Top 20 Greatest Minecraft Creations

#20: Mattupolis
We’ve seen plenty of forests, deserts, mountains, and arctic tundras in “Minecraft”, but the closest we’ve gotten to man-made areas are villages, temples, and Pillager towers. So, what would a “Minecraft” city look like? Well, user mattuFIN managed to create a massive metropolis that had gone through two construction processes before settling on this rendition. Humbly named “Mattupolis”, this city pulls various architecture and geography from Western Pacific regions, most notably Seattle, Washington and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. One could easily get lost exploring the various skyscrapers, bending highways, and calming beaches. Admittedly, we’d probably take a vacation here if we could.
#19: Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus has gone through several iterations across movies, television, and of course, video games. So, it was only a matter of time before someone tried recreating it in “Minecraft”. User ChaosOlymp did a marvelous job at capturing the splendor and might of Olympus. It truly looks like a place fit for the gods, though something about it looks awfully familiar. PlayStation fans may recognize the main building at the top is based off the same version of Mount Olympus featured in the acclaimed “God of War” series. Now, we just gotta flood this place and it’ll truly look like Kratos’s home! ...What, too soon?
#18: Slums and Manors
We wouldn’t have expected a place called “Slums and Manors” to look so exceptionally beautiful both in visuals and structure! This little town made by user SebastianMaker hangs on the side of a hill and wields a bit of mystery. Who owns the massive mansion at the top? How much power do they possess over the village at the bottom? How many assassins might have tried taking them down to liberate the village? You know what, maybe we’re getting ahead of ourselves and this is just a piece based on unjust hierarchy in impoverished towns. Regardless, this is still a fun map to explore and take in the sights.
#17: Flower;Corpse
While buildings and architecture have been a prominent theme when it comes to creating stuff in “Minecraft”, many others have used blocks to build astounding sculptures. This one from user Dr_Bond is one piece we’re more than happy to highlight. Here, a large skeleton sits on a throne surrounded by flowers, bony arms, and a pair of majestic wings behind it. Honestly, this looks like it could serve as the cover of a heavy metal album, particularly for a band like Trivium or Avenged Sevenfold. The only thing it's missing is that loud “Parental Advisory” sticker.
#16: Denmark
The Danish Geodata Agency
We get it - travelling is incredibly expensive! (That’s why we have MojoTravels to help you decide where to go!) However, if you don’t have the cash or just want to spend more time in “Minecraft”, well, the Danish Geodata Agency invites you to Denmark...or, they did. Yes, the country was made on a one to one scale, meaning the entire country was basically Minecraft-ified with complete accuracy. Unfortunately, some visitors managed to blow up most of the map after they found a workaround on the map’s disabled TNT setting. While Denmark became a popular map among players, it appears to be unavailable to download now.
#15: Cologne Cathedral
Denmark may not be available anymore, but there is still one European landmark you can visit, one that serves as a proud piece of Germany’s history. The Cologne Cathedral comes to us from the blocky hands of user DivineMedicus. This piece of Gothic architecture boasts an insane amount of detail from the crevices and edges of the walls to the angelic statues in the courtyard. It may not have taken DivineMedicus six hundred years to finish building it, but we couldn’t imagine this taking shorter than a couple of years, too.
#14: The Acropolis
Let’s take one more moment to appreciate the style of Greek architecture as we take a look at The Acropolis! A trio of builders known as PaleoTech were able to build a one to one replica of the real-world landmark. Now, you can take in the majestic temples, unique layout, and gorgeous scenery without having to hop on a plane and spending money. Of course, nothing ever holds a candle to the original, but this recreation of the Acropolis is still worthy of a few visits! Those eager for more amazing builds might want to keep their eyes on PaleoTech.
#13: Witchcraft and Wizardry
The Floo Network
Yeah, it was only a matter of time before we started slapping fictional locations on this list, but hey, we can’t help it - we are a pop culture channel, after all! And so, we have to commend The Floo Network in their efforts to recreate the famed school from the “Harry Potter” franchise, Hogwarts Academy. This isn’t just a map to explore either - it’s a full-blown mod! Use your wand to cast spells, explore Diagon Alley, uncover secrets, and even take part in a game of Quidditch! Whether you’re a fan of the Wizarding World or just “Minecraft” in general, this is definitely worth the download!
#12: Map Zlan2020
In case you aren’t familiar with them, QunaticsBuild is a French team of “Minecraft” builders that have gone to make wondrous and breathtaking maps based around fantasy, mythology, and science fiction. Lord of Time and Nova Celes City are some of their most impressive work, but the best map they’ve made is Map Zlan2020. With its forest of reefs, ancient ruins, and Atlantis-esque city, this underwater utopia is a place you could definitely get lost in! This map isn’t just good for meandering about, though - it also holds jump courses, a PvP arena, a boat race, and archery practice! It’s practically its own little amusement park.
#11: Earth
Just to temper expectations, no, this is not an exact recreation of the planet Earth. Do you know how long it would take to rebuild every single part of the globe? No, this is more of a one to fifteen hundred scale version of the Earth. Creator LetsLente spent a painstakingly long time - near-forty hours - to assemble this map, and it required a lot of layering and attention to detail. Admittedly, there are some areas that are not in their entirely accurate biome, but as LetsLente explains in his “Making Of” video, the goal was to maintain as much realism as possible while also incorporating all of the biomes featured in “Minecraft”. We won’t get nitpicky. From where we stand, mission accomplished!
#10: Tetris
Video games have come a long way since “Tetris” debuted in 1984. At this point, it’s hard to think of any gaming platform that didn’t get a “Tetris” let alone a clone of it. Of course, one user had to find some way to get the block-stacking title into “Minecraft”, and that user was primeaustin. It plays almost exactly the same way as regular “Tetris”, but you can use potions to make the game easier or harder for yourself and is compatible with whatever settings you toggle on the server. If you want a real challenge, maybe try out the Hardcore mode after you beat the Normal difficulty!
#9: The Tourist
So many of us dream to go to a place as beautiful as Paris and witness its fantastic art, food, and culture. Unfortunately, that kind of trip isn’t possible for all of us, so why not take a gander at a somewhat accurate and condensed version? Built by user Stratocrafteur, The Tourist various landmarks from Paris into one map. However, you aren’t here just for a little sightseeing. There’s a mystery to uncover in this Adventure map, and it’s what makes this build so unique. Plus, it comes with a few Redstone minigames for you to discover!
#8: Babylonia
We’re going far back for this one, back to ancient times when the city of Babylon was alive and thriving. Granted, this version of the historic city isn’t exactly “alive”, but as you’re wandering around, it certainly feels like a civilization once inhabited it. From simple huts and shacks to grander structures like temples and palaces, this genuinely looks like it could have been the real deal (minus the voxel aesthetic, of course). Considering no one knows what the city really looked like, this is probably the best idea we have.
#7: IHOU
The team known as BuildersCommunityJapan may not have made as many maps as some of our other featured creators, but holy moly - their stuff looks as if they were ripped straight out of a fantasy movie! City of Estellida was a fantastic first project, but IHOU is something else entirely. This is a city that has been clustered together to form one multi-layered metropolis with all sorts of balconies and hidden corners as well as Japanese architecture. And if you think it looks breathtaking in daylight, you ought to check out the place when it glows at night.
#6: iPhone 6
Sure, the “Minecraft” community is overflowing with talented builders. However, we gotta give a tip of our hat to a couple of brilliant engineers. One of those is Craftronix, who managed to create a functioning iPhone 6, but it’s not a “fully” functioning one. Players can use this blocky iPhone to change backgrounds, PIN numbers, select colors, type notes, and even play a version of “Flappy Bird”. The caveat is that it’s missing all of the other features of even an average smartphone. Still, that doesn’t make this work any less impressive than it already is!
#5: Grand Train Station
For those unfamiliar, FyreUK was an English team of “Minecraft” builders known for their grand-scale projects and timelapse videos. Grand Train Station was their final project before the team disbanded in 2015, and it’s arguably their best one. Featuring a massive lobby, beautiful entrance, and stunning interior, one cannot fathom the amount of hours and manpower it took for the team to fully complete this. Complete with a few trains and a bus stop right outside its doors, Grand Train Station was a fantastic farewell build for the FyreUK team, and we sincerely hope its members have moved onto bigger and better things.
#4: Minecraft Middle-Earth
Is the randomly-generated world of “Minecraft” just not big enough for you? Do you desire a bit more magic and wonder, a feeling that can only be satisfied by a fantasy world? Those nostalgic for a certain franchise will find solace in a massive project simply titled “Minecraft Middle-Earth”. Spanning a map size of twenty-nine thousand by thirty thousand blocks, this map is a direct recreation of the same world featured in J. R. R. Tolkein’s works. Not only that, but “Minecraft Middle-Earth” has become widely known as one of the best “Minecraft” communities to be a part of. Really, if you aren’t a “Lord of the Rings” fan yet, you will be after exploring this server!
#3: Working Computer
Yes, someone built an actual, fully functioning computer in “Minecraft”! YouTuber legomasta99 used a ton of redstone to put this together, and while it doesn’t reach the same level of functionality as most computers, what it can do is still a marvel to behold. It can run basic operations such as the Fibonacci sequence and multiplication in addition to drawing. Considering the amount of redstone, tick settings, and computer power you need to assemble and operate this thing is astonishing. You think we’ll ever see a “Minecraft” computer with the capabilities of Windows 95 in the future?
#2: Disneyland
MCParks Minecraft Official
Sure, there have been plenty of users who have tried to replicate one of the Disney parks in “Minecraft”, but to have a whole team and YouTube channel dedicated to the project is another level. And that’s why we have to commend MCParks Minecraft Official for their efforts! This isn’t just selective parts of the park either - these are full-blown rides! Space Mountain, The Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Galaxy’s Edge, and even the old Roger Rabbit ride inhabit this virtual park! And before you ask, yes, they have rebuilt Universal Studios and Busch Gardens as well. The accuracy on display is incredible, and if you’d like to lend a hand, they do accept volunteers! Just make sure you own the the Java Edition.
#1: The Uncensored Library
BlockWorks, DDB Berlin, & MediaMonks
Never before has “Minecraft” been so important to the modern world, and it’s all because of three organizations - BlockWorks, MediaMonks, and DDB Berlin. Built in March 2020, the Uncensored Library serves as a safe haven for the freedom of the press, holding thousands upon thousands of articles that have faced censorship in several countries. It doesn’t matter what country you’re in or if a particular social media platform blocked you from seeing. As long as you have “Minecraft” and download this map, you can read anything. On top of that, the library acknowledges those who gave their lives to make their works public. It’s this level of preservation that makes the Uncensored Library the most important creation in “Minecraft”, gaming, and journalism history.