Top 10 Minecraft Mods

Minecraft is great by itself, but who says you can't build off that great foundation? Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Minecraft Mods.
For this list, we ranked some of our favorite Minecraft mods, only excluding for packs of mods, like Tekkit.
Special Thanks to our users "A51fiction" "Watch" "Carlos42" "SwiftKiller487" "Declan Hearne" & "Xombin" for suggesting this topic on our Suggeston Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: “Biomes O' Plenty”
Despite the fun of the original Minecraft landscape, it’s nice to have options, which is what this mod brings. It adds over 70 biomes to the game, ranging from terrains as simple as marshes to truly unique lands, such as the lush Mystic Grove. That biome’s gorgeous pink sky adds beauty to your Minecraft experience, although you’ll want to steer clear of its poisonous lakes. Luckily, if you do get poisoned, you can restore health by crafting the Shroom Salad.
#9: “Mo’ Creatures”
If your favorite part of Minecraft is the mobs, this is definitely the mod for you. It’s not for the cowardly player, since it introduces terrifying animals like sharks. At the same time, if you’ve got a little chutzpah, you can tame and ride dolphins, making for a great addition to gameplay. You’re in luck if you want to bring even more animals into the game, because you can even breed the new animals. Everyone likes kittens.
#8: “Ars Magica”
Hoping to make Minecraft more magical? Check out this mod, which adds 70 spells to the game. Before you can cast any, you’ll need to craft an Arcane Empowerment Table and an Inscription Table, and then throw a bevy of disgusting ingredients into a cauldron in order to create a veritable witch’s brew. But it’ll be worth it once you do, since you can use spells like the Kiss of Death, which damages opponents as if they were hit by the “/kill” command. You’ll need it for the terrifying enemies the mod also adds, such as the magic-sucking mana creepers.
#7: “Mine and Blade: Battlegear 2”
This one’s for the Minecrafter whose favorite part of the game is the combat. If you were tired of using just one weapon at a time, you’re in luck, because it allows dual wielding. Not only can you carry brandish two weapons at the same time, but the mod adds new weapons such as the Waraxe and the dagger. Of course, those players that prefer to be the tanks in their party will be glad to know that a new shielding mechanic as well, which is guaranteed to make your adventures that much safer.
#6: “NotEnoughItems (NEI)”
Minecraft is incredibly deep, and the amount of blocks and items found in game are practically innumerable. Luckily, this inventory management system is here to help you keep track of all of them. Even better, the included recipe book gives you each item’s details, meaning no more alt-tabbing to check the wiki. It also grants you the ability to change the time and whether, cuz nobody likes to craft in the dark.
#5: “Minecraft Comes Alive”
While new creatures and enemies are added all the time, but it can still get a little bit lonely. The addition of NPC villagers that were eventually patched into the game was nice, but many players wanted to interact with them. This mod lets you trade, chat with, or even marry the NPCs and start families. Plus, with all of the different looking men and women contained in this mod, you’ll certainly have no shortage of choices for your partner.
#4: “Galacticraft”
Here’s a mod for the player who wants more sci-fi out of his Minecraft experience. It introduces a craftable rocketship to the game, allowing you to disregard gravity and blast out to the moon and space. Don’t be worried about struggling to breathe up there, because the mod lets you craft oxygen generators and masks to keep you breathin’ easy. Building a rocket ain’t easy and requires a huge amount of resourses, but once your chopping through moon zombies you’ll agree that it was worth it.
#3: “Zan’s Minimap Mod”
There’s nothing worse than making an awesome creation and not being able to find it. Although the in game maps you can craft do technically work, they’re not exactly user friendly. Luckily, this mod solves your problems by helping you keep track of the game’s environment. It also shows you when mobs are coming, so they won’t be able to sneak up on you. Even better, it adds a death marker, showing you where you last died and making it that much easier to get back there to retrieve whatever you dropped.
#2: “Pixelmon”
Are you the type of person that wants all your gameplay experiences mashed together? Definitely give this mod a try. It adds 294 different Pokemon creatures to the game, as well as an awesome Pokemon-style battle system. There are also NPC trainers to challenge, and of course, this still being minecraft, pokeballs to craft. With Poke-fans clamoring for an 3D, open world pokemon game for years, this is the next best thing to tide them over.
Before we get to our number one, let’s take a look at some honorable mentions:
“Archaeology and Fossils”
“Portal Mod”
#1: “Buildcraft”
Given that Minecraft is all about building at its core, it’s no surprise that we chose this mod for the top of our list. It lets you create useful machines, such as a refinery. Sound boring? Well, the refinery can make automated mining machines that carve out a quarry for you, and organize the gathered resources into appropriate chests. THEY TOOK OUR JAAABS. Seriously though, this mod pushes your builds into the industrial era, giving you more time to do the really fun part – the building.
There are literally hundreds of mods just for minecraft out there that its impossible to cover them all, so let us know politely what Mods you can’t live without and we might make another list. And of course, for more constructive top 10s published daily, be sure to subscribe to