundance of ghosts. Another player tortured a clean freak Sim by placing him in an exitless room with a wedding buffet and hamster. The lack of cleanliness from the rodent and rotting food table drove the Sim completely insane and he eventually starved to death due to lack of a proper food source.
#2: Baiting Child Protective Services
Adopting children in “The Sims” is a little too easy - no background checks, no social worker visits. Procreating is also easy! The thing is, sometimes you regret your actions: children crying too much, getting into trouble, ruining date nights, and messing up your bathroom. What to do? Well, “The Sims” does actually have child protective services, so watch yourself should you wish to be a good parent. If you have parental regrets, however, you can take advantage of this service by neglecting your Sim children until services show up and remove the little critters. Problem solved, but you should probably be ashamed.
#1: Serial Simicide
These entries have proven one thing - we are all terrible people. “The Sims” is a human living simulation, not a creative death sim. But what do they expect us to do with so many entertaining ways to die? Death by carnivorous plants, crushed by vending machines, deadly stink bombs, ordering pizza and never eating it… The thing is, the game knows what you’re doing. In “The Sims 2,” the Grim Reaper had something to say about it if you killed too many tiny folks. Upon the untimely demise of all Sims on your lot, the Reaper would send you a message reminding you that the game is “a LIFE simulator”, suggesting ways to try again. But how else are you going to get a cemetery?
What’s the worst thing you’ve done to your Sims? ‘Fess up in the comments!