Top 10 Minecraft Creations

Personally I built a shed with no windows – I don't think it can get much more complex than that, can it? Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Minecraft Creations.
We'll be paying tribute to the most inspired, creative and unique works we could find from Minecraft's extensive backlog. Because there's no way to really tell if something was created in survival or creative mode, or with or without the use of mods, we're not setting any rules in that regard. So if it's in Minecraft, one way or another, it's fair game.
Special Thanks to our users "PlungedUncle" "Ripstar" "Jake Fraser" and "Leah McTear" for suggesting this topic on our Suggestion Tool http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Battlestar Galactica
Created by “Ragnur Le Barbare”
Explored by more than one creator, the famed starship finally comes to life in Minecraft. A project based on the titular TV show, this is a replica of the Battlestar Galactica in full detail. This particular build is said to have been constructed from at least 4 million blocks and even contains interior rooms – like a hangar deck, control rooms, and functioning lifts. A Cylon-esque level of detail if we ever saw it.
#9: The Golden City
Created by “Sanakan_Soryu”
Step aside, El Dorado. Built by a Minecraft Forum member and maintained by collaborators, The Golden City is a testament to human creativity. Its mix of European style buildings with ornate spires and fountains sets it apart, and the sheer size of some of its temples is pretty astounding. That’s to say nothing of the city centre, a massive tower tinged with blue and gold – a fitting centerpiece for this modern marvel.
#8: Dig to Bedrock
Created by “Geef and JiFish”
A happy accident perhaps, but no less welcome. This project began simply as two players digging a hole to the lowest level of their particular world – and then it evolved. Their dig site became a deep hole leading to a grassy plain with a fountain in the middle, surrounded by trees and accessible via wooden ramps. What's most impressive, though, is outside the site – an enormous dome covers the dig's location, and is itself surrounded by a moat. Of course, this is all the more impressive because the creators claimed to have achieved this in survival mode with no mods or commands.
#7: Space Shuttle
Created by “Corpeh”
Prepare for liftoff indeed. Corpeh, a user on PlanetMinecraft, paid effective homage to the likes of the Cape Canaveral launch site. Featuring a recreation of a classic NASA space shuttle as its central landmark, the map also features a launchpad and various authorial-looking buildings that wouldn't look out of place in a military base. The project was apparently intended for a contest, but ended up being an independent endeavor when said contest fell through. Still, credit where credit is due – the guy sure knows his spacecrafts.
#6: Winter Palace
Created by “Rigolo”
Also known as Imperial City, this collaborative project is an architectural marvel. The Winter Palace itself, one part of a larger region, illustrates the main intent: the creators trying to develop original buildings in the style of 19th and 20thcentury design aesthetics. The result is a building that stretches for miles, detailed with arches and ornate pillars that make the entire structure feel epic in scope. It's clear how much care was put into it, and that's before getting a glimpse of the rest of the city.
#5: Tetris
Created by “primeaustin”
Never has a game about stacking blocks been so terrifying. Its full title being Tetris Escape, this was a game-within-a-game designed to repurpose the classic 1984 puzzle game into a survival challenge. You enter a pit and hit a button, which causes colourful Tetris-style blocks to fall from above. The goal is to avoid being crushed and, well, escape. It's easier said than done because of the relentless downpour of blocks and the need to quickly jump around a changing area, but it's a worthy struggle nevertheless.
#4: Minas Tirith
Created “EpicQuestz”
The realm of Middle Earth lives on in this startling recreation. Minas Tirith, the notable city from Lord of the Rings, was brought closer to reality by the Planet Minecraft user EpicQuestz, who went to great lengths to flesh out the structure. It allegedly contains hidden cave systems, a series of water works, and some easter eggs strewn throughout the city. More importantly, however, it effortlessly captures the scope and scale of J.R.R. Tolkien's fantastical world.
#3: Titan City
Created by “Duncan Parcells a.k.a Colonial Puppet”
Cities seem to be a recurring theme here. Rome may not have been built in day, but this city was built by hand. Built in the Xbox 360 edition, the project was worked on for two years before the first official build was released. Featuring Towering skyscrapers, cleanly-paved roads and even an electricity system via redstone circuits, this 4 ½ million block marvel is titanic indeed.
#2: 16-Bit ALU
Created by “theinternetftw”
The things people do with Redstone. Back when Minecraft was still in its Alpha phase of development, people faced the limitations of not having Creative Mode's limitless inventory. But that didn't stop this creator, who worked within the restrictions to build a fully-functioning arithmetic logic unit using redstone circuits. The resulting 16-bit computer would allow players to perform simple math equations – not the most exciting thing, but considering the system took up countless in-game miles and actually works it's an outright miracle of an invention. This project also inspired many other creators to make their own computer systems within minecraft, including one that features a fully functioning keyboard.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
USS Enterprise-A
Created by “MozzieMineCraft”
Created by “Adam Shefki”
Created by “Princess_Garnet”
Mirror's Edge
Created by “Lord_Pancake”
The Tower of Babel
Created by “Hyta” (2012)
#1: Westeros
Created by team “WesterosCraft”
The Game of Thrones has been won – for this creator's dedication is truly incredible. Westeros is a big place – so it’s fitting that this full recreation of the continent is actually 1% the size of real life South America. Recreating such iconic landmarks as Winterfell, Castle Black and most impressively King’s Landing, this creation embodies majesty of its source material, and still makes our jaws drop each time we set eyes upon it.
There are literally thousands of amazing creations out there that it’s impossible to include them all on this list, so let us know what creations blew you away and we might just make another list. OF course, for more inspiring Top 10s published daily, be sure to subscribe to