8 Ways to Troll on Minecraft Public Servers

VOICE OVER: Riccardo Tucci
WRITTEN BY: Ty Richardson
Minecraft is a place we can go to forget all our troubles, but some of us really do want to watch the world burn and may pull some of these stunts the next time we play with others! For this list we're looking at ways players can troll others on Minecraft public servers. Our countdown includes "Replacing Items," "Flooding Rooms," "Spawning Fake Diamonds" and more!
Script written by Ty Richardson
Welcome to MojoPlays, and this is our list of 8 Ways to Troll on Minecraft Public Servers! "Minecraft" can be a safe haven - a place where all of your troubles can just flutter away (except for when a freakin' Creeper blows up your house!). However, some of us really do want to watch the world burn, and we may pull some of these stunts the next time we play with others. Better keep your guard!
Ah, the piston - a simple tool that can be used for building automatic doors, gates, and secret rooms. Although, it's pretty powerful considering it can move just about any block you place next to it. (See where we're going with this?) If you find your victi--I MEAN friend has left their house, start placing pistons beneath and around the place. You've just given the greatest place to live - it's the magical, ever-shifting house! Of course, you may need some redstone to make this work. So...maybe make sure they'll be out for a while. You can also spend some time making piston traps to ruin their day!
Signs give you a ton of creative freedom to mess with other players...perhaps a little TOO MUCH freedom. We know exactly what’s going on in your head, though! There are classier ways to go about annoying people than the typical, immature imagery most people would settle for. Why not decorate their house with terrible dad jokes, or put in your favorite demotivational quotes? However, if your goal is to put in as many signs as possible, simply place them down and spam the signs with the same messages over and over again. One of our favorites, though, is leaving a sign out that says “Thanks for the stuff!” We’ll let them figure out if we actually stole anything. While you’re at it, leave them another message by shooting arrows around their door.
Admit it! We've all been there! It's such a classic gag that there can't be a single "Minecraft" player who hasn't tried it! Simply load up your victim's floors with TNT and hook it up to a pressure plate. As soon as they step in, BOOM! They've lost their home while you've gained a wicked grin and some chuckles. That's a good day! If they start to frequently suspect you, you can always employ reverse psychology and place null pressure plates in their house. That oughta keep them on their toes!
This level of mischief can only be achieved if you are the admin of the server. Whether another player is annoying you or you're just that sadistic of an asshat to just mess with people unprovoked, you wield the power to basically become Zeus. You can use the "/summon" command to call down a lightning bolt at whichever position you so desire. Sure, you can use it to smite another player and tell them, "Oh, how unlucky!" Although, how about we get a little more creative? How about vanishing and summoning lightning bolts on nearby pigs and Creepers to start littering the place with Zombie Pigmen and Super Creepers? Or maybe setting an entire village on fire? That should spice things up!
Tags are a much more wondrous and fascinating tool than we give them credit for. We can use these to name just about anything we want! Wolves, pigs, golems...and even items. Does someone have an item you want? Well, the next time they're out, go and steal it. Then, use a tag to name a random item the same name as the item you stole. Place it back wherever you stole the item from and wait for your victim to notice. That Totem of Undying may look like a Creeper in your house, but it's still called "Totem of Undying"! So, TECHNICALLY, was the item ever really stolen?
If you aren't tricking others into stepping onto pressure plates and blowing up their homes, chances are you've flooded someone's home before. It's one of the more harmless pranks out there, but still funny nonetheless! We've all grabbed buckets of water to flood our friends' rooms just so we can giggle at the thought of their outrage. However, there is another way to flood a friend's home with something. Here's a tip - save up enough wood to craft a ton of boats. Then, start shoving them all through the front door. They'll have so much fun with the boat physics!
This is one of the most cruel jokes an admin can play on their members! This might require a little digging on the internet, but it is possible to spawn fake diamonds. Yes, they have the same appearance as a regular diamond, however what makes them useful in trolling others is the fact that they cannot be picked up. So if you manage to find the code you prefer, put it to use by placing these fakes in caves or treasure chests and watch the confusion unfold!
Mob spawning is one of the best parts about being an admin! What better entertainment is there when you can harass your players with bats, zombies, or skeletons? Of course, the best mob to spawn is the explosive jerk we all know and love - the Creeper. Ladies and gentlemen, all you need to do to get the best out of life is to find an unsuspecting player, and just start mass spawning Creepers. Don't do it to where the Creepers can surround and take them out easily, though. After all, the fun is in the chase! Spawn them in a group on one side of your victim! That'll make things more exciting.
8 Ways to Troll on Minecraft Public Servers
Welcome to MojoPlays, and this is our list of 8 Ways to Troll on Minecraft Public Servers! "Minecraft" can be a safe haven - a place where all of your troubles can just flutter away (except for when a freakin' Creeper blows up your house!). However, some of us really do want to watch the world burn, and we may pull some of these stunts the next time we play with others. Better keep your guard!
Piston Rearrange
Ah, the piston - a simple tool that can be used for building automatic doors, gates, and secret rooms. Although, it's pretty powerful considering it can move just about any block you place next to it. (See where we're going with this?) If you find your victi--I MEAN friend has left their house, start placing pistons beneath and around the place. You've just given the greatest place to live - it's the magical, ever-shifting house! Of course, you may need some redstone to make this work. So...maybe make sure they'll be out for a while. You can also spend some time making piston traps to ruin their day!
SIGNS of a Break-In
Signs give you a ton of creative freedom to mess with other players...perhaps a little TOO MUCH freedom. We know exactly what’s going on in your head, though! There are classier ways to go about annoying people than the typical, immature imagery most people would settle for. Why not decorate their house with terrible dad jokes, or put in your favorite demotivational quotes? However, if your goal is to put in as many signs as possible, simply place them down and spam the signs with the same messages over and over again. One of our favorites, though, is leaving a sign out that says “Thanks for the stuff!” We’ll let them figure out if we actually stole anything. While you’re at it, leave them another message by shooting arrows around their door.
Fun With Pressure Plates
Admit it! We've all been there! It's such a classic gag that there can't be a single "Minecraft" player who hasn't tried it! Simply load up your victim's floors with TNT and hook it up to a pressure plate. As soon as they step in, BOOM! They've lost their home while you've gained a wicked grin and some chuckles. That's a good day! If they start to frequently suspect you, you can always employ reverse psychology and place null pressure plates in their house. That oughta keep them on their toes!
Become Zeus
This level of mischief can only be achieved if you are the admin of the server. Whether another player is annoying you or you're just that sadistic of an asshat to just mess with people unprovoked, you wield the power to basically become Zeus. You can use the "/summon" command to call down a lightning bolt at whichever position you so desire. Sure, you can use it to smite another player and tell them, "Oh, how unlucky!" Although, how about we get a little more creative? How about vanishing and summoning lightning bolts on nearby pigs and Creepers to start littering the place with Zombie Pigmen and Super Creepers? Or maybe setting an entire village on fire? That should spice things up!
“Replacing” Items
Tags are a much more wondrous and fascinating tool than we give them credit for. We can use these to name just about anything we want! Wolves, pigs, golems...and even items. Does someone have an item you want? Well, the next time they're out, go and steal it. Then, use a tag to name a random item the same name as the item you stole. Place it back wherever you stole the item from and wait for your victim to notice. That Totem of Undying may look like a Creeper in your house, but it's still called "Totem of Undying"! So, TECHNICALLY, was the item ever really stolen?
Flooding Rooms
If you aren't tricking others into stepping onto pressure plates and blowing up their homes, chances are you've flooded someone's home before. It's one of the more harmless pranks out there, but still funny nonetheless! We've all grabbed buckets of water to flood our friends' rooms just so we can giggle at the thought of their outrage. However, there is another way to flood a friend's home with something. Here's a tip - save up enough wood to craft a ton of boats. Then, start shoving them all through the front door. They'll have so much fun with the boat physics!
Spawning Fake Diamonds
This is one of the most cruel jokes an admin can play on their members! This might require a little digging on the internet, but it is possible to spawn fake diamonds. Yes, they have the same appearance as a regular diamond, however what makes them useful in trolling others is the fact that they cannot be picked up. So if you manage to find the code you prefer, put it to use by placing these fakes in caves or treasure chests and watch the confusion unfold!
Spawn Creepers
Mob spawning is one of the best parts about being an admin! What better entertainment is there when you can harass your players with bats, zombies, or skeletons? Of course, the best mob to spawn is the explosive jerk we all know and love - the Creeper. Ladies and gentlemen, all you need to do to get the best out of life is to find an unsuspecting player, and just start mass spawning Creepers. Don't do it to where the Creepers can surround and take them out easily, though. After all, the fun is in the chase! Spawn them in a group on one side of your victim! That'll make things more exciting.