Top 10 WTF Transformation Scenes in Anime (ft. Todd Haberkorn)

What the hell am I looking at? Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 WTF Transformation Scenes in Anime.
For this list, we'll be looking at the scenes in anime where a character undergoes some kind of magical transformation, only for the result to leave us wholeheartedly confused. Prepare yourself for scantily clad situations and a one-way trip to the weird side of Japanese animation.
What the hell am I looking at? Welcome to and today we are counting down our picks for the Top 10 WTF Transformation Scenes in Anime.
For this list, we’ll be looking at the scenes in anime where a character undergoes some kind of magical transformation, only for the result to leave us wholeheartedly confused. Prepare yourself for scantily clad situations and a one-way trip to the weird side of Japanese animation.
(Todd Haberkorn Intro)
#10: Does This Come in a Men’s Size?
“Is This a Zombie?” (2011)
We’re not sure how much bad luck can befall one person, but Ayumu is up there with some of the most unfortunate characters out there. Killed by a serial killer only to be resurrected as a zombie? Well that sucks. Absorbing the power of a magical girl and having to take on the threat of a giant squid with a chainsaw? Well that’s…wait, what? Yep, in order to stop the show from entering hentai territory, Ayumu goes full on magical girl, revealing mini-skirt and all, right in front of his entire school.
#9: Too Many Muscles
“Arakawa Under The Bridge” (2010)
Granted, everyday under this damn bridge is a crazy one, but we think this particular exchange takes the cake. In an effort to become stronger, the wimpy Tetsuo trains under the petite but vicious Stella until he’s jacked with more muscles than sense. Things only escalate from there, as Tetsuo’s growing mass combined with his pride leads to a slugfest against Stella.
This results in both of them growing so many muscles they’re essentially Titans. The only thing that can stop their rampage? Tetsuo’s younger brother, who shows him that love means more than muscles…by absorbing all of said muscles into himself.
#8: Whatever the Hell Is Going on Here
“Dog Days” (2011-15)
As a veteran voice actor, I’ve seen my fair share of young ladies transformed into skimpy superheroes. That being said, even I have to question what in the Haberhell is going on here. After Rebecca finds herself teleported to a fantastical kingdom, she’s offered the chance to become its champion. There’s just one little problem; her transformation sequence is…well to be honest I have no idea what the hell happens. She becomes part robot? She gets felt up by robotic tendrils? That’s not how you use a broom!
#7: Leather Club’s Two Blocks Down
“Kill la Kill” (2013-14)
And you thought Ryuko’s costume of choice was out there. As the muscle behind the Student Council, we all expected Gamagoori’s Goku Uniform to come armed with a hell of a lot of firepower. We weren’t wrong per say, but we still weren’t expecting his suit’s strength to come from bondage. With everything from whips to ballgags, Gamagoori’s durability and push back was so strong that he certainly gave Ryuko a run for their money. The only drawback is that you have to listen Patrick Seitz moan in bliss.
#6: A Twintail Obsession
“Gonna be the Twin-Tail” (2014)
An ordinary boy, a powerful destiny, an epic quest of magic and monsters as he finds himself granted the power to battle against an incoming threat! Tell us more I hear you ask. Well you see, our brave hero Soji has been tasked with defeating the dreaded Draggildy by…employing the power of twintails. I’m not even kidding. Our hero literally turns into a twin-tailed girl in order to take down a villain who has a twintail fetish, and the whole thing is done totally straight faced.
#5: Magical MAN!
“Mahou Shoujo Ore” (2018)
You want to talk about turning genres on their heads? How about instead of having our adorable lead transform into a dazzling bringer of smiles and sickly cuteness, she turns into a massive, bulky dude in the most unflattering outfit imaginable? This is the hilarious hell that Saki finds herself in when she takes on the call to become a magical girl in order to protect her beloved crush…who actually is way more into her new beefy form.
#4: Fish Cake House Battle Armor
“Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo” (2003-05)
Given how this show throws one nonsensical gag after another at us, we shouldn’t be that perplexed when we see the afro-wielding defender of hair pull this stunt out of his ass. In order to take on yet another vicious foe, Bobobo employs a devastating new set of armor in order finish the fight. Said armor just so happens to made up of the remaining parts of a fish stall and one of its customers. Not sure how practical it would be to act as a human shield, but we can think of worst career choices.
#3: Auto-Babes, Roll Out
“Henkei Shojo” (2017)
Now, I’m not exactly an expert when it comes to automobiles or the inner workings of the human anatomy, but I have the smallest inkling, just the smallest, that when a girl guzzles down gas, she’s not meant to transform into a car. In what has to be one of the weirdest premises put to anime, and that’s saying a lot, our lovable cast of ladies overcome daily nuisances by chugging back the contents of an engine and turning themselves into vehicles. Because why the hell not?
#2: What Happens On The Island, Stays On The Island
“Mr Osomatsu” (2015-18)
The filthy NEETS are back, and this time they have truly lost the plot. After crash landing on an island, things start to go a little crazy as the Matsuno brothers and their friends find themselves fighting over the last of the toilet paper. How to settle such a dispute? An endless amount of transformations of course. As the desire to wipe grows stronger, Osomatsu and the rest cycle through all the forms they can get away with without being sued, including cameos from both Street Fighter and Dragon Ball Z.
#1: Most Unorthodox Magical Girl Ever
“Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)
The Tournament of Power gave us no end of wild, weird and wonderful new characters for Goku and company to go against, but by far the ones that left us the most stunned were the combatants of Universe 2. Fuelled by the power of love, we were a little taken aback to see Zirloin and company trade in their macho-bodies for something a little more feminine but that was nothing compared to the first time Brianne unleashed her true power, where the results of which were…uh…different.
Don’t stare too long though, she’s got enough power to roast a planet!