Top 20 Best Jackass Movie Stunts

#20: Exploding Room Finale
“Jackass 3D” (2010)
There are few film endings as dynamite as this stunt from “Jackass 3D.” As the entire cast piles into a living room set, Johnny Knoxville ignites unseen explosives. The ensuing chaos causes an array of charges to go off around them, as the cameras capture everything in slow motion. In a beautifully absurd climax, the various performers get thrown around as the force of each blast destroys the walls and furniture. The shockwave even sends Wee Man flying in the air, in one of the most memorable images from the entire film. Ultimately, a rush of water floods the set and washes away the cast. Escaping with their lives, the “Jackass” crew endures one of the wildest skits in their history.
#19: The Bungee Jump
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
Always a memorable team-up, Wee Man and Preston Lacy test their friendship with this outrageous leap of faith. Known for his fear of heights, Lacy straps himself to his co-star in a tandem bungee jump for the ages. From the twisted mind of Bam Margera, this skit has Wee Man diving off the side of a bridge. The resulting force of the jump pulls the larger man down, slamming the combo into the water below. During the build-up, the sketch features as much tension as any Hollywood movie. With nervous screams, the resulting leap is both funny and nerve-wracking.
#18: Off-Road Tattoo
“Jackass: The Movie” (2002)
Steve-O is no stranger to tattoos, so he decides to go the extra mile for his next one. Sitting in the back of a Humvee, the performer receives some body art during an off-road adventure. Despite some questionable judgment, his dedication is nothing short of admirable as he slides around in pain. While the artist steadies his needle, the “Jackass” star endures permanent marks as an ecstatic Henry Rollins drives him. The final shot of the man's bloody arm leaves viewers with shocked faces and laughs galore. Left with a jagged drawing, the heroic Steve-O makes the ultimate case for why tattoos should never be done this way.
#17: Cajun Obstacle Course
“Jackass 2.5” (2007)
Taking an obstacle course to its logical extreme, this particular stunt makes boot camp look like a cakewalk. From a skateboard start to a spittoon-drinking finish, this skit really makes the boys one with their natural surroundings. No stranger to injuries, the contestants take alligator bites like champs as they crawl under barbed wire. If that wasn't enough, the crew makes their way through a dirty pig pen in hilarious fashion. For good measure, some paintballers join in on the fun to shoot the runners. All the while, we're secretly hoping that they make this an Olympic sport.
#16: The Silence of the Lambs
“Jackass Forever” (2022)
In this elaborate bait and switch, cast members break off into pairs to join a venomous snake in a well-lit room. Instead, the crew locks the boys inside and turns the lights out. In pitch black, Johnny Knoxville messes with his co-stars by taking advantage of their inability to see. When the victims discover an exit, it leads to another booby-trapped room. Newcomer Zach Holmes receives a bite from a fake snake, which sends him into a frenzy. Trying to flee, he clashes with frying pans and mouse traps in a comically tragic escape. If you’re a fan of a disorienting prank, you’ll laugh uncontrollably watching these performers squirm.
#15: The Jet Engine
“Jackass 3D” (2010)
If you ever wondered what might happen if you stand behind a jet engine, look no further than this "Jackass 3D" stunt. Throwing caution to the wind, the crew put themselves in harm's way as they embrace the powerful thrusters. Sitting in a chair, Ryan Dunn goes flying after the gust is too much for him to bear. From playing catch to jumping with an umbrella, the guys go crazy with wild and funny experiments. Later, the boys toss a variety of fruits and vegetables downrange at “Jackass” cast members. Once again, the brilliant minds behind the series put themselves in danger for science.
#14: Riot Control Test
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
For this stunt, three "Jackass" guys reluctantly join forces to endure a riot control device. Created to deter people from embassies, it's safe to say this was not something ordinary people should be firing off. Thankfully for the audience, the trio takes one for the team in an exciting stunt. With a loud boom, the explosive throws both Dunn and Margera to the ground. Witnessing their pain after the explosion, it's hard not to chuckle as they immediately regret their decision. Somehow, Knoxville walks away from the whole thing while his counterparts cry in agony. While it was extremely dumb, this particular moment from “Jackass Number Two” needs to be seen to be believed.
#13: Duck Hunting
“Jackass 3D” (2010)
Fans of the Nintendo game "Duck Hunt" will appreciate this stunt, where “Jackass” members fire paintball guns at flying objects. Instead of firing at ducks, the hunters shoot people who have been launched by a water blob. Mimicking the miracle of human flight, these targets flail through the air with reckless abandon. The ragdolls soar to outrageous heights, plunging into the water with a huge splash. In the best launch of the whole scene, Ryan Dunn does a couple of rotations before he slams. It turns out that watching people get pelted as they fall from staggering heights makes for a great “Jackass” stunt. As pure spectacle, this performance piece is an engaging watch from start to finish.
#12: Hardware Store Crap
“Jackass: The Movie” (2002)
If people didn't know Dave England, they definitely do after this iconic trip to the hardware store. Walking into a shop with display toilets, the performer pops a squat on one of the bowls. As gloriously cringy as this moment is, it pales in comparison to what comes next. In an absurdist touch, England takes out a newspaper to read during the experience. Once the owner realizes what's happening, he justifiably asks his unruly customer to pay for the item. Among the most daring and disgusting stunts in "Jackass: The Movie," it's difficult not to laugh at this gross-out moment.
#11: Wasabi Snooters
“Jackass: The Movie” (2002)
Unsurprisingly, the “Jackass” crew’s trip to a sushi restaurant ended in unexpected fashion. Never one to turn down a challenge, Steve-O mixed up a glob of wasabi and snorted it. With his co-stars standing by, the wild man sucks up the Japanese horseradish like it was nothing. If that wasn’t enough, the gagging performer goes in for round two and three. Not for the faint of heart, this memorably painful stunt makes viewers lose their appetites. By the end, the vomit piles up on Steve-O’s plate. It wouldn’t be a “Jackass” movie without a healthy dose of puke.
#10: Beehive Limo
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
Despite the warning signs, the “Jackass” stars continue to fall into traps on set. Boarding a limo, a number of cast members think they’re going to a photoshoot. Instead, they get a swarm of bees through the sunroof. Naturally, the passengers freak out in the confined space. Watching Dave England and Ryan Dunn writhe in pain doesn't sound fun, but that all changes when you watch it happen for real. The actual footage makes you glad you aren’t friends with Johnny Knoxville, in the best way possible. Assuming nobody was allergic, this scene makes for a hilarious and bee-infested good time.
#9: Golf Carts
“Jackass: The Movie” (2002)
Boarding golf carts, the "Jackass" boys crash into a miniature golf course with reckless abandon. Without airbags or seat belts, the drivers crash into anything and everything. When they hit a real golf course, they do a number of highly entertaining daredevil maneuvers. It all culminates with one of the gnarliest accidents in the whole series, as Knoxville and Dunn total a cart. It's such a shocking accident that it literally takes your breath away. Considering how great their other golf stunt with an airhorn is, it's really saying something that this stunt makes the list instead. Escaping with their lives, this scene would’ve made Evel Knievel proud.
#8: Electric Avenue
“Jackass 3D” (2010)
There might be a stun gun shortage because of the “Jackass” movies because half of them are in this electrified obstacle course. Dangling tasers and cattle prods from the ceiling, the cast thinks twice about their life choices before partaking. The contestants race through while getting shocked and zapped all the way. Naturally, there's no way any of them can avoid the high voltage. For us viewers, it's even more fun to watch for that reason. One particular highlight comes when Margera hits a swinging cattle prod and pays for it. To top it all off, Eddy Grant’s “Electric Avenue”' scores this beautiful and shock-filled nightmare.
#7: Department Store Boxing
“Jackass: The Movie” (2002)
If you don’t have a boxing ring, you might as well fight in a department store. Knoxville and the colorfully named Butterbean suit up for this ridiculous public fight. Armed with boxing gloves, the two fighters lay into each other in full view of other shoppers. Given Butterbean’s size and experience, the brawl goes exactly how you’d expect it to go. Allowing Knoxville to land a hit, the bruiser returns fire with a knockout punch. What follows might be one of the best ad-libs in “Jackass” history from the dazed and confused stunt man. Among the craziest and hectic moments in the film, it’s amazing to think people get paid to do this kind of thing.
#6: Rent-a-Car Crash-Up Derby
“Jackass: The Movie” (2002)
If Johnny Knoxville walks into your rental car business, you know you’re in trouble. Unfortunately for this business, they don’t know the man before he rents one of their cars. After taking it into the shop, the stunt man smashes it up at a demolition derby. Crushing the car to smithereens, the “Jackass” performer gleefully turns the ride into a trash heap. It's so satisfying to see the metal and glass shatter. Returning the rental, Knoxville avoids responsibility along with claiming he was drunk the whole time. With his expert improvisational skills, the actor delivers one of his most entertaining performances to finish out the skit.
#5: The High-Five
“Jackass 3D” (2010)
This stunt takes a high-five to a whole new level. Using a massive hand, Knoxville and Wee Man hit unsuspecting cast members as they enter the kitchen. Lured in with a smile from their shorter friend, the unlucky victims get dropped by a palm straight out of “Looney Tunes.” It’s even funnier when Danger Ehren carries a tray of soup over, only to end up wearing all of it. Nobody said these bits had to be high brow. When Margera comes by, they really let him have it. As each one hits the deck, you laugh along with the ensemble as they reel from the smack.
#4: The Poo Cocktail Supreme
“Jackass 3D” (2010)
In an illustrious career of shocking antics, Steve-O outdoes himself with this stunt. Hooking up a porta-potty to bungee cables, the “Jackass” star defies the laws of gravity in this timeless scene. Filled with dog poop, the hellish thrill ride sends feces every which way. Depending on how you feel about the concept, you’ll either laugh or cry at the sight of it. Given Steve-O’s famously weak stomach, you can imagine what else he brings to the mix. It might not be pretty, but this cocktail is as nasty and insane as any stunt in “Jackass 3D.”
#3: Anaconda Ball Pit
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
Snakes might be among the more common fears, which makes them perfect for a “Jackass” movie. Putting an anaconda in a ball pit, the cast tries and fails to be world-class snake wranglers. Always up for a challenge, Knoxville receives several bites in his effort to grab the reptile. Even with blood dripping down his arm, the “Jackass” leader sticks with it as he and his co-stars finally get things under control. With surprises under every colorful ball, this gripping set piece will make anybody squirm. In the end, there's one twist that even the crew forgot about.
#2: The Toy Car
“Jackass: The Movie” (2002)
In the first “Jackass” film, Ryan Dunn pushes radiology to the limit with this brave stunt. Putting a toy car up his butt, the performer asks for an x-ray that becomes one of the indelible images from the first movie. Stunning the clinic staff, Dunn sets off a chain reaction of bewilderment. The kindly doctor tries to consult his strange patient, while also trying to be delicate about the situation. In an oddly heartwarming moment, the medical professional takes Dunn aside to offer up some sage advice. Regardless of how he retrieved the car, the onscreen personality went down in history for this fearless scene.
#1: The Toro Totter
“Jackass Number Two” (2006)
In this twisted scene, four men sit atop a teeter-totter inside a bull ring. When the beast enters the gates, they must maneuver the mechanism so that they aren't near the ground when it charges. It's a culmination of deranged ideas, combined with the unpredictability of a bull. Unsurprisingly, things get out of hand as the cast begins to flee. While the other three escape, Johnny Knoxville receives a hip check like no other. With part of the mechanical arm absorbing the blow, the performer avoids serious injury in an intense moment. For capturing madcap energy and near-death experiences, this stunt encapsulates the absolute peak of "Jackass."